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Analytical retrospective review of spermatic cord torsion at Alassad University - Hospital (university OF Tishreen) during 39 months

دراسة تحليلية استرجاعية لحالات لوِي الحبل المنوي في مشفى الأسد الجامعي بجامعة تشرين و ذلك خلال فترة 39 شهرا

968   0   14   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2004
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Torsion of the spermatic cord (torsion of the testis) is an important surgical urologic emergency most commonly seen in adolescent males. It causes strangulation of the blood supply to the testis. Unless treatment is done in accurate time testicular ischemia, functional disorders, atrophy even death of the testis may occur. So it is an important and risky lesion necessitates suitable management. 22 cases of testicular torsion were studied at ALASSAD University Hospital (University of Tishreen ) during 3 years and 3 months .Diagnostic was confirmed by symptoms and clinical examination: Acute and sudden testicular pain happened in all cases (100%), testicular swelling was found in (95%), retracted testis with horizontal orientation in (100%), anterior epididymal position in (100%). Colored Doppler sonography was done in (90.9%). Surgical detorsion with contra- lateral orchiopexy was achieved in all cases without orchiectomy. In conclusion, testicular torsion is supposed to be suspected in all cases of testicular, acute, sudden pain, in adolescent male and this can be verified by complementary exameninatios as: color Doppler sonography and scintillation scan without washing time, and all cases should to be followed up in the future.

References used
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Barada JH, Weingarten JL, Cromie WJ: Testicular salvage and agerelated delay in the presentation of testicular torsion, J Urol 1989.142:746
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We retrospectively reviewed data of all patients who underwent study or surgery for Lung Cancer from (1997 to 2012) in the department of thoracic surgery at Alassad University Hospital in Damascus. There were 2029 patients with Lung cancer,1727 male 85,11% and 302 female 14,88%,87,53% of patients were smoking, and cough was the most common symptom about 70% of patients. There were 889 squamous cell carcinoma 43,81%, 702 adenocarcinoma 34,79%, 246 small cell carcinoma 12,12%,67 large cell carcinoma 3,3% and 66 carcinoid tumor 3,25%; the staging was 6,35% stageI,14,98% stageII,15,91% stage IIIA,29,02% stageIIIB,33,71% stage IV. Radical Surgery consisted of 621 formal lung resection 229 lobectomies 36,87%, 163 bilobectomies 26,2%, 158 pneumonectomy 25,44%,35 sleeve or bronchoplastic resection 5,63% ,36 partial resection 6,15%. The perioperative mortality was 3,05% and the overall 5 year survival was 22,9%. Our study resembles most of the studies made in the developing countries in the result that the rate of smoking and of lung cancer among women is fewer compared to the International rate. It also resembles most of the European countries in the result that squamous cell carcinoma is the most common pathological pattern, and the size of pulmonary resection is bigger than that in the developed countries where they have earlier diagnosis. Moreover, the rate of the sleeve resection surgery along with the rate of mortality resemble that of the International centers.
The urinary bladder malignant neoplasms are the member of the most common malignancies through the world. The diagnosis of bladder carcinoma in its late advanced development evokes the surgeon to radical cystectomy. The studying points are the correc t diagnosis, histological types, histological grade and pathological stage of the disease, in order to achieve the best treatment and prognosis. The morphological examination of bladder biopsies were done routinely, the total biopsies were 250, obtained from 194 patients (172 male, 22 female). The low grade tumor were 41, and high grade 149.although the early stage diagnosis were 138, and the late stage 66, always we must detect the lesion early for the best life after the treatment. may be useful in the future study and detect the reason of predominance the male gender in bladder tumor, also we hope, that we can discover the role of inflammation in arising the neoplasm of bladder.
During 2016 we have made 167 survey bronchoscopy (101 males & 66 females),they had been done by flexible fibroscope (pentaxTM) slim diameter . Patients has prepared for the endoscopy by local anesthesia on nose ,pharynx and larynx using Lidocaine .In few particular cases , the sedation has been done by Midazolam (5mg) intravenous . The endoscopy's tolerance was good and no complication that require recovery occurred . The indications of the endoscopy were suspected malignancy, 49 cases had diagnosed in the rate of 56.3%. The disorders had been diagnosed and isolated in the case of suspected infections in 11 patients in the rate of 45.8%.The tuberculosis had been diagnosed in 9 patients in the rate of 42.8%. In hemoptysis cases ,bleeding site and causing factor had causing factor had been detected in 12 patients in rate of 63%. In chronic cough cases, the diagnosis had been confirmed in 4 patients in the rate of 50%. In case of interstitial pulmonary lesions , the diagnosis had been confirmed in 4 patients in the rate of 50%. After the study ,we emphasize the importance of broncoscopy as survey diagnostic instrument especially in malignancy cases , other negative tests (blood, sputum ), suspected infections , tuberculosis ,hemoptysis cases and interstitial lesions .Especially it is external good tolerances procedure with rare complication.
Chemotherapy drugs cannot tell the difference between of normal cells and cancer cells. This means normal cells are damaged and this results in side effects, This damage does not stop in the patient who receiving treatment but also extends to all e mployees in the health care sitting. Nurses are the main groups that are exposed to these drugs in hospital setting Generally, the occupational activities that pose to greatest risk of exposure are the preparation ,Transporting cytotoxic drugs, administration of antineoplastic agents, cleaning of chemotherapy spills, and handling of waste. Nurses require specialized knowledge and skills in order to ensure safety for both patients life and for their own safety of the jobs. Because of available a lot of chemotherapy guidelines we Must assess knowledge and skills nursing staff and assess the extent of their commitment to these guidelines. Objective: The objectives of this study were to assessment of knowledge and skill of oncology nurses in chemotherapy administration.
The purpose of the study was to assess the role of the head nurses in managing the performance of the nursing staff at Tishreen University Hospital from the point of view of the nursing staff and the head nurses. The sample that have been used was av ailable of the head nurses and the simple randomness of the nursing staff and was composed of 55.5% of head nurses and their number was (30) head nurses And 50% of the nursing staff participating in the Tishreen University Hospital during the application of the research and their number was (300) nurse. An improved tool for gathering information was used based on recent research literatures, and data were collected and analyzed using SPSS version 20. The most important results: The assessment of the role of head nurses in managing staff performance at Tishreen University Hospital in general was in a good level.

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