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The Epidemiology of Lung Cancer (16- Year Experience of Alassad University Hospital in Damascus)

دراسة الخصائص الوبائية و السريرية لسرطان الرئة البدئي (خبرة 16 عاماً في مشفى الأسد الجامعي بدمشق)

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We retrospectively reviewed data of all patients who underwent study or surgery for Lung Cancer from (1997 to 2012) in the department of thoracic surgery at Alassad University Hospital in Damascus. There were 2029 patients with Lung cancer,1727 male 85,11% and 302 female 14,88%,87,53% of patients were smoking, and cough was the most common symptom about 70% of patients. There were 889 squamous cell carcinoma 43,81%, 702 adenocarcinoma 34,79%, 246 small cell carcinoma 12,12%,67 large cell carcinoma 3,3% and 66 carcinoid tumor 3,25%; the staging was 6,35% stageI,14,98% stageII,15,91% stage IIIA,29,02% stageIIIB,33,71% stage IV. Radical Surgery consisted of 621 formal lung resection 229 lobectomies 36,87%, 163 bilobectomies 26,2%, 158 pneumonectomy 25,44%,35 sleeve or bronchoplastic resection 5,63% ,36 partial resection 6,15%. The perioperative mortality was 3,05% and the overall 5 year survival was 22,9%. Our study resembles most of the studies made in the developing countries in the result that the rate of smoking and of lung cancer among women is fewer compared to the International rate. It also resembles most of the European countries in the result that squamous cell carcinoma is the most common pathological pattern, and the size of pulmonary resection is bigger than that in the developed countries where they have earlier diagnosis. Moreover, the rate of the sleeve resection surgery along with the rate of mortality resemble that of the International centers.

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Research summary
تستعرض هذه الدراسة الخصائص الوبائية والسريرية لسرطان الرئة في مشفى الأسد الجامعي بدمشق على مدى 16 عامًا (1997-2012). شملت الدراسة 2029 مريضًا، منهم 1727 رجلًا و302 امرأة، وكانت نسبة المدخنين 87.53%. كان السعال العرض الأكثر شيوعًا بنسبة 70%. توزع المرضى حسب الأنماط النسيجية إلى كارسينوما شائكة الخلايا (43.81%)، كارسينوما غدية (34.79%)، كارسينوما صغيرة الخلايا (12.12%)، كارسينوما كبيرة الخلايا (3.3%)، وكارسينوئيد (3.25%). توزع المرضى حسب التصنيف المرحلي إلى 6.35% في المرحلة I، و14.98% في المرحلة II، و15.91% في المرحلة IIIA، و29.02% في المرحلة IIIB، و33.71% في المرحلة IV. أجريت 621 جراحة جذرية، وكانت نسبة الوفيات حول الجراحة 3.05%، ومعدل البقيا الإجمالية لخمس سنوات 15.5%. تقارن الدراسة نتائجها مع الدول النامية والمتقدمة، مشيرة إلى أن نسبة الإصابة بين النساء أقل بكثير من النسبة العالمية، وأن حجم الاستئصال الرئوي أكبر بسبب التشخيص المتأخر.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم الدراسة تحليلًا شاملاً لسرطان الرئة في سوريا، ولكنها تفتقر إلى بعض الجوانب التي قد تكون مفيدة. على سبيل المثال، لم تتناول الدراسة تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى غير التدخين على انتشار المرض. كما أن الدراسة لم تقدم تحليلًا مفصلًا للعلاجات غير الجراحية وتأثيرها على معدل البقاء. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن أن تكون المقارنة مع الدول الأخرى أكثر تفصيلًا لتوضيح الفروقات بشكل أكبر. بشكل عام، تعتبر الدراسة قيمة ولكنها تحتاج إلى مزيد من التفصيل في بعض الجوانب لتحسين فهمنا لسرطان الرئة في المنطقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي نسبة المدخنين بين مرضى سرطان الرئة في الدراسة؟

    بلغت نسبة المدخنين بين مرضى سرطان الرئة في الدراسة 87.53%.

  2. ما هو العرض السريري الأكثر شيوعًا بين مرضى سرطان الرئة في الدراسة؟

    كان السعال العرض السريري الأكثر شيوعًا بين مرضى سرطان الرئة بنسبة 70%.

  3. ما هي الأنماط النسيجية الأكثر شيوعًا لسرطان الرئة في الدراسة؟

    كانت الأنماط النسيجية الأكثر شيوعًا هي كارسينوما شائكة الخلايا (43.81%)، كارسينوما غدية (34.79%)، وكارسينوما صغيرة الخلايا (12.12%).

  4. ما هو معدل البقاء الإجمالي لخمس سنوات لمرضى سرطان الرئة في الدراسة؟

    بلغ معدل البقاء الإجمالي لخمس سنوات لمرضى سرطان الرئة في الدراسة 15.5%.

References used
Philip, W.Smith;David, R.Jones .Biology And Epidemiology of Lung Cancer. Pearson's Thoracic &Esophagial Surgery,volum1,3th Edition, Churchill Livingston Elsevier 2008:708- 728
Thomas, W.Shields.Pathology of Carcinoma of the Lung,General Thoracic Surgery ,Vol2,7th Edition,Lippincott Williams&Wilkins 2009:1311-13372007;2:706-714
Danny, R.Youlden;Susanna, M.Cramb; Peter, D.Baade.The International Epidemiology of Lung Cancer Geographical Distribution and Secular Trends.Journal of Thoracic Oncology,Volume 3,Number 8,August 2008:819-831
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The empty sella syndrome (ESS) is an asymptomatic radiological syndrome, affecting 6% of post-menopausal women and can be seen in all ages. The results were similar with other studies in many respects, such as a wide age spectrum including childre n, and the occurrence of diabetes insipidus in 5.97%. The results of our study were discordant with other studies with respect to hyperprolactinemia which reached 58.2% in our study (in other studies did not exceed 33.7%). No concurrent cases of secretory pituitary adenomas were found (studies refer to an incidence of acromegaly and Cushing’s syndrome in 2.6% of ESS for each). We did not record CSF rhinorrhea nor were visual disturbances seen in our cohort. Patients received symptomatic treatment and none were referred to surgery.
Larynx cancer is the most common cancer of the head and neck with the exception of the skin and it accounts for 2% of all cancer diagnoses, its genesis is directly associated with alcohol drinking and smoking, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the m ost common histological type (95%) of larynx cancer. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate 3D conformal radiotherapy of accelerated system for early larynx cancer and to estimate acute and late toxicity which appear because of irradiated normal tissues around the tumor (thyroid gland, spine cord, ….) and also to evaluate the rate of recurrence and survival. Materials and methods: The study was performed of 44 patients of scc larengeal cancer stage T1/T2, that underwent RT (2015 – 2017), 84% with glottic cancer, the median age was 63 years, all patients were treated 3D conformal RT, Total dose between (60-66) Gy, 2Gy/fraction (5 fractions in week).Our analysis was to evaluate the acute and late toxicity dure and after radiotherapy, and also the rate of recurrence and survival. Results: The most toxicity was dysphagia (42 PTs) 96%, radiodermitis (30 PTs) 70%, the least toxicity was tooth damage. No evidence of late toxicity, the rate of recurrence (11 PTs) 25%, metastases occur in (1 PT). (6/ 41 PTs) 16.4% were dead. Conclusion: Radiotherapy is the important role to control early larynx cancer, and 3DRadiotherapy is giving a large dose to treat the tumor and save the normal tissues around the tumor from effect of radiation, therefor absence the late toxicity.
Introduction 7 Visceral Leishmaniasis( VL )is characterized by a spectrum of clinical features, with high cure rates in early diagnosis. Objective: the objective is to describe the clinical and epidemiological features and laboratory variables of children with visceral leishmaniasis ,And to define the importance of a positive direct investigation of the parasite in Bone marrow in the diagnosis of disease . Patients and Methods : It was a case series study of )52( cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis which were hospitalized between June-20 31and June-2014 in Al -Assad University Hospital ,Latakia Results 52 7 7 children were included in this study .Majority of the patients (92%) presented with fever ,common findings in physical examination were(100%) Pallor and (97%) splenomegaly The direct investigation of parasite in Bone marrow was positive in )%55( of cases .
Torsion of the spermatic cord (torsion of the testis) is an important surgical urologic emergency most commonly seen in adolescent males. It causes strangulation of the blood supply to the testis. Unless treatment is done in accurate time testicul ar ischemia, functional disorders, atrophy even death of the testis may occur. So it is an important and risky lesion necessitates suitable management. 22 cases of testicular torsion were studied at ALASSAD University Hospital (University of Tishreen ) during 3 years and 3 months .Diagnostic was confirmed by symptoms and clinical examination: Acute and sudden testicular pain happened in all cases (100%), testicular swelling was found in (95%), retracted testis with horizontal orientation in (100%), anterior epididymal position in (100%). Colored Doppler sonography was done in (90.9%). Surgical detorsion with contra- lateral orchiopexy was achieved in all cases without orchiectomy. In conclusion, testicular torsion is supposed to be suspected in all cases of testicular, acute, sudden pain, in adolescent male and this can be verified by complementary exameninatios as: color Doppler sonography and scintillation scan without washing time, and all cases should to be followed up in the future.
Nursing is considered to be one of the most stressful professions among the human services professions, it need compassion and involvement beyond physical care giving. Nurses have tremendous responsibilities and deal with enormous challenges, Burno ut is one of these challenges, it is characterized by decreasing energy, power and resources in the presence of excessive demands. It is one of the factors which influence the efficiency and productivity of the workers and staff in every field. Aim: This descriptive study was aimed to assess burnout among 135 nurses, were randomly chosen, working in various section of Al-Assad university hospital. The data were collected by using a translated version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey. Results: Showed high levels of burnout among nurses as general Nurses working in Emergency Room, Intensive Care, Operation Room with Baccholrius degree had high level of Emotional Exhaustio (EE). Nurses young people experienced high level of Depronalization (D). Nurses working in night shift showed low level of Personal Accomplishment (PA(.No statistical significance was found between burnout and gende, marital status, work experience. Conclusions: this problem must be studied more deeply and related factors should be recognized in order to reduce burn out among nurses. Many affected aspects of nurse's job should be noticed and appropriate intervention should be conducted.
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