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The cases of foreign body aspiration constitute a significant proportion of emergency cases that present to emergency departments around the clock. These cases demand quick management and wisdom to decide the therapeutic procedure, in order to achi eve a delicate balance between the need for endoscopy on the one hand and the complications due to endoscopy or the delay of it on the other hand. The possibility of reaching an algorithm based on a combinatorial approach that encompasses evaluation of clinical findings along with investigations will help to increase the accuracy of decision making process and reduce complications. To outline helpful measures in the management of suspected cases of foreign-body aspirations in order to increase the accuracy of bronchoscopy indications, and thus decrease negative bronchoscopies and also reduce morbidity and mortality associated with suspected aspiration’s cases.
Hemoptysis is the expectoration of blood that originates from the lower respiratory tract. In this study: hemoptysis was performed on /266/ patients who came to Damascus and Alandalus Hospitals and to private clinics from 6/1/2013 to 25/4/2015.
During 2016 we have made 167 survey bronchoscopy (101 males & 66 females),they had been done by flexible fibroscope (pentaxTM) slim diameter . Patients has prepared for the endoscopy by local anesthesia on nose ,pharynx and larynx using Lidocaine .In few particular cases , the sedation has been done by Midazolam (5mg) intravenous . The endoscopy's tolerance was good and no complication that require recovery occurred . The indications of the endoscopy were suspected malignancy, 49 cases had diagnosed in the rate of 56.3%. The disorders had been diagnosed and isolated in the case of suspected infections in 11 patients in the rate of 45.8%.The tuberculosis had been diagnosed in 9 patients in the rate of 42.8%. In hemoptysis cases ,bleeding site and causing factor had causing factor had been detected in 12 patients in rate of 63%. In chronic cough cases, the diagnosis had been confirmed in 4 patients in the rate of 50%. In case of interstitial pulmonary lesions , the diagnosis had been confirmed in 4 patients in the rate of 50%. After the study ,we emphasize the importance of broncoscopy as survey diagnostic instrument especially in malignancy cases , other negative tests (blood, sputum ), suspected infections , tuberculosis ,hemoptysis cases and interstitial lesions .Especially it is external good tolerances procedure with rare complication.

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