عمد الباحث إلى دراسة مفهوم اللون في العصر الحديث و بيان نظريات الانسجام
و التضاد اللوني، كما تطرق إلى فلسفة اللون بتوضيح علاقة الألوان بعناصر التشكيل في
الفراغ، و تأثيراتها النفسية المختلفة لعدد من أنواع الفراغات الداخلية" سكنية، تعليمية،
ثقافية، تجارية، صحية..."
و خلص البحث إلى تحديد أهم الاعتبارات و الخطوات الواجب مراعاتها عند دراسة أي
منظومة لونية لأي فراغ داخلي، لتحقيق البعد الوظيفي بداية، و البعد الجمالي نهاية.
The researcher study the color concept in modern age, and clarify the
theories of harmony and contrast of colors. Also he talked about the color
philosophy, which include a study of the relation between color and shape,
form, space…, and a study of the psychological' colors effects on number of
interiors, Residential, Educational, Cultural, Commercial, Health care…
Finally, the research end to give the most important considerations and
steps that should be followed in the study to any color scheme of an interior
space, in a way that achieve the functional aspect as first, and aesthetic
aspect as second.
References used
Color." ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA.Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Ultimate Reference Suite.Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007
Definition of Interior Design ,ASID American Society Of Interior Designers
Educational Spaces ,Volume 2, The Imaging Publishing Group Pty Ltd, 2000
This research is an analytic study about the aestheticism and impact of Arab calligraphy on architecture and enriching the interior space through intellectual and religious factors and principles. It also deals with the relationship between the Arab
Among most characteristic of hotels services, the guest room which the tourist stays in. Within this room
the tourist practices his activities to visit historical, archeological, marketing, entertaining...Etc.
By scoping on guest room design which
The purpose of the research is to deepen the feeling of aesthetic
entity of Arab poetry from moralities standpoint, that is the secret behind
its immortality. and to affirm that the idiom of 'poets potency' by
Alasmae is an aesthetic principle tal
The research presents a review and analysis of the architectural
perspective on this issues with a view to making recommendations that will help produce a sense of intimacy and closeness between personnel working in administrative buildings in order
This research paper aimed to study the idioms lexicalization in medium sized
monolingual dictionaries as an attempt to combine theorization and practice of
contemporary lexicography. Theorization, or the theoretical part of the research, is