إن من أكثر سمات الخدمات الفندقية، غرف الإقامة حيث يقيم فيها السائح، و منها ينطلق لممارسة نشاطه السياحي من زيارة الأماكن التاريخية و الأثرية و التسويقية و الترفيهية.. الخ. و في هذا البحث يسلَّطُ الضوء على التصميم الداخلي لغرفة الإقامة في الفنادق السياحية لما تحمله من دلالات تتعلق بواجبات الضيافة و نوعية الخدمة و الطابع الثقافي حيث يقضي السائح فيها إقامته طوال جولته السياحية، إِذ يجب أن ترتبط الإقامة الفندقية بالمحيط البيئي و الجوار الحضري، ما يترك لدى السائح المقيم انطباعات عامة و شخصية خلال زيارته للقطر.
تبين في البحث الميداني أنّه كلما كانت نوعية الخدمة المقدمة للسائح عالية الجودة، ساعد ذلك على زيادة الرواج السياحي، و العكس صحيح، و الاهتمام هنا يتركز على الفنادق من فئة الأربع و ثلاث نجوم إِذ تتميز بمعدلات إقبال أكبر
من السياحة الخارجية و الداخلية ذات الكلفة الاقتصادية المنخفضة نسبياً.
Among most characteristic of hotels services, the guest room which the tourist stays in. Within this room
the tourist practices his activities to visit historical, archeological, marketing, entertaining...Etc.
By scoping on guest room design which implies many indications concerning of hospitability duties,
service quality, cultural type whereas the tourist spends his staying during his tour. The hotel sojourn
relates ecological milieu and urban neighborhood. Such things lead the tourist to have general and
personal impressions during his tour. The high quality of such service presented to tourist, the increasing
of tourism income, and vice versa. The research concerned on hotel rating of 4 & 3 stars. This group
characterized by external and local arrival rates of low costs.
References used
Elements of Design And Architectural construction ,Ernst Neufert,Translated by Rabieh M.Nazir Harastani,Dar Al Ayam for printing and publishingpp 346-351
Erdmann, Kurt, Erdmann, Hanna. 1961. Das anatolische Karavansaray des 13. Jahrhunderts, 3 vols. Berlin: Mann, 1976, ISBN 3-7861-2241-5
Hillenbrand, Robert, Islamic Architecture: Form, function and meaning. NY: Columbia University Press. (see Chapter VI for an in depth overview of the caravanserai). 1994
The researcher study the color concept in modern age, and clarify the
theories of harmony and contrast of colors. Also he talked about the color
philosophy, which include a study of the relation between color and shape,
form, space…, and a study o
This research aimed to study the impact of electronic promotion in
rising percentages of hotels occupancy.
This research highlights the role of urban heritage as
powerful economic and touristic resources in addition to its role as
an essential source for community development, as well as a
basis to conserve the local culture and urban identity. The
This research aims basically to highlight the role and importance of climate
psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in the activation of organizational
loyalty status of employees in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations (TPSS) at
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of internal
auditing units in managing risks in Jordanian insurance corporations.
To achieve the objective of this study, a survey questionnaire
consisting of the three sections: Risk assignments، risk assessment and
risk responsiveness was distributed.