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Measure of economic and technical efficiency for cotton farms irrigated by surface way in Qamishli district (Al-Hassakah province )

قياس الكفاءة الاقتصادية و الفنية لمزارع القطن المروي بطريقة الري السطحي في منطقة القامشلي (محافظة الحسكة)

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aimed to measure the economic and technical efficiency using analysis of the random border production function (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) for cotton farms irrigated by surface immersion way in Qamishli district in Al Hassakah province. Preliminary data for 89 farms spread over 12 villages were collected on the basis of field survey using the stratified random sample in selection the research sample. Results showed that the value of the gross margin per unit area amounted to about 10308.4 SP /dunums and the value of the gross margin per unit was 0.63 SP. It was found that the variable costs were responsible significantly for 38% of the change in the return and farms are still in the phase of yields increased. This indicated that cotton farms had reached the stage of diminishing returns and the yield size was negative. Thus, it is not anymore recommended to increase the cotton production irrigated by surface way. It was also found that the average value of the technical efficiency of farms amounted 88.58% and the largest number of farms had achieved a technical efficiency higher than the average in the studied sample.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول الدراسة قياس الكفاءة الاقتصادية والفنية لمزارع القطن المروي بطريقة الري السطحي في منطقة القامشلي بمحافظة الحسكة. استخدمت الدراسة تحليل دالة الإنتاج الحدودي العشوائي (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) لجمع البيانات الأولية من 89 مزرعة موزعة على 12 قرية. أظهرت النتائج أن التكاليف المتغيرة مسؤولة عن 38% من التغير في المردود، وأن المزارع لا تزال في مرحلة الغلة المتزايدة. كما تبين أن غلة الحجم سالبة، مما يعني عدم جدوى التوسع في إنتاج القطن المروي بالنظام السطحي التقليدي. بلغ متوسط الكفاءة الفنية في هذه المزارع 88.58%، حيث حققت معظم المزارع كفاءة فنية أعلى من المتوسط. أوصت الدراسة بضرورة التحول إلى طرق الري الحديثة والاستمرار في تقديم الدعم الحكومي لمحصول القطن.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن الدراسة تقدم تحليلاً شاملاً للكفاءة الاقتصادية والفنية لمزارع القطن في منطقة القامشلي، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، يمكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة ليشمل مناطق أخرى في سوريا للحصول على صورة أكثر شمولية. ثانياً، يمكن تضمين تحليل أعمق للعوامل البيئية والمناخية التي قد تؤثر على إنتاجية القطن. ثالثاً، يمكن تقديم توصيات أكثر تفصيلاً حول كيفية تحسين الكفاءة الفنية والاقتصادية، بما في ذلك استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في الزراعة. وأخيراً، يمكن تحسين طريقة جمع البيانات لتشمل المزيد من المزارع وتوفير بيانات أكثر دقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي نسبة التكاليف المتغيرة في التغير في المردود وفقاً للدراسة؟

    التكاليف المتغيرة مسؤولة عن 38% من التغير في المردود.

  2. ما هو متوسط الكفاءة الفنية لمزارع القطن في منطقة القامشلي؟

    متوسط الكفاءة الفنية بلغ 88.58%.

  3. ما هي توصيات الدراسة لتحسين إنتاجية القطن؟

    أوصت الدراسة بضرورة التحول إلى طرق الري الحديثة والاستمرار في تقديم الدعم الحكومي لمحصول القطن.

  4. ما هي النتائج المتعلقة بغلة الحجم في مزارع القطن المروي بالنظام السطحي التقليدي؟

    غلة الحجم كانت سالبة، مما يعني عدم جدوى التوسع في إنتاج القطن المروي بالنظام السطحي التقليدي.

References used
Battese, G. and T .Coelli.. 1995 A model for Technical Inefficiency Effects in a Stochastic Frontier Production Function for Panel data. Empirical Economics 25:623-640
Battese, G. E. 1992. Frontier Production Functions and Technical Efficiency. A Survey of Empirical Applications in Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 7: 185-208
Farrell, M. J. 1957. The measurement of productive efficiency. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 120: 253-290
rate research

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The study aimed at evaluating and studying the economic efficiency of farms fattening sheep in Homs during the period (2008-2013), where the study was conducted on a sample of 25 farms, the average number of sheep, where about 25 head of Awas, by c alculating the costs and revenues, and using some of the economic indicators, where The results showed the following:The average revenue before the crisis to about 3743138 sp , and during the crisis to about 690525 sp.The average cost of producing 1 kg of gross weight of the animal for 195 sp before the crisis , and about 334 sp during the crisis .The average annual net profit before the crisis to about 427017 sp, and during the crisis to about 543224 sp.The average net profit margin before the crisis has reached about 38%, and during the crisis, about 24.6%, and reached average income per unit spending (rate of return simplex) before the crisis about 1.6 /unit spending, and about 1.4 /unit spending during the crisis. The average Profitability Coefficient for the capital invested by the crisis reached about 106.3%, and about 69.7 % during the crisis, but for the average coefficient profitability for the pre-crisis production costs have reached about 61.8%, and 39.5% during the crisis, the average time of the restoration of the invested capital before the crisis reached about 1.7 years, about 2.8 years during the crisis. The study also demonstrated an outbreak many of the mistakes common among farmers like to use the same combination of feed during the grow-out period and the lack of commitment by giving vaccines and not making Aldrees and silage and fodder buy most of the black market, which makes farmers vulnerable to the monopoly of the merchants. Which requires urgent intervention and more effective in order to expand the production of red meat, and to be covered by the development plans of the state, and work to protect the sheep of the country and prevent smuggling and to provide support and encouragement necessary for farmers to practice their profession fattening, especially after the reluctance of some of them for this the profession during the crisis, and working to educate farmers on the need to use methods of fattening more economically feasible, and conducting all necessary for the development of this important productive sector.
The aim of this research is to estimate the structure of production costs and consequently to derive the economies of scale for the irrigated tomatoes crop in Al Hasskae region. The search is adopted on the questionnaire method for sample included (15) village by using random sample of villages in AL-Hassake region, and the number of sampled population (100) farmer to the season 2012/2013, 2013/2014.
The main objective was to study the economic efficiency of Durum wheat in AL-Hassaka governorate during the growing season of 2010/2011 through a stratified random sample included 119 farmers distributed in 10% of the target villages. The results showed that Duma 1 variety had achieved the highest proportion in relation to the rate of adoptions and the highest adoption rate compared with other varieties cultivated with irrigated Durum wheat in ALHassaka governorate. Sham 3 variety had also the highest adoption rate (47.47%) and widely distributed compared with other varieties Durum wheat cultivated as a rain fed crop. The results also showed that the net return of irrigated Durum wheat was in AL-malkia and amounted to 1653.17 Syrian Liras/ Dunum while losing -261.50 Syrian Liras per Donum in AL-kamshli. Duma 1 variety reached the highest net return (2443.58 Syrian Liras per Donum) of irrigated Durum wheat. The net return of rain fed Durum wheat was observed in AL-Malkia and amounted to 792.92 Syrian Liras per Donum while losing -158.18 Syrian Liras per Donum in AL-kamshli. Sham 7 variety had the highest net return of rain fed Durum wheat and amounted to 1847.48 Syrian Liras per Donum.
The research was conducted at Al- Hassaka province during the 2010 - 2011 season to study socio-economic factors and other factors affecting the decision of wheat farmers to adopt the technology of modern irrigation and to identify the barriers th at limit the adoption of these techniques. Correlation and binary logistic regression was applied for data analysis. The results showed that 77.78% of the total farmers studied were using modern irrigation to irrigate their wheat crops and the rest were using traditional irrigation and this percentage is expected to increase from 77.78% in 2010 to 95% in 2025 with an annual rate of nearly 1.15%. Sprinkler irrigation adopted by larger percentage (63.33%) of farmers who adopted modern irrigation techniques and followed by the developed surface irrigation on lines (11.11%). It was observed that the high cost of the network played a fundamental role in the lack of 42.55% of farmers to adopt modern irrigations Statistical analysis showed that there was an inverse significant relationship between each of independent variables (percentage of farming labor force to total family labor force, farmer's experience) and the dependant variable adoption of modern irrigation techniques but there was a positive significant relationship between adoption of modern irrigation and other independent variables such as, cereals yield, farmers education level and direction of the farmer towards the agricultural extension.
The aim of this research was to measure the technical efficiency of cotton farms with surface irrigation system using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in the field school in Idleb governorate. Preliminary data was collected based on field surveys, and random sampling. 34 farms in the villages of Meless and Segar were chosen for the season 2014.
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