هدف البحث إلى دراسة مؤشرات التبني لتقنية الري الحديث لمزارعي محصول القمح المـروي فـي
محافظة الحسكة لموسم 2010/2011 ، و تأثير العوامل الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية المؤثرة في تبنـي قـرار
مزارعي القمح تقنية الري الحديث، و التعرف على المعوقات التي تحد من تبنيها. اسـتخدم فـي تحليـل
البيانات الارتباط و الانحدار الثنائي المنطقي. أظهرت النتائج أن 78.77 % مـن إجمـالي أفـراد العينـة
المدروسة يستخدمون الري الحديث في ري مزروعاتهم، و الباقي يستخدمون الري التقليدي، و قـد حقـق
الري بالرذاذ أعلى نسبة معدل تبني (33.63%) مقارنة بتقنيات الري الحديثـة الأخـرى، يليـه الـري
السطحي المطور على خطوط بنسبة (11.11%) و إن ارتفاع تكاليف الشبكة تلعب الدور الأساسـي فـي
عدم تبني 55.42 % من المزارعين للري الحديث، و بلغ معدل التبني الأقصى المتوقع حتـى عـام 2025
نحو 95 %. فضلاً عما سبق تبين وجود علاقة ارتباط معنوية عكسية بين تابع التبني و كـل مـن نـسبة
العاملين بالزراعة إلى إجمالي القوة العاملة في الأسرة، و عدد سنوات العمل في زراعة محـصول القمـح
المروي، و علاقة ارتباط معنوية طردية بين هذا التابع و كل من غلة محصول القمح المروي، و المـستوى
التعليمي، و تواصل المزارع مع الإرشاد الزراعي.
The research was conducted at Al- Hassaka province during the 2010 - 2011
season to study socio-economic factors and other factors affecting the decision
of wheat farmers to adopt the technology of modern irrigation and to identify
the barriers that limit the adoption of these techniques. Correlation and binary
logistic regression was applied for data analysis.
The results showed that 77.78% of the total farmers studied were using
modern irrigation to irrigate their wheat crops and the rest were using
traditional irrigation and this percentage is expected to increase from 77.78%
in 2010 to 95% in 2025 with an annual rate of nearly 1.15%. Sprinkler
irrigation adopted by larger percentage (63.33%) of farmers who adopted
modern irrigation techniques and followed by the developed surface irrigation
on lines (11.11%). It was observed that the high cost of the network played a
fundamental role in the lack of 42.55% of farmers to adopt modern irrigations
Statistical analysis showed that there was an inverse significant relationship
between each of independent variables (percentage of farming labor force to
total family labor force, farmer's experience) and the dependant variable
adoption of modern irrigation techniques but there was a positive significant
relationship between adoption of modern irrigation and other independent
variables such as, cereals yield, farmers education level and direction of the
farmer towards the agricultural extension.
References used
Krejcie, R. V. and D. W. Morgan. 1970. Determining sample Size for Research Activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement
Mazid, A. 1994, Factors influencing adoption of new agricultural technology in dry areas of Syria, Ph.D.thesis, University of Nottingham U.K
Mazid, A. 1999. The effect of fertilizers Use on rain-fed barley: A Case Study from Syria, ICARDA
The main objective was to study the economic efficiency of Durum wheat in
AL-Hassaka governorate during the growing season of 2010/2011 through a
stratified random sample included 119 farmers distributed in 10% of the target
villages. The results
The research aimed to measure the economic and technical efficiency
using analysis of the random border production function (Stochastic Frontier
Analysis) for cotton farms irrigated by surface immersion way in Qamishli
district in Al Hassakah prov
The research aimed at studying the impact of the most
important economic and social factors affecting the adoption of new
irrigation techniques، namely water collective management in ALGhab
basin in Syria .The research accomplished by taking a
The research study was conducted in Hama Governorate during the
agricultural season of 2010 - 2011 through a stratified random sample of 201
farmers who cultivate irrigated durum wheat in the research area in order to
measure the yield gap, the pr
Using modern irrigation started as individual initiatives, then the government supported the
introduction of these techniques through the national programme for transferring to modern
irrigation that started late 2000. This programme set up to conv