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The Socio-cultural Variables of the Divorce Phenomenon. (Anthropological Study in At-Turra village)

المتغيرات الاجتماعية و الثقافية لظاهرة الطلاق (دراسة انثروبولوجية في بلدة الطرة)

1056   2   28   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study seeks to describe and analyze the major socio-cultural variables related to the phenomenon of divorce in At-Turra village. To investigate such phenomenon and its constant rising percentage, the researcher used the ethnographic method which entailed participant observation as well as extended interviews with both the divorced and their families. Analysis of ethnographic data reveals that neglecting the socio-cultural and economic norms existing in the society plays a crucial role in destabilizing emotional relationships between the married couple due to internal factors related to the family itself or external ones manifested in the intertwined Shari'a teachings, tribal norms and traditions, and major transformations in the society.

References used
Abela, Anthony M. Who Wants Divorce? “Marriage Values and Divorce in Malta and Western Europe”. International Review of Sociology. Mar2001, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p75-87
Alvarez , A (1981). Life after marriage: love in an age of divorce. New York
برهوم، محمد "مكانة المرأة الاجتماعية والطلاق في الأردن"، مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية، العدد الأول السنة الخامسة،( 1977 )، جامعة الكويت، الكويت.
rate research

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The study was conducted in Damascus district, due to the importance of vegetable cultivation in this area. Two towns were selected randomly and four villages from each selected town with ten vegetable farmers from each selected village were random ly selected for the study. Thus, the total size of the sample was 80 farmers. The data was collected with the help of specially designed and pre-tested interview schedule. The objectives of the study were; to study some socio - economic variables of vegetable growers, and to know their sources of agricultural information, marketing channels, training needs and the main constraints faced them in producing and marketing of vegetables.
The study states that the rural community at the Syrian coast witnessed actually group of changes that were in touch with many sides of its structure and different functions, thus takeoff of the first light sparks was as an indication of the rural community entering into the first stages of the modernization and comprehensive development epoch. The study got to a conclusion stating that: entering electricity into the coastal countryside resulted truly in extension of utilization area in the agricultural field and public service, and then electricity provided the objective pivots to attain the countryside stability, and pushed the development wheel of its possibilities forward just as the urbanized community, because the sustainable development is completely and continuously societal operation. In spite of the important changing role that electricity played in the rural developmental operation, but the ambition is still larger in extending the utilization of this type of energy densely in both agricultural industry and tourist industry sectors, where all basic factors of promoting these two sectors in the coastal countryside are available, what ensure a rich source for supporting the national economy that consequently sustains the national returns of the foreign currency and forms a prop in the operation of attaining requirements of social welfare of the entire society.
Divorce is a phenomena that has a certain privacy about it, although its impact goes beyond the individual to include the community as a whole. The parties to the relationship affected by divorce are inflicted by long-term moral and material damag e, due to the consequent negative impact of the disintegration of the family, the adverse and negative effects on the children, and the social and non-social effects like disorders ranging from personal to deviant behavior and crime. Divorce is an ominous accident ominous for the couple as it indicates the extent of the disintegration of the family; it is a kind of escape from the tensions and obligations of marriage. The study of divorce is important to identify the extent of the relation of disintegrated families to social problems afflicting households and families. The family is part of the community and when households are strong the society will become strong, and vice versa. The study identifies the reasons of divorce and the dire consequences on the family, the children and the relationship of husband and wife. The study discusses the strong relationship between the culture of the society and its values and beliefs and the increasing divorce rates
تشير الخدمات البلدية أو خدمات المدن إلى الخدمات الأساسية التي يتوقع المقيمون في المدينة أو البلدة من حكومة المدينة أن توفرها لهم، وتشمل هذه الخدمات (مرافق الصرف الصحي – الشوارع – المدارس – المراكز الصحية – الكهرباء) وغيرها من خدمات. وتختلف الخدمات ا لبلدية المتوفرة لدى بلدية ما بحسب الموقع والتشريعات والتاريخ والتقاليد، وقد تختلف الخدمات المقدمة من دولة لأخرى أو حتى داخل الدولة الواحدة. إن المهمة الأساسية للخدمات العامة هي تلبية احتياجات ورغبات السكان، وكونها أيضا تمثل جزءاً مهماً من البنية الفيزيائية والاستخدامات الحضرية للتجمع السكاني، لذلك كان لابد من العمل على توزيعها وتطويرها بشكل يتناسب مع التطور الحاصل لذلك المجتمع. تعد قضية توفير الخدمات العامة إحدى القضايا الأكثر الحاحاً، ويمثل تحديد المعدلات والمعايير التخطيطية للخدمات إشكالية مهمة من إشكاليات التنمية العمرانية في سوريا، وبرغم كل التطلعات الطموحة لتحقيق المعدلات الأعلى أو المعدلات المثلى أو المعدلات القريبة لنظيرتها العالمية، إلا أنه يصعب احداث طفرة فجائية لتحقيق هذه المعدلات الأعلى. وقد شهدت المعرفة الجغرافية تطورا ملحوظا في مجالات مختلفة، واستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وإمكانياتها في التحليل المكاني لهذه الخدمات، فنظرا لأهمية هذه الخدمات وارتباطها المباشر بالسكان تحتاج إلى عمليات رصد وتوقيعها في نظام المعلومات الجغرافي وإنشاء قاعدة بيانات شاملة لها على أجهزة الحاسوب. ولإنجاز هذه المهمة يمكن الاستعانة ببعض النظم التي تهتم بالتخطيط الحضري والتي من أهمها نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، التي تتمتع بقدرة عالية على استيعاب كم هائل من البيانات والمعلومات، مع إمكانية ربطها بمواقع جغرافية، إضافة الى قدرتها على القيام بالعديد من العمليات الحسابية.
The reverse Stylistically event received considerable attention from the ancient and modern linguists because of generated from the energies of linguistic expression and creativity of thought beyond the mainstream and fashionable, and forms a metap hor based on the bypass typical literary expression, so it came this research to show the impact of the metaphor in the formation of the phenomenon of reverse dependent on the views of some linguists, and the search result that metaphor reverse based on breach uncommon in Sunan standard speech, which raises the recipient impressive including achieve characteristic aesthetic rhetorical, but it does not come out at all a departure from the grammar, but preferred creative pattern expressive on the other, as if the use of metaphor does not make it relevant germ of truth, but remain connected by an invisible bond of flour; because of which branch, and the branch does not understand only through the origin, but does not know it.
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