يُعدّ العدول حدثاً أسلوبياً نال اهتماماً كبيراً من علماء اللغة القدماء و المحدثين نظراً لما يولّده من طاقات لغويّة تعبيريّة، و إبداعات فكريّة، تتخطّى السّائد و المألوف، و من أنواعه المجاز المرتكز على تجاوز النّمطيّة في التّعبير الأدبي؛ لذلك جاء هذا البحث ،ليبيّن أثر المجاز في تكوين ظاهرة العدول معتمداً على آراء بعض علماء اللغة ، و كانت نتيجة البحث أنّ المجاز عدول قائم على خرق المألوف في سنن الكلام المعياري ، ممّا يثير إعجاب المتلقّي بما يحقّقه من سمات جماليّة بلاغيّة ، و لكنّه لا يخرج خروجاً مطلقاً على قواعد اللغة ، و إنْ فضّل المبدع نمطاً تعبيرياً على آخر ، كما أنّ استخدام المجاز لا يجعله منبت الصّلة عن الحقيقة ، بل يظلّ متّصلاً بها برباط خفي دقيق ؛ لأنّه فرع منها ، و الفرع لا يفهم إلاّ من خلال الأصل ، و لا يُعرف إلاّ به .
The reverse Stylistically event received considerable attention from the ancient and
modern linguists because of generated from the energies of linguistic expression and
creativity of thought beyond the mainstream and fashionable, and forms a metaphor based
on the bypass typical literary expression, so it came this research to show the impact of the
metaphor in the formation of the phenomenon of reverse dependent on the views of some
linguists, and the search result that metaphor reverse based on breach uncommon in Sunan
standard speech, which raises the recipient impressive including achieve characteristic
aesthetic rhetorical, but it does not come out at all a departure from the grammar, but
preferred creative pattern expressive on the other, as if the use of metaphor does not make
it relevant germ of truth, but remain connected by an invisible bond of flour; because of
which branch, and the branch does not understand only through the origin, but does not
know it.
References used
الجرجاني ،عبد القاهر . أسرار البلاغة في علم البيان ، تحقيق السّيد محمّد رشيد رضا ، دار المعرفة ، بيروت, 1978م, 368.
This study aimed at analyzing the level of involvement of the linguistic performance
in Arabic language curricula, represented by language skills: listening, conversation,
reading and writing, in accordance to the outcomes of teaching embodied in t
This research is based on the study of metaphor and its impact in Arabic language,
and we have begun our work identifying the concept of metaphor linguistically and
idiomatically, then we indicated its multiple divisions that we have found mentally
This study seeks to describe and analyze the major socio-cultural
variables related to the phenomenon of divorce in At-Turra village. To
investigate such phenomenon and its constant rising percentage, the
researcher used the ethnographic method wh
The object of this research is taking about the art image in the
poetry of Abu Al-alaa Al-Ma'arry's through metaphor and
metonymy. Abu Al-alaa Al-Ma'arry used the metaphor because he
was able -by using it- to evade from taking directly about the
The aim of the research is to find out the degree of learners' Involvement in the book (Arabic is my language) for the sixth grade in the Syrian Arab Republic by: presenting the educational material, the educational activities, educational pictures a