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Find sheds light on the problem perhaps more importantly, the total problems that we find in the history of philosophy , and is not a problem of nature Our research is trying to explore the meaning of the nature of the Beginnings, As we will try to, In this research dealt with the nature of the problem of the two sides Systematic and cognitive To find out the key points of the nature of the problem when the philosophers of the seventeenth century To try to adjust the nature of the problem in its historical context As we will try in this research shed light on the relationship between nature and other problems In the philosophy of Hegel, such as the relationship , for example, between nature and logic, nature and absolute idea. Is Hegel was able to solve the problem of nature and its relationship with the various aspects of his philosophy؟ Or is it Al this problem and do so by him Kant There is also in our many other problems discussed by Hegel with nature problem.
This study aimed to identify the concept of institutional, institutional thought and the reflection of the evolution of these concepts in the Syrian institutions and their impact on crisis management. The study sample consisted of 89 individuals involved developed and applied in the different institutions of university professors, managers and journalists. The most important results of our research to institutional thought is the real guarantee for the continuity of the institution at a time of crisis individually or as a group of state institutions. Moreover, there is a correlation between the evolutions of institutional thought development and the increased ability to respond to crises. Additionally, there are significant differences between the means of the sample respondents' views to the impact of institutional thought development in crisis management stages according to educational qualification, job level and job experience variables.
Modern Arabic architecture has been facing important challenges imposed in many fields by changes occurring internationally and in the West, especially in terms of architecture. The effect of these changes on the visual appearance of the city has bee n clearly evident, with everything this entails in terms of formation and architectural samples. This was due to a group of internal and external effects which contributed to accelerating the spread of intellectual theoretical movements and new architectural philosophies which differed in how they responded to local data. This really problematic trend in modern Arabic architecture became apparent and manifested itself by achieving balance and integration between originality and tradition on the one hand, and modernism and contemporariness on the other. The number of frames available to the Arabic architect became more numerous, to include rejection, advocacy and reformation, and this was reflected in the architectural formations which became multiple and were characterized by pluralism. This led to the loss of their local identity and to a contradiction between their visual and formative modes. A number of Arab architects became aware of this problem at the end of the 20th century, so they analyzed its causes and its transformative mechanism. Attempts were started to find logical and rational solutions to guarantee harmony between technical and scientific development on the one hand, and a sense of belonging to the place on the other.
In light of the expiatory jihadist groups' terrorism against Syria and under the unlimited support from the United State, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and many other countries, this study tries to shed light on the ideological background of the terrorism of these groups and on the most important factors that led to the spread of their thoughts globally and within Syria. It also talks about how double standards has played a role in the international dealing with the terrorism in Syria and in its continuation and increasing. This research found that the jihadist groups depend – in their approach – on the legacy of ''the Muslim Brotherhood" and on the Wahhabi expiatory thought. It also found that ignorance, unemployment, the media and the financial support from Saudi Arabia and from the West are the most important factors of the spread of expiatory thought. Besides, countries that support these groups invest their terrorist activity either to achieve their interests or to preserve them.
The problem of the Self occupies an important place in the philosophical thought, as the link between two major sections in philosophy: the study of knowledge and the study of existence which has received considerable attention throughout the history of human thought. Philosophers have split into several directions notably the physical, the ideal and the realistic. These attitudes reflected in the opinions and theories of Arab thinkers and philosophers where they treated this matter deeply and accurately, stemming from the nature of their hesitant attitude among the religious and the mental, of whom Fakhr al-Deen al-Razi has devoted to this problem a large area in his compositions. We wonder here about the nature of his attitude and how could he reconcile his philosophical mental bias and the Islamic concept of the self which is based on the axioms of the text?
The term greatness was taken on multiple meanings, and different ways. However in the Islamic Arab thought, which Al-Motanabby belongs to this concept was based on an essential point which is perfection. In other words, perfection is the core of g reatness and the most important feature in it is glory. In Al-Motanabby's poetry, greatness was manifested in this sense, and included many elements of existence, but the clearest and most important image was the one of the great man. Therefore, we focus, in this study, on human greatness through two images: First, the great self, the image of Al-Motanabby him self. Second, the great hero, the image of Sayf-Aldawlah the ideal savior Arab hero . And as great is associated with beautiful for Al-Motanabby, so we clarified his understanding of this kind of beauty, to discover that it was from spiritual or mental word, and not from material one
This research deals with the most important political ideas that Averroes dealt with through his summarization of the Aristotle's book Rhetoric, in contrast to Avicenna and Al-Farabi's logical approach to this book. We will not go through the logical ideas in Rhetoric but rather focus on the Aristotelian political and philosophical issues which Averroes depends on in his summary of the book. It is an attempt to focus on Averroes's political ideas which preceded his summarization of Plato 's The Republic due to the fact that he didn't obtain the Arabic translation of Aristotle's book Politics. We try in this research to focus on Averroes's way of summary regarding commitment to the Aristotelian text and its literal denotations on some occasions, or the interpretive reading on other occasions. In addition, it will focus on Averroes's reliance on his predecessors' explanations of the same book to clarify some statements, and then his attempt to apply some Aristotelian political ideas on the Arab-Muslim political reality in the Middle Ages.
This study aimed to investigate changes in Van Hiele levels of Geometrical thinking for open education student teachers upon taking the course on (Geometric Concepts and its Methods of Teaching) and their relationship to achievement, in the College of Education at Damascus University. A sample of (101) student teachers was chosen (males and females, Syrians and UNRWA) from the fourth – year open education student teachers. The researcher used the Van Hiele Geometrical Thought Test (with α = 0.82) in the Syrian environment, and an achievement test (with α =0.89). The results showed positive changes in Van Hiele levels of geometrical thought in open education student teachers, after taking the course of (Geometric Concepts and its Methods of Teaching), where most student teachers advanced to higher levels of Geometrical thinking. In addition, the results showed a strong significant positive correlation (at level of significance = 0.01) between student teachers' scores on the Van Hiele Geometrical thinking test and their scores on the achievement test at groups of (whole group= 0.555, males= 0.542, females= 0.583, Syrians= 0.544, UNRWA= 0.611). These results could help teachers to use the two tests mutually. The researcher presented several recommendations and suggestions, in light of the study findings.
This research highlights the elements of the traditional residence building in Sana'a, and tends to explain its intellectual trends, environmental, economic, social and cultural, in order to conclude a set of results, recommendations and suggestion s that will contribute to the promotion and development of the level of thinking design in a building housing Yemeni contemporary and future, in accordance with the requirements of modern economic and social development. The problem of this research is that Yemeni modern buildings do not respond exactly to the actual population needs. This fact indicates that most of the designs came disproportionately with the cultural aspect of objective human behavior of the Yemeni society, its customs and traditions. in addition, other problems may arise, in environmental, economic and social sectors, that are related to architectural and urban concepts
We can not understand the nature of philosophical Presence in the modern Arab thought in isolation from the historical conditions that framed it, that was represented in the imperialistic phenomenon with it's historical and intellectual needs, bes ides the constancy of failed economic and social conditions Arab conditions, and the domination of the theological vision as a directed and specific vision for thoughtful dealing with nature and history.

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