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Self with Fakhr al-Din al-Razi

النفس عند فخر الدين الرازي

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The problem of the Self occupies an important place in the philosophical thought, as the link between two major sections in philosophy: the study of knowledge and the study of existence which has received considerable attention throughout the history of human thought. Philosophers have split into several directions notably the physical, the ideal and the realistic. These attitudes reflected in the opinions and theories of Arab thinkers and philosophers where they treated this matter deeply and accurately, stemming from the nature of their hesitant attitude among the religious and the mental, of whom Fakhr al-Deen al-Razi has devoted to this problem a large area in his compositions. We wonder here about the nature of his attitude and how could he reconcile his philosophical mental bias and the Islamic concept of the self which is based on the axioms of the text?

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Research summary
تتناول الورقة البحثية للدكتور سليمان الضاهر مشكلة النفس عند الفيلسوف الإسلامي فخر الدين الرازي. تعتبر مشكلة النفس من القضايا الفلسفية المعقدة التي شغلت الفلاسفة على مر العصور، حيث ترتبط بمباحث المعرفة والوجود. يعرض الباحث موقف الرازي من هذه المشكلة وكيفية توفيقه بين الفلسفة العقلية والمفهوم الإسلامي للنفس. يبدأ البحث بعرض تاريخي لمشكلة النفس في الفكر الفلسفي، بدءًا من الفلاسفة اليونانيين مثل أفلاطون وأرسطو، وصولاً إلى الفلاسفة المسلمين مثل الكندي والفارابي وابن سينا. يوضح الباحث أن الرازي تأثر بآراء هؤلاء الفلاسفة ولكنه قدم تفسيراته الخاصة التي تجمع بين العقل والنقل. يعرض البحث تعريف الرازي للنفس، براهينه على وجودها، وموقفه من خلود النفس. كما يناقش قوى النفس المختلفة عند الرازي وكيفية تأثيرها على أفعال الإنسان. يختتم الباحث بتقديم استنتاجات وتوصيات حول أهمية دراسة النفس من منظور فلسفي وديني، مشيرًا إلى أن منهج الرازي في التوفيق بين العقل والنقل ما زال صالحًا لحل الكثير من الإشكالات الفكرية المعاصرة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر الورقة البحثية للدكتور سليمان الضاهر دراسة قيمة ومهمة في مجال الفلسفة الإسلامية، حيث تسلط الضوء على مشكلة النفس من منظور فخر الدين الرازي. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض الانتقادات البناءة لهذه الدراسة. أولاً، يبدو أن الباحث قد اعتمد بشكل كبير على المصادر الثانوية دون تقديم تحليل نقدي كافٍ للمصادر الأولية. ثانياً، هناك بعض التكرار في عرض الأفكار والبراهين، مما قد يشتت القارئ. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن تعزيز الدراسة بمزيد من المقارنات بين آراء الرازي والفلاسفة الآخرين بشكل أكثر تفصيلاً. وأخيراً، قد يكون من المفيد تقديم تطبيقات عملية للأفكار الفلسفية التي تناولها الرازي في سياق معاصر، مما يعزز من قيمة البحث ويجعله أكثر ارتباطًا بالواقع الحالي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي أهم براهين فخر الدين الرازي على وجود النفس؟

    قدم الرازي عدة براهين على وجود النفس، منها برهان الاستمرار والاتصال الذي يؤكد أن هوية الإنسان تبقى مستمرة رغم تغير أجزائه، وبرهان شعور 'الأنا' الذي يثبت أن الإنسان يدرك ذاته بغض النظر عن أعضائه المادية.

  2. كيف وفق فخر الدين الرازي بين الفلسفة العقلية والمفهوم الإسلامي للنفس؟

    وفق الرازي بين الفلسفة العقلية والمفهوم الإسلامي للنفس من خلال استخدام منهجية تجمع بين الأدلة العقلية والنقلية، حيث اعتمد على براهين عقلية مستمدة من الفلاسفة السابقين وأدلة نقلية من القرآن الكريم.

  3. ما هو موقف الرازي من خلود النفس؟

    يؤكد الرازي على خلود النفس ويقدم عدة براهين لإثبات ذلك، منها أن النفس جوهر روحاني قائم بذاته ولا تفسد بموت الجسد، وأن علاقتها بالجسد علاقة عرضية لا تؤدي إلى فنائها.

  4. ما هي القوى المختلفة للنفس عند الرازي؟

    يعتقد الرازي أن النفس الإنسانية واحدة ولها قوى متعددة، منها القوة النظرية المسؤولة عن المعرفة والقوة العملية المسؤولة عن الأفعال. كما يشير إلى وجود قوى مشتركة بين الإنسان والحيوان والنبات مثل القوة الغاذية والمنمية والمولدة.

References used
القرآن الكريم
ابن سينا مبحث عن القوى النفسانية, مطبعة المعارف, القاهرة, 1325ه.
أرسطو, كتاب النفس, ترجمة أحمد فؤاد الأهواني, دار إحياء الكتب العربية, القاهرة, 1949.
rate research

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This paper seeks to clarify the employment of heritage in Izz al Din Al Manasrah's poetic experience and its role in the service of this poetic experience in both its theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretically, he dwells on the poetic phenom enon, and its application in the poetic text. Practically he dwells on a number of heritage Symbols which were clearly illuminated in his poetry , and which were employed in a way that newly combines between the past and present such as the religious, literary ,historical , folkloric and legendary symbol.
Eloquence critical is part of old Arabic critical and it is artistic level wich the language is looking for to many levels in general meaning and in literature language in particular . Eloquence critical is attempt to discover literature Values an d beauty in literature texts neither poetic text nor prose text In critical , there is have to result critical decision it is depend on eloquence and rhetoric . In the fiest century , the old critic was alat of major know ledge at imaginations , photo and advantages . thow out approach of creation texts and analysis of elements In the first centurycriticaldidn,t know , that content of also old century . Alsafadyreperesnts of one of critic in eight of the Hegira Century which enter in square of the critical . Alsafady is belive in eloquence and help to have one of means sources . He was ahmempt to discover literature values and beauty to many colours and eloquence phenomenons . That he was pass bay during his explaines and his transtation . He was eloquence know ledge to mention colour it is comment in this . And there are many connected refer to benefit and literature value to many this know phenomenons . Al safady realizes this know ledge splendor speaking have colour in literature work which is necessariy to mony need in literature expression In the same time he was find side in self reader that is basis side in invention process.
The aim of this research was to assess the physical, chemical، microbiological and sensory characteristics of new made Qamar Al– stored for six months and determine the effect of gamma rays on those characteristics. Samples of Qamar Al–Din were su bjected to sulfur fumigation and other samples were left without sulfur fumigation and all samples were exposed to four radiation doses (0, 1, 2 and 3 kilo Gray) and stored for 6 months at room temperature (20° C). Results showed significant differences between sulfated and non-sulfated samples in terms of pH, relative humidity, ash, total sugar، viscosity, potassium, sodium, sulfur vitamin C and it was observed lower microbial load. Results also showed that amount of vitamin C and viscosity was significantly the highest in sulfated samples irradiated with 2 and 3 kilo Gray and irradiation with a dose of 2 kilo Gray eliminated sufficiently the microbial load. It was concluded that running this study is helpful to shed the light on the importance of such these treatments especially that this traditional product concerns large number of consumers and is exported to different countries in the world.
Not only poetry has been restricted to men, but also Arab woman used to taste and write poetry since time immemorial, next to her interest in prose and narratology comparable to all Arabs at that Bedouin time—when they were still leading a simple life. However, names of women have been revealed and broadly circulated concering handling and criticizing poetry since antiquity.
This piece of research endeavour to analyse the poetical structure of one of the most recognizable Umayyad poets. He was the poet of the sensitive imagination that is dominated by mind. He used to handle, and as well critically probe, each of his p oems singly. This had manifested his poetry as well-structured, fully-fledged talendedness, accurate expressions and fluent pouring of thoughts. He stood as one of the most apparent three poets of their period: Jareer and al-Farazdaq. He had highlighted the literary heritage and superby handled it. This piece of research attempts to concentrate on the most obvious characteristics of the human self as observed by al-Akhtal al-Kabeer through penetrating his literary style, the most distinguishable psychological features, and studying these features quite considerably. Toward this temptation, the research tends to examine these most recognizable features in the anthology of the great poet al-Akhtal al-Kabeer where he constitutes a unique experience in the field of the literary and poetical creativity: he surpasses his peers and contemporary poets, and gains the admiration of the authoritative circles. All this continues in an attempt to recognize the the most promoted features of this self, and the deep influence that the Arabic literary production witnesses.
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