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Taxonomies are valuable resources for many applications, but the limited coverage due to the expensive manual curation process hinders their general applicability. Prior works attempt to automatically expand existing taxonomies to improve their cover age by learning concept embeddings in Euclidean space, while taxonomies, inherently hierarchical, more naturally align with the geometric properties of a hyperbolic space. In this paper, we present HyperExpan, a taxonomy expansion algorithm that seeks to preserve the structure of a taxonomy in a more expressive hyperbolic embedding space and learn to represent concepts and their relations with a Hyperbolic Graph Neural Network (HGNN). Specifically, HyperExpan leverages position embeddings to exploit the structure of the existing taxonomies, and characterizes the concept profile information to support the inference on new concepts that are unseen during training. Experiments show that our proposed HyperExpan outperforms baseline models with representation learning in a Euclidean feature space and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the taxonomy expansion benchmarks.
Taxonomies are symbolic representations of hierarchical relationships between terms or entities. While taxonomies are useful in broad applications, manually updating or maintaining them is labor-intensive and difficult to scale in practice. Conventio nal supervised methods for this enrichment task fail to find optimal parents of new terms in low-resource settings where only small taxonomies are available because of overfitting to hierarchical relationships in the taxonomies. To tackle the problem of low-resource taxonomy enrichment, we propose Musubu, an efficient framework for taxonomy enrichment in low-resource settings with pretrained language models (LMs) as knowledge bases to compensate for the shortage of information. Musubu leverages an LM-based classifier to determine whether or not inputted term pairs have hierarchical relationships. Musubu also utilizes Hearst patterns to generate queries to leverage implicit knowledge from the LM efficiently for more accurate prediction. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in extensive experiments on taxonomies from both a SemEval task and real-world retailer datasets.
In this research, the occurrence of Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Aphalaridae) was recorded for the first time on Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Myrtaceae) leaves in Syria. Where collected from the leaves and shoots of young and old trees of eucalyptus from Lattakia province in June 2015 in three sites. The morphological characters examined and compared with the specialized keys for this species. The results showed that the highest average for psyllid egg masses was in Bustan AlBasha on the lower surface of the leaves and amounted to 5.80±2.00 mass, had the highest average number of eggs in the same location and on the lower surface also reached 65.80±47.97 eggs / Leaf. The highest average number of nymphs under the Lerp in Bustan AlBasha on the lower surface of the leaves as stage as follows: L1: 18.4±9.51, and L2: 9.60±3.32, and L3: 6.40±0.92, while L4: 2.80±1.74 on the upper and lower surfaces. The highest average number of psyllid nymphs without white Lerp was for the first nymph L1: In Shahd Alaasal site on the Lower surface 3.40±0.87, and L2: at the same previous location on the upper surface of 5.80±2.43, and L3: in Bustan AlBasha site on the Lower surface 2.80±0.58, and L4: in Shahd Alaasal and Bustan AlBasha 0.20±0.20 on the upper and lower surface. The highest average number of adult in the site Bustan AlBasha on the upper surface of 1.40±1.16, and the lowest in the site Shahd Alaasal on the upper surface of 0.20±0.20.
The theoretical part of Soccer curriculum, for the first-year students, is considered as an important element in its teaching process, which helps to deliver the theoretical and necessary information helping students to comprehend and understand th e moving skills and how to carry them out, in addition to avoid the common mistakes which usually commited by them. The aim of this scientific research is to stand up to the reality of taught Soccer curriculum, how teaching it and the quality of its vocabulary in accordance with the requirements of quality, reliability and standards of NARS. For this purpose, questionnaires have been distributed to 54 students according to Bloom's Taxonomy relying on its six levels in order to evaluate and assess the content of curriculum. It was shown that the results were suitability and fitting with the curriculum's content, teaching methods and the capabilities of the students, which means that the curriculum is qualified and its objectives and targets are achieved
This research is bound to measure instructional outputs of Algorithms and Data Structures for second year students of Computer Engineering Department in Faculty of Electricity and Electronics in Aleppo University. It uses scale of cognitive outputs and scale of affective outputs, in addition to two assistant tools, which are: content analysis and interview. The research reached the following result: No one of instructional outputs of Algorithms and Data Structures curriculum has achieved, thus many suggestions have been offered to avoid the shortage in the curriculum. Some of these suggestions are: increasing number of applied and analytic exercises. Improvement quality of applied and analytic exercises. Applying some interaction teaching methods as Brain Storming, Inquiry...etc. Reviewing prerequisite curriculum, as programming languages.
The sport shows is the use of field movement to form geometric and artistic shapes so it taught at the physical education ,Decoration, and Fine arts faculties. This research is made to meet the requirements of quality (NARS) standards ,and the needs of the teaching process and aimed to find out the state of the Sports Shows course , its methods and quality. A Questionnaire was conducted according to Bloom's Taxonomy with its six levels the Questionnaire is consisted of 33 questions the Questionnaire is evaluated by thirteen of the Faculty of Physical Education and Faculty of Education academic staff to conclude that the applied teaching method achieves the course goals ,and the students comprehension level is good and the course items are adequate.
The samples of Crustaceans (Malacostraca) were collected in the fresh water, from different regions of Al-Assi valley (the river, Katenah lake, the reservoirs such as Al- Zaafaranh, Al-Sindianh and from Al-teen spring), between August 2010 and Augu st 2011. The samples were preserved in alcohol (70 %). After accurate inspection of the collected samples, there were 4 species classified, two species of freshwater belonging to true crabs were recognized by depending on the masculine organs as following: Potamon potamois and Potamon setiger from the Potamidae family, one species of shrimps Atyaephyrra dessmarestii-orintalis from Atyidae family, and only one species of amphipods which was Grammars lacustris of Gammaridae family. All examined species were described morphologically, explaining the most important classified features that distinguish these species presented with clarifying paintings and with the pictures for these features.
The results of studying the morphological characteristics of the flower, fruit, pollen grains, and seeds between some of Hypericum genus species, show that there are relevant morphological differences among the studied species, which can be considered as taxonomical criteria for distinguishing the studied species of Hypericum genus from each other.

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