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Recent transformer-based approaches to NLG like GPT-2 can generate syntactically coherent original texts. However, these generated texts have serious flaws: global discourse incoherence and meaninglessness of sentences in terms of entity values. We a ddress both of these flaws: they are independent but can be combined to generate original texts that will be both consistent and truthful. This paper presents an approach to estimate the quality of discourse structure. Empirical results confirm that the discourse structure of currently generated texts is inaccurate. We propose the research directions to correct it using discourse features during the fine-tuning procedure. The suggested approach is universal and can be applied to different languages. Apart from that, we suggest a method to correct wrong entity values based on Web Mining and text alignment.
The new Icelandic Word Web (IW) is a language technology focused redesign of a lexicosemantic database of semantically related entries. The IW's entities, relations, metadata and categorization scheme have all been implemented from scratch in two sys tems, OntoLex and SKOS. After certain adjustments were made to OntoLex and SKOS interoperability, it was also possible to implement specific IW features that, while potentially nonstandard, form an integral part of the Word Web's lexicosemantic functionality. Also new in this implementation are access to a larger amount of linguistic data, a greater variety of search options, the possibility of automated processing, and the ability to conduct research through SPARQL without possessing a mastery of Icelandic.
The research aims to identify the degree of use of Damascus University students, members of the research sample for the Internet and its relationship to social their intelligence, as well as knowledge of the differences in the degree of use of the research sample for the web members according to gender, year of study, and formed the research sample of (665) students of University Students Damascus has been chosen randomly stratified way, where they applied researcher measure students use the Internet (the researcher) and a measure of social intelligence (Ahmad Ghoul ,1993) after verifying the validity and reliability.
The internet unique publications are considered by many to be the fourth type of journalism. This is due to the advantages of the internet through which many problems of publishing were solved. Since the city of Jerusalem has its special conditions (being under the Israeli occupation), the present study is an attempt to investigate the informational presence of this city on the internet. The purpose of this study is to know the size of the informational presence of this city on the internet in comparison with other Arab capital cities, and to study the digital documentary content of the websites which dealt with this city. This study answers a number of questions related to the content of the documents and websites which dealt with this city. The following documents and websites were analyzed during the months of April, May and June in 2009.
This study investigates the extent of using the Internet by teachers in Irbid Second Directorate of Education and the obstacles which hindered its usage. The sample of the study consists of (172) male and female teachers who where chosen randomly. The findings reveal that all male and female teachers use the Internet, and that there were significant statistical differences (α = 0.05) over all degrees of using the Internet in the educational field due to the differences in the qualification, knowledge of English language and computer. Furthermore, the findings reveal that there were no significant statistical differences (α = 0.05) due to sex, specialization, experience, usage per days, usage per hours.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استقصاء فعالية موقع تعليمي على شبكة الإنترنـت لتـدريس الهندسة في تحصيل و اتجاهات طلبة الصف التاسع في الأردن. و لاختبـار فرضـيات الدراسة، تم تصميم موقع تعليمي على الإنترنت، كما تم تطـوير اختبـار تحـصيلي و استبانة تم استخراج دلا لات صدقهما و ثباتهما. تكونت عينة الدراسة من (60) طالبـاً و طالبة من طلاب الصف التاسع الأساسي، تم تقسيمهم إلـى مجمـوعتين (مجموعـة تجريبية و مجموعة ضابطة).
تطورت شبكة الإنترنت بشكل كبير في السـنوات الأخيـرة، و أصـبح نقـل ملفـات المعلومات ممكناً و بزمن قياسي، و أصبح من الضروري التفكير بعملية نقل الصـوت و نقل الفيديو عبر هذه الشبكة، و حتى نصل إلى عملية الوصـل المباشـر و بـالزمن الحقيقي للتوصل إلى المؤت مرات سواء الصوتية أو الفيديوية منها، و ذلك مـن أجـل تطبيقات عدة من أهمها استخدامها في الـتعلم عـن بعـد، و إقامـة المحاضـرات و المؤتمرات البعيدة المدى و دون التواجد تحت سقف واحد، و حتى الاتصالات البعيدة المدى و التي عادة ما تكون ذات تكلفة عالية. و نحن هنا في هذه الأطروحة سوف نقوم ببحث عمليـة النقـل هـذه عبـر شـبكة الإنترنت، التي تستخدم بروتوكول IP/TCP المشـهور بعمليـة تقطيـع و تحـزيم المعلومات المنقولة عبره، و استخدامه تقنية التحزيم و وضع عنوان المرسل و عنوان المستقبل في ترويسة الحزمة، و سوف نتعرض للمشاكل التي تواجه هـذه التقنيـة الجديدة و الحلول المقترحة لذلك.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا