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Slow emerging topic detection is a task between event detection, where we aggregate behaviors of different words on short period of time, and language evolution, where we monitor their long term evolution. In this work, we tackle the problem of early detection of slowly emerging new topics. To this end, we gather evidence of weak signals at the word level. We propose to monitor the behavior of words representation in an embedding space and use one of its geometrical properties to characterize the emergence of topics. As evaluation is typically hard for this kind of task, we present a framework for quantitative evaluation and show positive results that outperform state-of-the-art methods. Our method is evaluated on two public datasets of press and scientific articles.
To maintain utterance quality of a persona-aware dialog system, inappropriate utterances for the persona should be thoroughly filtered. When evaluating the appropriateness of a large number of arbitrary utterances to be registered in the utterance da tabase of a retrieval-based dialog system, evaluation metrics that require a reference (or a correct'' utterance) for each evaluation target cannot be used. In addition, practical utterance filtering requires the ability to select utterances based on the intensity of persona characteristics. Therefore, we are developing metrics that can be used to capture the intensity of persona characteristics and can be computed without references tailored to the evaluation targets. To this end, we explore existing metrics and propose two new metrics: persona speaker probability and persona term salience. Experimental results show that our proposed metrics show weak to moderate correlations between scores of persona characteristics based on human judgments and outperform other metrics overall in filtering inappropriate utterances for particular personas.
Cancer is an important global health issue, and colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. It was recently discovered that the systemic inflammatory response plays a supportive role in various types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. The inflammatory response can be reflected by several indexes, including the platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR).Cancer is an important global health problem, and colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers. In contrast, the systemic inflammatory response has a warning role in many types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. The inflammatory response can be evaluated with several indicators, including the platelet lymphocyte ratio PLR. Lymphocyte Ratio PLR)) Can't load full results Try again Retrying... Retrying... Our study aimed to evaluate the relation between platelet lymphocyte ratio and to correlate this ratio with the clinicopathological characteristics of non-metastatic colorectal cancer patients. We enrolled 95 non-metastatic colorectal patients at Oncology Depatment at Tishreen University Hospital. Our results revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the higher mean of lymphocyte platelets ratio by the stage of the tumor (p<0.0001), by the size of the tumor (p=0.001), and by the metastases of the lymph nodes (p=0.03), as the mean increases with the tumor stage with the size of the tumor and the formation of metastases in the lymph nodes. While there were no statistically significant differences in the higher mean of lymphocyte platelets by the histological grade of tumor (p = 0.1), as well as by the tumor location in the left and right colon (p= 0.3). These results reflect the correlation of the high percentage of lymphocyte platelets with the histopathological clinical characteristics that indicate a poor prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer
Kiezdeutsch is a variety of German predominantly spoken by teenagers from multi-ethnic urban neighborhoods in casual conversations with their peers. In recent years, the popularity of Kiezdeutsch has increased among young people, independently of the ir socio-economic origin, and has spread in social media, too. While previous studies have extensively investigated this language variety from a linguistic and qualitative perspective, not much has been done from a quantitative point of view. We perform the first large-scale data-driven analysis of the lexical and morpho-syntactic properties of Kiezdeutsch in comparison with standard German. At the level of results, we confirm predictions of previous qualitative analyses and integrate them with further observations on specific linguistic phenomena such as slang and self-centered speaker attitude. At the methodological level, we provide logistic regression as a framework to perform bottom-up feature selection in order to quantify differences across language varieties.
In this research, the natural pyrite ore found in Tartous Governorate was described by studying the two samples taken from Hosn Suleiman -Safita (A) and Al Qadmous (B) area, in addition to studying the optimum conditions for pyrite dissolution (pH - time - quantity) with aerobic conditions. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that the sample (A) is mainly composed of pyrite mineral and does not contain impurities, while sample (B) is composed of pyrite mineral combined with a small amount of calcite mineral, and these results were confirmed by the result of (FTIR) infrared spectroscopy and Polarised light microscopy (PLM(. The iron percentage in the two samples (A,B) is ranged between (42.6 – 43 %) and the sulfur percentage is between (40 – 53.7 %). With regard to pyrite dissolution, the results showed that pyrite taken from Hosn Suleiman (A) begins to dissolve at pH values less than 4.5, and the contact time is about 6 hours. By Comparing the results of sample (A) with sample (B), we found that the dissolution of sample (A) was about three times less than the dissolution of sample (B), and this is due to the fact that sample (A) contains pure and well crystallized pyrite ore while sample (B) contains pyrite combind with calcite, which increases its solubility.
يتضمن هذا البحث تحضير مُركب الانضغاط المغناطيسي عند النسب x= (0.0, 1.0) بالطريقة السيراميكية عند درجة حرارة تلبيد 1200 . دُرست بعض خصائصه البنيوية بتقنية انعراج الأشعة السينية XRD، والميكانيكية بتقنية تحويل فُورييه للأشعة تحت الحمراء FT-IR. وذلك بهد ف تحديد سرعة وتردد الأمواج التي يمكن توليدها باستخدام المُركب المُحضر. تُظهر النتائج تَشكُل بنية السبينيل المكعب المميز للفرايت، وأن متوسط أبعاد الحبيبة من مرتبة الـ nm. كما لاحظنا عند النسبة x=1.0 زيادة في قيم كل من متوسط أبعاد الحبيبة وثابت الشبكة البلورية، وبالمقابل نقصان قيم كل من الكثافة، ومعامل يونغ للمُركب. تُبين النتائج أيضاً أن تردد الأمواج فوق الصوتية التي يمكن توليدها يقع ضمن المجالين kHz والـ MHz، أما الأمواج فوق الصوتية المتولدة من فرايت النيكل لها سرعة وتردد أعلى مقارنة مع الأمواج فوق الصوتية المتولدة من فرايت الكوبالت .
This present research aimed to identify the degree of availability of mindfulness properties among Tishreen University postgraduate students, in addition to recognizing differences in mindfulness properties according to differences in both sex and sp ecialization (human medicine - education). The research sample consisted of (148) male and female students In the Faculty of Applied Human Medicine and the Faculty of Theoretical Education at Tishreen University during the second semester of the year 2019/2020. To achieve the goals of the research, the researcher built a scale of (23) phrases to measure mindfulness in light of the four mindfulness properties of "Langer theory" after assuring its validity and reliability. Appropriate barometric statistical methods were used - after verification of the distribution moderation - represented by the mean and standard deviation and T-test for two independent groups. The results showed the following: - Availability of mindfulness properties (Novelty Seeking- Engagement – Novelty Producing) among postgraduate students with a high degree, except for the "flexibility" property, as it was available at a moderate degree. - - There were no statistically significant differences among the members of the research sample in the two mindfulness properties (Engagement – Novelty Producing) according to the variable of specialization, while statistically significant differences were found in the "Novelty seeking" property in favor of medical college students, and statistically significant differences were found in a property "Flexibility" in favor of students of the College of Education. -There were no statistically significant differences in all mindfulness properties according to sex.
Seventh sector is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River at the town of Abu- Kamal, the Syrian-Iraq border, and its square 18140 hectares. Invest most heavily sector too, where crops depend on irrigation, irrigation networks mediated cons isting of earthen trenches, canals and to pump water by pumps on the banks of the Euphrates. Research aims to assess the pedelogical properties of agricultural soils by using laboratory and field tests: leaching speed, permeability, density, porosity, water field capacity, natural humidity (hygroscopic– wilt limit), so as to contribute in choosing optimal modalities for irrigation and drainage, and rehabilitation Land affected by salinity and exited the investment. The soils of the sector are clay, clayey sand, fine sand, and it has low permeability, low water field capacity because of sedimentary origin, and the total porosity is low in the upper part of subsurface soil because of its impaction. There is a relationship between hygroscopic moisture of soils and its structural composition. The search recommend to agriculture Fabaceae crops with different roots deep to help improve soil building, and need to use spray irrigation method to control the water quantity and wetting depth.
The penalty for delay penalties is a financial penalty for the administrative contract. However, the delay fine has a special effect on the contractor with the administration. It is subject to a different legal system that is different from what it is It is in civil contracts It signaled a decision issued by the administration without resorting to the judiciary, and without the need to prove the damage, because the delay in the implementation of the administrative contract is in itself an injury to the public facility that monitors the contract for his benefit and thus harm the public interest which is the holy purpose of the administrative contract.
تعد الجريمة من الظواهر الاجتماعية الخطيرة التي وجدت بوجود الأنسان, و لايكمن خطرها في أشخاص المجرمين البالغين و أفعالهم فحسب, بل يكمن عند الصغار أيضا الذين لم يشتد عودهم بعد, وبحاجة إلى رعاية و عناية لينمو و يكبرو و يصبحو قادرين على المشاركة في بناء المجتمع و تقدمه.

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