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We aim to automatically identify human action reasons in online videos. We focus on the widespread genre of lifestyle vlogs, in which people perform actions while verbally describing them. We introduce and make publicly available the WhyAct dataset, consisting of 1,077 visual actions manually annotated with their reasons. We describe a multimodal model that leverages visual and textual information to automatically infer the reasons corresponding to an action presented in the video.
الصلح الواقي من الإفلاس هو مؤسسة قانونية و نظام مستقل قائم بذاته وضعه المشرع لكي يساعد التاجر المدين الذي اضطرته الظروف لأن يقصر في سداد الديون المستحقة عليه لدائنيه.
تعد الجريمة من الظواهر الاجتماعية الخطيرة التي وجدت بوجود الأنسان, و لايكمن خطرها في أشخاص المجرمين البالغين و أفعالهم فحسب, بل يكمن عند الصغار أيضا الذين لم يشتد عودهم بعد, وبحاجة إلى رعاية و عناية لينمو و يكبرو و يصبحو قادرين على المشاركة في بناء المجتمع و تقدمه.
شهد العالم منذ منتصف ثمانينات القرن العشرين تحولات سياسية واقتصادية كبيرة على المستوى العالمي شملت مناطق متعددة
This research aimed at identifying the relationship between Suicidal Ideation and The Reasons For Living, and finding out the differences between low and high suicide ideatores in the reasons of living, and finding out the Gender differences in th e Suicidal Ideation and The Reasons For Living, among a sample consisted of (176) male and female students from A sample of secondary school students in Homs city by using the Suicidal Ideation scale and the reasons for living inventory for adolescents (RFL‐A).
This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and stages of chronic kidney disease and to identify common causes of chronic kidney disease in patients as well as the study of risk factors for the disease. The study included 1314 patients have been admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine at al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia where they were diagnosed with chronic renal disease patients at 120 of them by 9.1%. The causes of chronic kidney disease were: diabetes 41.7%; hypertension 30%; Glomerulonephritis 11.7%; obstructive uropathy 5%; and Glomerugenetic disease 3.3%; mm3.3%; polycystic kidney d isease3.3% ; idiopathic 1.7%. Chronic kidney disease stages 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; were: 10%; 21.7%; 33.3% 20%; 15% respectively. Risk factors were: advanced age (over 50) 75%; high blood sugar 53.3%; lack of blood albumin 65%; hypertension 38.3%; family history of chronic kidney disease 25%; high triglycerides and cholesterol 11.7% .
The right of defense can be considered as natural rights, and the most important fair trial guarantees. It is also an inherent right at the center of public individual rights. It has not only created in favor of the individual but also for the bene fit of society as a whole. There is no justice when accused people do not have a full right of defense and where not possible to verify the truth. This means that enabling the accused to defend himself does not mean that the punishment is over, but means to emphasize the fundamental pillar of justice that will reassure the individuals to the proper functioning of mechanisms in carrying out its mission, and this would remove any doubts about injustice suspicion when Jurisdiction will announce the accused conviction, also removing the suspicion of complacency while deciding his innocence. Therefore, search in protecting the right of the accused to defend himself is not intellectually luxury, but generally speaking, it is searching in more accurate and the most complex legal issues, it is a dive in the depths, to stick to legitimacy in a centre of obstacles is not easy to overcome. Building on the above, we can say that the accused practice of his right to defend himself, remains inadequate to achieve the purpose if it is not criminally reinforced. And to enable the exercise of the right of accused to defend himself, the penal legislator decided to develop a set of substantive rules incriminating and justified, meaning the dedication of this right to proceed without fear or shame. The accused is in great need to exercise his right of defense under the umbrella of the criminal protection, and this will protect him of the treachery of his defense and ensures that his rights will not be exploited because of the weakness of his position, and the lack of his experience, and the conflict hostile facing him. To find out the aspects of this protection two sections have been developed in this research: the first section devoted to the study of the criminal substantive rules, while the second was created to the study of the justified substantive rules. The aim of this is to show the criminal aspects of protection of the right of the accused to defend in court.
رد المحكم هو منعه من النظر و الفصل في القضية التحكيمية، بناء على طلب أحد الخصوم، لأسباب يخشى أن تخرجه عن حياده، و على الرغم من أن الأصل يقضي بأن يختار أطراف التحكيم المحكمين إلا أن المشرع السوري أجاز رد المحكم و حدد أسباب الرد في المادة 18 من قانون ا لتحكيم. و تقسم أسباب رد المحكم إلى مجموعتين، المجموعة الأولى تجيز رد المحكم للأسباب ذاتها التي يصح رد القضاة من أجلها، و المجموعة الثانية تجيز رد المحكم إذا فقد أحد شروط صلاحيته المنصوص عليها في قانون التحكيم، و قد تحدثنا عن ذلك في مبحثين، مخصصين مبحث مستقلٌ لكل مجموعة.
أيًا كان الرأي بخصوص عملية التغير الاجتماعي، فثمة أفكار أساسية تعد بمنزلة حقائق ثابتة بخصوص هذه العملية و هي: -1 إن التغير الاجتماعي حقيقة واقعة لا مراء فيها. -2 إن عملية التغير الاجتماعي لا تسير وفق مخطط معروف البداية و النهاية سلفًا. -3 إن هذه العملية، تأخذ أحيانا طًابعا عًنيفا ،ً يقترن بكلفة اجتماعية باهظة، و أحيانًا أًخرى يغلب عليها الطابع السياسي.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا