إن اكتشاف موضوع الناشئ البطيء هو مهمة بين اكتشاف الحدث، حيث نكمل السلوكيات من الكلمات المختلفة في فترة قصيرة من الزمن، وتطور اللغة، حيث نراقب تطورها الطويل الأجل.في هذا العمل، نتعامل مع مشكلة الكشف المبكر عن المواضيع الجديدة المبكرة.تحقيقا لهذه الغاية، نجمع أدلة على إشارات ضعيفة على مستوى الكلمة.نقترح مراقبة سلوك تمثيل الكلمات في مساحة تضمين واستخدام إحدى خصائصها الهندسية لتوصيف ظهور المواضيع.نظرا لأن التقييم يصعب عادة على هذا النوع من المهمة، فإننا نقدم إطارا للتقييم الكمي وإظهار النتائج الإيجابية التي تتفوق على الأساليب الحديثة من بين الفن.يتم تقييم طريقتنا على مجموعة بيانات عامة للصحافة والمقالات العلمية.
Slow emerging topic detection is a task between event detection, where we aggregate behaviors of different words on short period of time, and language evolution, where we monitor their long term evolution. In this work, we tackle the problem of early detection of slowly emerging new topics. To this end, we gather evidence of weak signals at the word level. We propose to monitor the behavior of words representation in an embedding space and use one of its geometrical properties to characterize the emergence of topics. As evaluation is typically hard for this kind of task, we present a framework for quantitative evaluation and show positive results that outperform state-of-the-art methods. Our method is evaluated on two public datasets of press and scientific articles.
References used
We evaluate the use of direct intrinsic word embedding evaluation tasks for specialized language. Our case study is philosophical text: human expert judgements on the relatedness of philosophical terms are elicited using a synonym detection task and
In writing, humor is mainly based on figurative language in which words and expressions change their conventional meaning to refer to something without saying it directly. This flip in the meaning of the words prevents Natural Language Processing fro
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have succeeded in inducing cross-lingual word embeddings - maps of matching words across languages - without supervision. Despite these successes, GANs' performance for the difficult case of distant languages is
Eye-tracking psycholinguistic studies have suggested that context-word semantic coherence and predictability influence language processing during the reading activity. In this study, we investigate the correlation between the cosine similarities comp
Growing polarization of the news media has been blamed for fanning disagreement, controversy and even violence. Early identification of polarized topics is thus an urgent matter that can help mitigate conflict. However, accurate measurement of topic-