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العدالة الإصاحية للطفولة الجانحة

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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د. حسن جوخدار, قانون الأحداث, منشورات جمعة دمشق, الطبعة الخامسة, 1993-1994, ص10.
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This paper is concerned with the theme of divine justice in The Spanish Tragedy (1592) by Thomas Kyd (1558-1594), a famous English Elizabethan dramatist. It first defines the term "didactic", and then moves to discuss the Portuguese playlet in Th e Spanish Tragedy as a miniature play-within-the-play which reveals the issue of divine judgment. This paper concludes by asserting that this play is a tragedy of divine justice and punishment.
Paul Riccor, the French philosopher, aims in "Love and Justice" at presenting a new concept of justice, via its relation with love, leaving behind the traditional concept manifested in distributive justice; this concept which was established by Ric cor unable to put a finale to the social clash, especially the oppressed and marginalized groups. Hence, he tries to present a new concept of justice via tackling its relation with love. Therefore, this research presents at first the concept of justice as it was presented by Riccor, then proceeds to discuss the discrepancy between the traits of love and justice in accordance with the controversy suggested by Paul Riccor, which will enable us to find a relationship through which justice can be established via gaining back the ability to love, then looking at love as more than a mere individual whim; love as one ethic power capable of making a compromise between happiness and duty. Finally, the research ends up with quite accumulative consequences capable of creating new horizons due to this research.
هدفت الدراسة إلى تعرف المشكلات التي تواجه الطلبة المعلمين في تخصص تربيـة الطفل في كلية الملكة رانيا للطفولة بالجامعة الهاشمية أثناء فتـرة التربيـة العمليـة. و لتحقيق هدف الدراسة تم بناء استبانة اشتملت على (52) فقرة موزعة علـى سـت مجالات، و تم تطبي ق الاستبانة على عينة بلغت (100) طالب معلم. و أظهرت النتـائج أن مشكلات التربية العملية التي تواجه الطلبة المعلمين هـي بالترتيـب: المـشكلات المتعلقة بالروضة المتعاونة، و برنامج التربية العملية، و شخـصية الطالـب المعلـم، و الإشراف على التربية العملية، و المعلمة المتعاونة، و تخطيط و تنفيذ الـدروس. كمـا أظهرت النتائج وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسـطات مـشكلات التربيـة العملية تعزى للجنس، في حين لم يوجد أثر يعزى للمعدل التراكمـي للطلبـة. و فـي ضوء النتائج اقترح الباحثون تطوير برنامج التربية العملية في ضوء المعايير العالمية و وضع استراتيجيات للتغلب على المشكلات التي تواجه الطلبة المعلمين و خاصة فيما يتعلق بدور الروضة، و إجراء المزيد من البحوث المتصلة بجوانب هذه المشكلات.
The research aims to identify the impact of the absence of organizational justice dimensions: distributive justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice, the spread of the phenomenon of corruption among the workers in the city of Latakia Counc il. Adopted Find descriptive approach and included the research community all employees in Lattakia City Council, the research sample are soft sample of employees amounted to (175) factor has been the questionnaires they distributed and returned them (161) to identify and complete for statistical analysis and response rate (92%). And the adoption of appropriate statistical methods was the most important results that have been reached: *The sense of workers fairly transactions was the highest relative importance (64.26%), followed by a sense of fairness of procedures relative importance (56.68%), followed by a sense of justice of the distribution relative importance (53.89%). *The absence of organizational justice has an impact on the behavior of the spread of corruption among employees in Lattakia City Council, where (60.9%) of the developments in the spread of behaviors administrative corruption among employees is explained by the absence of organizational justice in general changes. For each dimension of organizational justice dimensions; the absence of distributive justice explains (54%), and the absence of procedural Justice explains (55.5%), and the absence of Interactional Justice explains (57.8%).
This study aimed at detecting the level of school fairness according to students’ points view, and whether this fairness varies according to students gender, class or their interaction. Another aim of the study was detecting the level of self - ef ficacy of basic school students and the relationship between perceived self - efficacy and school fairness.

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