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This paper aims to investigate the role of information technology in developing the Syrian public banks. This has done through testing the relationship between information technology applications and the effectiveness of operation systems in publi c banks. Additionally, the issue of whether the current applied technology does satisfy the requirements of information technology infrastructure has been discussed. What is more, achieving the information technology efficiency based on the systems abilities and prevailing instructions are also argued with regards to facilitating the working procedures .
This research aims to reveal the difficulties faced by the tenth grade students in learning material information technology in secondary schools official in Lattakia province. To achieve this goal has been prepared questionnaire consisting of 40 it ems divided into (5) domains. Applied to the (248) students in the tenth grade in Lattakia province The results showed that most of the difficulties faced by the students were as follows: In the field of physical difficulties: number of computers are limited compared to the large number of students. In the field of educational difficulties related to the course: the lack of modern educational programs that help in learning faster. Difficulties in the field of teaching style: Do not give students enough freedom to practice computers well. Difficulties in related to evaluation ways: interested in the theoretical evaluation at the expense of practical one. In the area of personal difficulties: the lack of a computer in my house - There are no differences between males and females about the difficulties they face in learning the information technology course. - There are no differences between rural students and students in the city about the difficulties they face in learning the information technology course.
استهدفت هذه الدراسة تحديد مدى مواكبة المناهج الدراسية لمواد المحاسبة للتغيرات الدينامكية في مجال تقانة المعلومات اعتمادًا على المناهج الدراسية في أقسام المحاسبة للجامعات السورية. أوضحت النتائج بأن التأهيل المحاسبي في مجال تقانة المعلومات يؤدي دورًا مهمًا في الممارسة العملية، كما أوضحت النتائج وجود فجوة واضحة بين المعرفة الأكاديمية المستندة إلى المناهج الدراسية للمواد المحاسبية و متطلبات سوق العمل فيما يخص موضوع تقانة المعلومات، كما أوضحت النتائج أن التطور المتسارع في تقانة المعلومات له أثر واضح في المحتوى الدراسي للمواد المحاسبية. أوصت الدراسة بضرورة زيادة الاهتمام بموضوع تقانة المعلومات في المناهج الدراسية للمواد المحاسبية المختلفة، من خلال زيادة عدد الساعات المخصصة لهذا الجانب، و تعزيز البعد التطبيقي و الكمي للمواد المحاسبية ذات العلاقة بموضوع تقانة المعلومات، و الإبقاء على آلية مستمرة لتطوير الخطط الدراسية لأقسام المحاسبة في الجامعات السورية.
The quick consuming of products and the strong competition between producers caused to increase the complexity of products, so the digital factory became a need between design and producing actually to achieve a production system with a shorter ti me and optimal design and parameters without engineering modifications. This research offering a reference model basing on a complete framework between the engineering applications to build a computational model with a single core based on the integration between three dimensions modeling and automation of application for digital factory concept, to optimize the design of achieving the ideal execution of actual production system. Where we achieved the control of three-dimensional computer model according to process automation exactly as in actual through integrating tools, where the percentage of exact between the real factory and digital factory was 83% by using the time of process as the main factor for comparison in this evaluation.

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