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The recent reforms were an important opportunity to change the prevailing evaluative culture so that evaluation will be an effective means to develop the learner’s communicative competence and to equip him with skills’ and modern knowledge qualifying him for the acquisition of higher competencies . And to shift the focus from teaching to learning and from teaching for exams to teaching for life. and from the trilogy recitation’ retention and retrieval to the trilogy of competencies of creativity. life skills as well as competencies to deal according to the situation requirements. for these reasons ‘the Algerian school tended to choose the competency-based approach in order to enable the learner reach the desired ambitious objectives.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of a single malleable noncommpression titanium miniplate in fixation and stability of fractures of the mandibular angle using two approaches(.transbuccal and intra-oral approach, or intra-or ally alone) . The research sample included 20 patients from patients who attended AL Assad University Hospital with Unilateral or bilateralun-comminuted mandibular angle fractures in the period between September 2011 and October 2013. The research sample was divided into two groups depending on the two approaches that have been used . Adequacy of the reduction and stability of fixation were evaluated through Radiographic examinations immediately after surgery. Postoperative assessment was based on clinical examination after 1 month, 6 monthes and a year to evaluate: Occlusion, Masticatory efficiency, Maximum mouth opening range, and Other complications(infection –mini-plate exposure). The results of the present study showed that there were statistical difference between the two approaches(transbuccal and intra-oral approach, or intra-orally alone) regarding Occlusion, Masticatory efficiency and Other complications after 1 and 6 months while there was no statistical difference between the approaches after 1 year . we Concluded that using the combined transbuccal/oral approach was the best regarding(infection and mini-plate exposure) and compared with intra-oral approach .
تهدف الرسالة لاجراءدراسة موسعة عما تقدم ذكره حول الشروط المقاربة من نوع سومر فيلدفي الجسم المرن ضمن المرونة الخطية الكلاسيكية
Aesthetics concepts interfered with moral concepts For long periods. Taste was considered to be a reflection of ethics. The liberation from this connection between beauty and morality happened in recent studies and contemporary art. The thinker (Cr oce) talked about the Value and its reverse to distinct between the beautiful and the ugly and that beauty is (a fortunate expression), and ugliness is (an unfortunate expression). There for the theory of ugliness in art as, an aesthetic concept, looks false the thinker. The thinker (T. Stace) pointed to the failure in distinction between what is beautiful and what is ugly. It then carries an Aesthetics pleasure as beauty. The thinker (Bosanquet) sees that the ugly is as much expressive would be a kind of an Aesthetic value. Ugliness has the beauty same complex actors. Let us stop at the idea of (difficult beauty) which sees that there is what causes a problem in tasting the value. All this is done with readings compared to samples of the printmaking work. which belons to different periods, but the most important works of contemporary, its modern techniques.
يعرف البحث مفهوم الوثائق دونما تصرف من خلال شرح كيفية تشكل هذه الوثائق . كما يوضح دور هذه الوثائق في تعليم و تعلم اللغة الفرنسية كلغة أجنبية. بالإضافة إلى توضيح مزاياها و مساوئها. و للتوفيق بين مساوئ و مزايا هذه الوثائق نعرض بعض المقترحات التي تسمح بالتعامل معها بشكل امثل و التي من شانها أن تحسن استخدامها.
The word "Kada" has several uses and different denotations and rules that have been the interest of grammarians, whose opinions varied considerably about it. The majority hold that its predicate must be preceded by the word "An" only in poetic lan guage, not in ordinary language, while other grammarians hold that it can be preceded by the word "Anna" in ordinary language as well.
موضوع هذه الدراسة في: 1 .بالنظر إلى مكانة مادة التعبير فـي العمليـة التعليميـة - التعلميـة، والـدور الـذي تؤديه في فسح المجال أمام التلاميذ للتعبير عن أفكـارهم ومشـاعرهم بلغـة سـليمة وواضحة. 2 .استيعاب نشاط التعبير للمهـارات اللغويـة التـي يقـوم عليهـا الاتصـال اللغـوي : كالاستماع والحديث والقراءة والكتابة. 3 .إلغاء نشاط التعبير الشفهي ( الشفوي ) من منهـاج 2008 -2009 علـى الـرغم مـن أن الكلام المنطوق هو الأصل والمكتوب ثانوي، فـ المنطوق يمثـ ل لغـة التواصـل التي يتعامل بها المتكلم في الحياة اليوميـة، وأبناؤنـا بصـفة عامـة يفتقـرون إلـى القدرات الأساسية في هذه اللغة المنطوقة التي تتمثـل فـي الحـوارات والمناقشـات الخالية من الأخطاء ودون مزجها باللغة الفرنسـية أو العاميـة أو التـداخل اللغـوي المتمثل في الازدواجية أو الثنائية. 4 .من خلال استقراء الواقع المدرسي تبين لي أن نشاط التعبيـر لـم يعـط حقـه، ولـم يحظ بالاهتمام الكافي كنشاط لغوي وظيفي يستمد طاقتـه مـن ( النحـو والصـرف، النصوص الأدبية، المطالعة الموجهة، البلاغة....).

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا