يعتبر تاريخ أوربا المعاصر الذي يشكل امتداداً للتاريخ الأوربي الحديث أحد المحاور الرئيسة في دراسة تاريخ العالم المعاصر , لكون هذا التاريخ نواة أساسية لفهم التاريخ العالمي المعاصر , و لإنعكاس الأحداث التاريخية و التطورات الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و الفكرية الأوربية على غالبية دول العالم .
إن غاية هذه الدراسة هي إلقاء الضوء على فترة تاريخية هامة من تاريخ أوربا لافتقار المكتبة العربية لدراسة أكاديمية تحدد المعالم الأساسية للتاريخ الأوربي المعاصر .
يغطي الكتاب فترة زمنية تبدأ بالثورة الفرنسية عام 1789 م - نقطة التحول الهامة في تاريخ العالم بشكل عام و في التاريخ الأوربي على وجه الخصوص - و تنتهي بنهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية عام 1945 م و التي تعود أهميتها لشمولها و امتدادها إلى أكثر دول العالم و لنتائجها الهامة التي لا تزال تؤثر في تطور الأحداث التاريخية العالمية اليوم .
و تعد المرحلة المدروسة من أغنى المراحل التاريخية بالأحداث و التطورات الدولية , لأن العالم اليوم لا يزال يعيش نتائجها .
The history of modern Europe, which is an extension of modern European history, is one of the main axes in the study of the history of the contemporary world. This history is a fundamental nucleus for understanding contemporary world history and the reflection of historical events and European economic, social and intellectual developments on the majority of the world.
The purpose of this study is to shed light on an important historical period in the history of Europe because of the lack of an Arab library to study an academy that defines the basic features of contemporary European history.
The book covers a period of time beginning with the French Revolution of 1789 - the important turning point in the history of the world in general and in European history in particular - ending at the end of the Second World War in 1945, which is important for its coverage and extension to the world's most important Which continue to affect the development of world historical events today.
The studied phase is one of the richest historical stages in international events and developments, because the world today is still living its results.
The Renaissance represents the period of transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. There were many opinions on the meaning of the Renaissance. Those interested in the arts mean the Renaissance in the fields of photography, sculpture and arch
to know the science of westernism whose features appeared in contemporary Arab thought by the thinker Hassen Hanafi, and contribution in its development via identifying its features first; "and to criticize it Second." is today considered to
The research aims to identify the social concepts and the
extent of their availability in the contents of the History Book
of the Seventh Grade _ The Basic Education-in Syrian Arab
The research has adopted the descriptive approach. The
Recent research has documented that results reported in frequently-cited authorship attribution papers are difficult to reproduce. Inaccessible code and data are often proposed as factors which block successful reproductions. Even when original mater
This research Tackles Ricour's perspective of the willingness to forget and the
ability of memoey to step ahead the idea if past representation and looking into it as it is
one future project. This future which enables humans to recall and forget,