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This research deals the legal system for bank guarantee letters , and we tried first to define the legal nature of a bank guarantee letter by distinguishing between it and similar systems, We talked about the position of national legislation on indep endent guarantees and we touched upon some legislations that regulated the provisions of the bank guarantee letter in their legal texts, After trying to determine the reasons for the refusal of the legislator in some countries to address the issue of the letter of guarantee, We also explained the role of the judiciary that tried to return unregulated systems to a legal basis after adjusting their facts through a process of induction and reasoning within the scope of legal logic, and we discussed some judicial applications in this regardi, At the end of our research, we reached a number of findings and recommendations, hoping that they would contribute to promoting this type of guarantees due to their importance in practical life.
The administrative judiciary is specialized with halting the implementation of the defected administration resolutions with unlawfulness to provide protection for people who are subject to these resolutions. However such protection requires the av ailability of several conditions which are required by the administrative judiciary lest prohibiting any abuse in halting the implementation of the administration resolutions, or disabling them without reasonable cause. As this research will introduce and discuss the concept of these conditions and their influence on halting the implementation.
The trend of taking the dual judiciary system and the emergence of the administrative judiciary ، specialist to look at the administrative disputes، did not prevent the normal judiciary to exercise its role in the protection and preservation of the principle of legality and its control over the illegal resolutions and such limited control over the control of abstinence preclude the contribution of the normal judiciary in the application of illegal text ، and the late application of the legal text and justice .
the research aim to determine what is the electronic arbitration as a term and concept and then the understanding of substantive and procedural legal aspects, all this as the way to resolve electronic commerce disputes.
The right of defense can be considered as natural rights, and the most important fair trial guarantees. It is also an inherent right at the center of public individual rights. It has not only created in favor of the individual but also for the bene fit of society as a whole. There is no justice when accused people do not have a full right of defense and where not possible to verify the truth. This means that enabling the accused to defend himself does not mean that the punishment is over, but means to emphasize the fundamental pillar of justice that will reassure the individuals to the proper functioning of mechanisms in carrying out its mission, and this would remove any doubts about injustice suspicion when Jurisdiction will announce the accused conviction, also removing the suspicion of complacency while deciding his innocence. Therefore, search in protecting the right of the accused to defend himself is not intellectually luxury, but generally speaking, it is searching in more accurate and the most complex legal issues, it is a dive in the depths, to stick to legitimacy in a centre of obstacles is not easy to overcome. Building on the above, we can say that the accused practice of his right to defend himself, remains inadequate to achieve the purpose if it is not criminally reinforced. And to enable the exercise of the right of accused to defend himself, the penal legislator decided to develop a set of substantive rules incriminating and justified, meaning the dedication of this right to proceed without fear or shame. The accused is in great need to exercise his right of defense under the umbrella of the criminal protection, and this will protect him of the treachery of his defense and ensures that his rights will not be exploited because of the weakness of his position, and the lack of his experience, and the conflict hostile facing him. To find out the aspects of this protection two sections have been developed in this research: the first section devoted to the study of the criminal substantive rules, while the second was created to the study of the justified substantive rules. The aim of this is to show the criminal aspects of protection of the right of the accused to defend in court.
This study aims to high light the effort of the Jordan legislator in order to developed the Administrative Judiciary Law and defeat all the challenges for the advancement of law, especially after the constitutional amendment in Jordan during 2011 . The Law appreciates the principle of administrative trail in two degrees as issued under Administrative Judicial Law No 27 in 2014. Nevertheless, these initiatives apprehend important steps to build institutional State that respects human rights and promotes democratic values in society. This study analyses critically the new Jordanian Administrative Judicial Law and compares with Egyptian Administrative Judicial Law, in order to pay attention on weakness and strengths of the Jordanian legislation. The critical analysis can help to make the Administrative Judicial Law as unique by following the experience of the Egypt.
دور القضاء الجنائي الدولي في حماية الأطفال أثناء النزاعات المسلحة : الطفل كائن ضعيف البنيان غير مكتمل النضج وهو بحاجة إلى من يمنحه الأمن والامان ويتعهده بالرعاية
على الرغم من أن غالبية العمليات القانونية المركبة تخضع المنازعات التي تثور بشأنها لولاية القضاؤ الإداري , إلا أن هناك البعض من هذه العمليات يخرج عن ولاية القضاء الإداري , و يخضع الاختصاص بنظر منازعاته لولاية القضاء العادي , و من أبرز هذه العمليات , ع مليات نزع الملكية للمنفعة العامة , إلا أن هذه العمليات تتداخل في تكوينها تصرفات قانونية تصطبغ بصبغة القرارات الإدارية و تقبل الانفصال عنها استقلالا مما حدا بالقضاء الإداري , سواء في فرنسا أو مصر أو سورية , إلى إعمال رقابته عليها من خلال إجازة الطعن فيها بالإلعاء بسبب تجاوز السلطة . و بإتاحة فصل القرارات الإدارية عن عملية نزع الملكية المركبة و الطعن فيها بالإلغاء نكون قد فتحنا طريقا جديدا لمقاومة تعنت الإدارة في حالات كثيرة , حيث يؤدي ذلك إلى مد رقابة القضاء إلى العديد من الأعمال الإدارية.
Law's general principles play a significant role which cannot be denied in the field of the efficacy of judicial surveillance over administrative resolutions issued on the administration's past. In this research we will illustrate its role in the f ield of controlling administrative resolution in terms of the cause factor which it is one of the components of internal legitimacy of resolution. Undoubtedly the role of general principles is gaining greatness in the case of the absence or shortcoming of texts, where the judge tends to fill in the gaps by inventing public legal rules which complement the legal construction and bridge the gaps, and figure out the necessary solution for the dispute at land. As for the factor or the motive for resolution issuance, the most important legal principles set by administrative law are embodied in the principle of the announcement of the reasons for the administrative resolution and the principle requiring that every administrative resolution has its cause which justifies in a truthful manner, namely, in reality and in terms of the law. The principles operate in the case where the legislator fails to mention the event - events which emerge as cause - causes that motivate the resolution taken, and where he fails to mention the need for announcing it within the administrative resolution taken. The resolution is regarded as legitimate in the case of their existence either in the events or the legal teats, or illegitimate in the case of their absence or efficacy. The illegitimacy is here manifested in the as well law's general principles.
إن النهضة التشريعية والاقتصادية الحديثة التي تشهدها دول العالم وموجة تدفق الاستثمارات الاجنبية إلى الدول التي تحتاج لرؤوس الأموال الاجنبية أبرزت إلى حيز الوجود خلافات جديدة بات اللجوء إلى القضاء الرسمي لحلها أمراً محل نظر لتهديده المباشر لقيام هذه الاستثمارات أصلاً

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا