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The current research problem sheds light on family socialization and its relation to drug abuse by presenting the concept of social upbringing in general and family in particular, and identifying the forms of this formation that may contribute to i ts erroneous models in the emergence of many phenomena of deviation such as drug abuse. The aim of the research is to: Recognize the functions of social upbringing in order to activate its role in the treatment of phenomena of deviation. This research has reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the form of family formation in which the individual is exposed plays an important role in predicting the normal or abnormal behavior patterns that the individual will exercise in the future. This research ended with a number of proposals reached through the theoretical framework of this research as well as an analysis of the results of previous studies related to the subject.
The research aims to determine the availability of political socialization concepts in the curriculum of basic first row in the Syrian Arab Republic, the researcher has been used a list of five main axes and 63 sub-concept, it adopted Find the des criptive and analytical approach in basic first-grade curriculum content analysis, and the reach Find out that the formation of political concepts that are not adequately represented in the curriculum of basic first grade, We find that most concepts got a relatively weak weights and spread.
The current research aims to study the relationship between democracy and authoritarian methods of family socialization and child's social interaction with peers in kindergarten. In order to achieve this target, the researcher has set up a question naire to identify democracy and authoritarian methods of family socialization in order to measure democracy and authoritarian methods of family socialization used by parents with a child aged (5-6 years), as the researcher prepares a note card in order to measure the social interaction of the child aged (5-6 years) with peers inside the kindergarten. The study found the following results: there is a correlation between the method of democracy family socialization and the social interaction of the child with peers among children sample in kindergarten, while there is no correlation between the method of authoritarianism family socialization and the social interaction of the child with peers.
The current study aims to discover the relationship between the patterns of family upbringing and the control center for a sample of first year high school students at public high schools. It also aims to determine whether there are any differences between females and males in methods of family upbringing on the one hand and knowing these differences in the control center based on the gender variable. In order to achieve the goal of this study, a sample of 372 students (183 male students – 189 female students) was selected randomly from the first year high school at public schools in the city of Damascus. They underwent the family upbringing test and Router's local control center test. The study has yielded a number of results, the most important of which are: There is a connective relationship of statistical indication among a number of family upbringing patters such as the independency and local control pattern, the acceptance and local control pattern. The study has also shown that over-protectiveness leads to low control center. There are differences of statistical indications between males and females in the independency pattern in favor of males, and differences between males and females in the protection pattern in favor of females.
تعد الاتجاهات ذات صلة وثيقة بحياة الإنسان و بأفكاره و قيمه و ثقافته و سلوكه، لكل إنسان اتجاهاته الخاصة به نحو القضايا السياسية و الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية و النفسية و السلوكية، و هذه الاتجاهات جاءت بعد مراحل التنشئة الاجتماعية، و الظروف الخاصة التي مر بها هذا الإنسان و بعد خبراته السابقة، و طبيعة المجتمع الذي نشأ فيه و غيرها من العوامل التي تسهم في تكوين الاتجاهات لدى الأفراد.
The main issue of research is to reveal the effect of family socialization on youths' participation in making and taking – decision inside the family. The research is also an attempt to highlight the ways of socialization which is followed in upbr inging of youths inside family. It also aims to support the good behaviours and give up the unfruitful ones. These things, in my point of view, would support the research. The research is going to achieve a group of goals such as: · knowing the extent of youth participation in taking – decisions inside the family. · Knowing the ways of socialization which take place in family. · Revealing the right ways of socialization which enable the youths of an active participation in different community's activities. · knowing the difficulties which stand in the face of youths to take part in taking – decision inside the family.
تستهدف هذه الدراسة معرفة العلاقة بين أساليب التنشئة السوية للأبناء كمـا يـدركها الوالدان في الأسرة العمانية، و متغير الجنس، و عمل الأب و الأم، و العمر، و المـستوى التعليمي للوالدين. و تكونت عينة الدراسة مـن (352) أب و أم مـوزعين بالتـساوي (176) أب و (176) أم. و استخدم الباحث في دراسته استبانة يبلغ عدد بنودهـا (40) بنداً، موزعة بشكل متساوٍ على أربعة محاور رئيسة: محور الديمقراطيـة، و محـور المساواة، و محور التقبل، و محور الاهتمام. و أجريت دراسة استطلاعية للتأكـد مـن صدق الاستبانة.
هدف البحث إلى دراسة سلوك العجلات الرضيعة تجاه جهاز الإرضاع الآلي المبرمج ليصار إلى تطوير برمجته، بالإضافة إلى تنشئة عجلات بوزن جيد و سليمة صحيًا و بتكاليف مناسبة في مزارع الأبقار الحلوب الكبيرة.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا