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The study aims to study the availability of the dimensions of organizational intelligence in the private insurance companies in the Syrian coast, and study the nature and strength of the relationship between the dimensions of organizational intellige nce and performance. To achieve this, three hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were: the one-sample T. test, the Pearson Correlation test, and the simple regression test. The researcher found several results, the most important of which is: Organizational intelligence in the studied companies is well evaluated, there is a positive relationship between the dimensions of organizational intelligence and performance, and there is a statistically significant effect of organizational intelligence on performance in the companies under study.
This study aimed at investigating parents’ efficiency in raising children from their adolescent children’s perspective. A test was applied on a sample of 291 male and female secondary school students (from both general and commercial education types) aged 15 to 16. The sample included 146 females and 145 males. The difference in the efficiency of raising children between fathers and mothers were measured, taking into account the variables of mothers’ work (working mother/housewife). The differences between students according to their gender and type of education were also measured. The results showed some differences in efficiency between fathers and mothers in favor of the mothers. There was also a correlation between mothers’ and fathers’ efficiency. No significant differences were found between the male and female students in their evaluation of parents’ efficiency in raising children. No significant differences were also found between working mothers and housewives. The differences in averages, however, came in favor of working mothers The research suggests carrying out some training courses for parents on how to bring up their children in the best way and how to give them the best attention.
Twenty four of Awassi lambs, Reared at Al-Kraim Center for Sheep Breeding and Range Management, were used to test the efficiency of artificial raising using the Programmed Nursing Machine (PNM) on the growth rate of Awassi newborn lambs for eleven weeks postlambing. Lambs were divided equally and randomly into two groups. The lambs in the first group (G١) were separated from their dams at ٧,٤ ± ٣,١ days old and raised artificially on dried whole dairy milk using PNM, while the lambs in the second group (G٢), the control group, were left with their dams to be raised naturally during the studied period (١١ weeks).
هدف البحث إلى دراسة سلوك العجلات الرضيعة تجاه جهاز الإرضاع الآلي المبرمج ليصار إلى تطوير برمجته، بالإضافة إلى تنشئة عجلات بوزن جيد و سليمة صحيًا و بتكاليف مناسبة في مزارع الأبقار الحلوب الكبيرة.

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