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التنشئة السوية للأبناء كما يدركها الوالدان في الأسرة العمانية – دراسة ميدانية

777   0   35   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
  fields Education
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Catherin Carter (1987) the Relationship between an aspect of morality of young children and parent Attitude toward child – rearintg gender Employment status and socio – economic status. Dissertation Ab stract., vol (47) no (22A) P. 39 -70
أبو جادو، صالح محمد علي ( 1998 ) سيكولوجية التنشئة الاجتماعية، دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع والطباعة، عمان.
اسماعيل، محمد عماد الدين وآخرون ( 1974 ) الاتجاهات الوالدية في تنشئة الطفل في: كيف نربي أطفالنا لنفس المؤلفين، دار النهضة العربية، القاهرة.
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This research aims to determine : 1-The Styles of Parental Dealing as the normal and abnormal adolescents remember it. 2-The difference between the normal and abnormal adolescents in the styles of parental dealing. 3-The difference between mothers and fathers in the styles of parental dealing as the adolescents remember it.
This research aimsto know the severity ofpsychological stressina sample of firstlevel teachers(the first cycle) in Jablehand to know if there are any statistically significant differences according to gender,marital status and experience. The sampl e of the research consisted of (60) teachers (males and females). They have been chosen bya simple random way. To achieve the researcher's aims, the researcher used(Psychological Stress Scale) which was prepared by Dr.RiadAl_aassmi. To answer the questions of the research, the means and standarddeviations were extracted and applied One Way ANOVA.Theresults revealed that psychological stress on the teachers was moderate and that there were no statistically significant differences between teachers due to gender, marital statusand experience. The results also revealed that the major dimensions that affect teachers weresocial and psychological stress.
The main issue of research is to reveal the effect of family socialization on youths' participation in making and taking – decision inside the family. The research is also an attempt to highlight the ways of socialization which is followed in upbr inging of youths inside family. It also aims to support the good behaviours and give up the unfruitful ones. These things, in my point of view, would support the research. The research is going to achieve a group of goals such as: · knowing the extent of youth participation in taking – decisions inside the family. · Knowing the ways of socialization which take place in family. · Revealing the right ways of socialization which enable the youths of an active participation in different community's activities. · knowing the difficulties which stand in the face of youths to take part in taking – decision inside the family.
The aim of the current research is to explore the relationship between parental treatment styles as perceived by adolescents and self-esteem, as well as to identify the differences between males and females in both parenting and self-esteem between parental treatment styles, and the impact between parental treatment styles and gender interaction on self-esteem.
This study deals dealing with the social situation of the foreigner maid at homes. This phenomena has spread in our Arabic society in general and in our Syrian community in particular, this matter has been accompanied with the new demands of the family. The society has developed new consuming lifestyle, both individually and socially. The members’ needs have been increasing especially in this economic and social stage of our Syrian society. Many negative results have been reflected on families and children, because family is the first basic social institution which is responsible for a child’s growing up especially at his first three years when his character is being formed.

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