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Structure of repetition in suspended ى Zuhair bin Abi Salma

بنية التكرار في معلقة زهير بن أبي سلمى

2921   5   60   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to study the phenomenon of repetition in the commentator Zuhair ibn Abi Salma, a phenomenon that is clearly manifested in his comment, which is related to some extent closely to the structure of the poet psychological and existential, as the repetition of the poet chooses a combination of linguistic structures and stylistic elements. A selective process of language-language spirit, which reveals the secret of his tendency to this stylistic style.

References used
تأويل مشكل القرآن، ابن قتيبة. تحقيق: إبراهيم شمس الدين الناشر: دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت - لبنان.
جوهر الكنز، تلخيص كنز البراعة في أدوات ذوي البراعة، ابن الأثير الحلبي، . تحقيق د. محمد زغلول سلام، 2009.
موسيقى الشعر، د. إبراهيم أنيس. مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية، الطبعة الثانية، 1952.
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This research aims at revealing the role of indicative deviation in making zohir bin abi salmaa texts poetical This research started with a concise introduction about the concept of deviation linguistically and idiomatically .After that ,it chose a specific metaphors that had and an effect in breaking up the expectations of the reader .then ,it studied a number of unusual similes. Later ,he analyzed many metaphors that had surprised the reader. Finally, the research was conclude with the results he has got from those deviations.
This study aims at analyzing the poetic content of the poetry of an Omayyad poet who was born to a wealthy family which was so close to the Court. The objective of the study is to shed light on one of the most salient features of literary creativity and literary masterpieces-whether poetic or prose- which is the human essence that stimulates human creativity and the doublet of this essence, that is the Other. This study attempts to identify the most prominent subjective features in the poetry of Omar as a famous poet who became a phenomenon in the field of poetic and literary creativity through mastering flirtation poets and poetry in his era. It should be mentioned that the image of the Other in Omar’s poetry examined in this study is the image of woman which considerably resembles that image presented in the work of the majority of other poets. However, this same image varies in Omar’s poetry. Woman is represented as the chaste, beloved, and the rebellious.
This poem, which is the focus of the present study, has been the focus of the attention of many critics and researchers, old and modern. This is mainly because of the richness of this poem in terms of style, the skillfulness in its construction, a nd the depth of its meanings. This is why this same poem is the focus of the present study which will be an investigation into the salient aspects of deviation in this poem at the semantic and structural levels.
The rnodern poem is characterized by breaking away from the old molds. It also attempts to sreate models that seek to generate new poetic sentiments. In order to reach that goal the poern follows several techniques and rnechanisms" These technique s attempt to establish a rhythmical structure that rebels against the conventional musical standards and their rigor of meter and rhyme. Moreover, they do not yield to the power of the popular modetrs, and they move to a space where the poet can make use of minute details so as to plan for an interior design that is strongly associated with psychological motives and semantic figures. Both of which will define the focal point of the rhyhmical tension which is compatible with the development of the self and the textual semantic. Therefore, they move towards the interior which develops due to the interaction between the components of the text and its interrelationships. Thus, this paper shall seek to trace the factors and constituents that take part in the formation of the rhythmical structure away from the external component represented by the meter and rhyme scheme. The paper adopts literal repetition as a means to find out about the aspects of the internal rhyhm and its contribution to the construction of the general rhythmical structure of the text as well as its relation with the semantic dimension in order to focus on the relation between rhyhmic semantic and linguistic semantic.
This research studies an important aspect in the poetry of Yahya Bin Alhakam Alghazal, one of the most brilliant poets in the Andalusia literature. This research discusses: - Subjects of the tale in the poetry of Alghazal. - The main artistic el ements in his poetry. The subjects in the tale revolve about the poet's experience and his own life and the things in his community. The tale in his poetry depends on dialogue, simple action, satire, and folk language. This poetic tale found approval from all the people in its own time because it depends on simplicity and discusses daily problems like bribery, justice and hypocrisy These cases are very important that Alghazal had studied in his poems.
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