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This research aimed at determining the reality of the partnership between Russia and the European Union during the period 2000-2019, the extent of the relationship of GDP to foreign trade and the degree of economic openness. The descriptive and analy tical approach has been relied on in the analysis of Russia's tools and policy towards trade exchange and partnership with the European Union. Where the data of GDP, exports and imports, and the trade balance was relied upon to calculate the average annual increase, the average growth rate and the degree of economic exposure. The most important conclusions were Russia’s endeavor to build a partnership with the European Union based on joint cooperation and dealing with issues of security and common neighborhood, promoting and diversifying trade exchanges, and that the Russian economy is not exposed to the European economy. The most important recommendations were represented in the necessity of Russia diversifying its exports to European markets and not relying solely on the export of oil and natural gas.
The aim of this study was to apply Box- Jenkins methodology represented by ARIMA models, to forecast some indicators of foreign trade in Syria, and to know if these models are effective in forecasting. The main results were: -The time series for the indicator of trade exposure in Syria for period 1992 - 2016 is unstable, and then stabilized after making the first differences.-The time series for the indicator of import- export covering in Syria for period 1992 - 2016 is unstable, and then stabilized after making the first differences. - ARIMA (1,1,1) model, which is the suitable model to forecast the indicator of trade exposure, and it is effective model. - ARIMA (2,1,0) model, which is the suitable model to forecast the indicator of import- export covering, and it is effective model.
Industrial activity is one of the pillars of the economic development of any country. It includes a long and varied series of productive processes that provide a high rate of economic growth. The importance of foreign trade in development is eviden ced by securing the requirements of raw materials, capital goods and the source of currencies, Therefore, the success of any real development experience requires an effective industrial sector that has a positive impact on the foreign trade sector and this is reflected in the transition of the national economy towards achieving important steps in the field of economic development. The study aimed to find a standard model based on the ECM model to predict the volume of industrial imports by studying the relationship between industrial investment and industrial imports. It concluded that this model could be a scientific basis for the development of economic and social development plans.
Gravity model in trade is the most important factor in analyzing international trade determinants in bilateral، regional or international trade relationship between countries. Developing of Syrian external trade requires finding new outlets .For th at ،this research discusses the determinants of Syrian international trade with BRICS countries by gravity model، using panel data for five counties and period from 1980 to 2015. The research proofed several facts including: the big scale of countries economy increase trade with BRICS countries، but both of economic and geographic distance between Syria and BRICS countries decrease scale of Syrian international trade with these countries.
لابد من بيان المقصود بالتجارة الإلكترونية سواء في الوسط الفقهي أو القانوني و توضيح ما تتسم به التجارة الإلكترونية من خصائص و ما يعترض سبيل تقدمها و ازدهارها من عقبات ...
This study aims to investigate the subject of digital currencies and identify if there is a correlation between digital currencies and electronic commerce, determine if there is a correlation between digital portfolios and electronic commerce, as wel l as finding out if there are difficulties in the application of digital currency in the United Arab Emirates.
Electronic arbitration and its electronic decisions are considered to be the most modern means of resolving disputes arising from electronic business transactions, and since the electronic arbitration decision issued by the electronic arbitral tr ibunal is done electronically both in terms of writing or signing. The majority of the legislations of the various countries of the world lack it and the obligation of the losing party in this decision to implement its obligation by judicial means or by alternative means has not This is the subject of our research, which we have been forced to distribute to two sections, the first of which dealt with the nature of electronic arbitration decisions and our second release to ensure the effectiveness of the electronic arbitration decision. We finished the research by concluding the subject.
التجارة الإلكترونية كمفهوم هي إدارة الأنشطة التجارية وتنفيذ العمليات المتعلقة بالسلع والخدمات بواسطة تحويل المعطيات عبر شبكة الإنترنت أو الأنظمة التقنية المشابهة . وبشكل عام تعرَّف بأنها أنشطة تلبي احتياجات المستهلك في المكان والتوقيت المناسبي ن وبالسعر المناسب , ومن ثم فإن التجارة الإلكترونية هي ذلك النوع من التجارة الذي يتم باستخدام وسيط إلكتروني سواء داخل الحدود السياسية لدولة ما أو خارجها بصرف النظر عن نوعية السلعة محل التجارة أو مدى مشروعيتها أو القانون الذي تخضع له , وتستخدم فيها وسائل دفع وتعاقد إلكترونية. ويحاول الباحث فى هذا البحث فى سؤال جوهري وهو هل الإطار النظري للمحاسبة والذي أنشئ في ظل بيئة تجارية تقليدية كافي ويمكن تطبيقه في ظل البيئة التجارية الإلكترونية الحديثة؟وقد هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على بيئة التجارة الالكترونية ومقارنتها ببيئة التجارة التقليدية ومعرفة مدى كفاية الإطار المفاهيمى للمحاسبة المالية للتعامل مع تلك البيئة وحصر المشاكل التي تواجه مهنة المحاسبة في ظل هذه البيئة إن وجدت واقتراح بعض التوصيات التي تساهم في حلها.
Multitiered ecommerce applications are distributed applications where application logic is divided into components according to function. These components are installed on different machines, depending on the tier to which the application component belongs , additionally, these applications provide ecommerce services like online shopping

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