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The Israel government led by Rabin reached an advanced stage in peace negotiations with Syria, but his assassination in 1995 prevented the completion of the peace process. The Likud returned to power, making the extremist Netanyahu as a prime ministe r, who insisted on returning to the zero point in the negotiations with Syria. But with Barak's Labor government in power, negotiations resumed again from the point where they stopped in 1996, but the dispute between Syria and Israel for a few meters prevented negotiations from succeeding. When Sharon became Israeli prime minister and America evaded its role in pursuing negotiations, the peace process was halted again by the beginning of the century. Things continued as they were until 2007. when Kadima leader Olmert asked Turkey to resume indirect negotiations with Syria, rather, despite Ankara's embrace of the negotiations, the situation worsened after the renewal of Netanyahu's election in 2009 as a prime minister.
This study examines the Portuguese occupation of the coast of Morocco Al-Aqsa , which is governed by a set of data, which is near Portugal , and earlier emergence of the State of Portugal and the pursuit of big projects in Morocco for a variety of reasons, accompanied by many of the campaigns that covered in the study , was thus one of the first countries that sought on sites in the Maghreb where he occupied the city of Ceuta in Morocco in 1415 AD ,the great and the marina from Algeria ,but the defeat in the battle of Valley stores disappointed hopes and made them prey to the enemy was Spain , which is seeking to extend its influence over Morocco .
الجولان العربي السوري جزء عزيز من و وطننا سورية، يقع في الجنوب الغربي منه، تربته بركانية خصبة، مياهه غزيرة، يمتد بين أخفض نقطة 212 م تحت سطح البحر - بحيرة طبرية - جنوباً و إحدى قمم جبل الشيخ البالغة 2224 م فوق سطح البحر، احتل العدو الصهيوني جزءاً منه عام 1967 م مساحته 1150 كم 2، هجر سكانه، و دمر قراهم، فتشردوا في أنحاء متفرقة من الوطن الأم فعانوا البؤس و الحرمان، و لم يبق سوى خمس قرى، لم يسعه تهجيرهم، فعانوا تحت الاحتلال من الظلم و القهر، فحاول طمس هويتهم و انتمائهم بدءاً من عزلهم كلياً عن وطنهم سورية و أبناء وطنهم في الوطن الأم، إلى الحصار الاقتصادي، و مصادرة أراضيهم و منحها لمستوطنيه، 1980 ، و كان الأخطر من ذلك كّله /12/ وصولاً إلى قراره بضم الجولان في 14 وضع مناهج تربوية للطلاب في غايةٍ من الخطورة لتسميم أفكار الناشئة و اقتناص انتمائهم العربي و الوطني، و محاولة خلق جيل منفصل عن تاريخه و تراثه و وطنه و أمته العربية، و إظهار اليهود أنهم أمة حضارية لها تميزها بين الأمم.
This study aims at studying the feminist novel in Palestine under the Zionist occupation. The researcher chose the novelist (Sahar Khalifa) as a model since she is considered one of the most prominent creative writer in the field of the contemporary feminist novels in her novels (We are No More Bond girls for you) and (An Autobiography of An Impractical Woman) and (The Cactus) and (The Sun Flower) Any researcher will not be able to understand the feminist novel in Palestine without understanding the Zionist occupation and the essence of the contradictions that a creative person lives in the atmosphere of repression, suppression siege, oppression and daily killing. The research tries to show the image of the woman in these novels and did the writer (Sahar Khalifa) harmonize with her real life in Palestine or did she divert from her covey. This is what the writer tries to show at the end of his study.
The present research aims at studying the impact, which the US Occupation of Iraq has left on the children's social life and violation of their rights, through a field research study of a sample of Iraqi Refugee children and their families, curren tly staying in Damascus. The study is divided into five main parts, where the first part deals with the War on Iraq, its threats to children, pointing out the number of the refugees throughout the Syrian Governorates, and explaining the demographic, health and educational conditions of those children. The second part deals with the basic patterns of the research; explaining the importance of the research, its goals, enquiries and the patterned measures adopted, while defining the original community, the research sample, and the method adopted. The third part deals with a number of Arab and Foreign studies, pointing out the position of this research in relation to these studies. As for the fourth part, it brings in an analysis of the US Occupation^ impact on the Iraqi children, who are now refugees in Syria, as the fifth part reviews the basic results reached and all enquiries related.
يتناول البحث أمن الخليج العربي بعد التحولات الكبرى التي شهدها بعد الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق، و هي تفوق في حجمها و تطورها و تأثيراتها مجمل ما شهده الإقليم طوال تاريخه. فالتحديات لم تقتصر على تهديدات من قوة إقليمية أو دولية، بل امتدت لتشمل تهديدات أمنية مباشرة تنبع أساسَا من الداخل و تتمثل في تصاعد موجة العنف و "الإرهاب".
يهدف هذا البحث إلى إلقاء الضوء على الرواية العربية في فلسطين منذ الاحتلال الصهيوني عام 1948 حتى اليوم. و تفاعلها بما طرأ على الساحة الفلسطينية من مستجدات، و رصدها رؤية الكتاب لصور المقاومة من زوايا رؤى متعددة حّتمتها ساحة الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي.

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