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أمن الخليج العربي بعد الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق:دراسة في صراع الرؤى و المشروعات

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 Publication date 2008
  fields political science
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Fuller, Graham E. and Jan O. Lesser, "Persian Gulf Myths", foreign Affairs, Vol. 76, No. 3, May-June 1997
Jamal S. Al-Suwaidi (ed.), Iran and the Gulf: A search for Stability Studies and Research, 1996

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
الورقة البحثية تتناول موضوع الأمن في منطقة الخليج العربي بعد الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق، مع التركيز على الصراع بين الرؤى والمشروعات المختلفة التي تهدف إلى تنظيم أمن المنطقة. تناقش الورقة دور إيران والدول العربية في هذا السياق، وتستعرض مواقف وتصريحات المسؤولين الإيرانيين حول التعاون الأمني مع الدول العربية. كما تتناول الورقة تأثير الاحتلال الأمريكي على التوازنات الأمنية في المنطقة وكيفية تعامل الدول المعنية مع هذا الوضع الجديد. تتضمن الورقة أيضاً تحليلاً للعلاقات الإيرانية-العربية وكيفية تأثيرها على الأمن الإقليمي، بالإضافة إلى استعراض لبعض الدراسات والأبحاث السابقة التي تناولت هذا الموضوع.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: الورقة تقدم تحليلاً شاملاً ومفصلاً لموضوع حساس ومعقد، وهو الأمن في منطقة الخليج بعد الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول أن الورقة قد تفتقر إلى بعض التوازن في تقديم وجهات النظر المختلفة، حيث يبدو التركيز الأكبر على الموقف الإيراني. كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت تحليلاً أعمق لمواقف الدول العربية والخليجية الأخرى. كما أن الورقة قد استفادت من تقديم توصيات واضحة ومحددة حول كيفية تحسين التعاون الأمني في المنطقة بدلاً من الاكتفاء بالتحليل الوصفي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الموضوع الرئيسي للورقة البحثية؟

    الموضوع الرئيسي هو الأمن في منطقة الخليج العربي بعد الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق والصراع بين الرؤى والمشروعات المختلفة لتنظيم أمن المنطقة.

  2. ما هي المواقف الإيرانية تجاه التعاون الأمني مع الدول العربية؟

    المسؤولون الإيرانيون يؤكدون على أهمية التعاون الأمني مع الدول العربية ويرون أن العلاقات الطيبة بين إيران والدول العربية تخدم الطرفين، ويرفضون فكرة أن إيران تحاول الدخول على الخط العربي الأمني.

  3. كيف أثر الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق على التوازنات الأمنية في منطقة الخليج؟

    الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق أدى إلى تغييرات كبيرة في التوازنات الأمنية في المنطقة، مما دفع الدول المعنية إلى إعادة تقييم استراتيجياتها الأمنية والتعاون فيما بينها.

  4. ما هي النقاط النقدية التي يمكن توجيهها لهذه الورقة البحثية؟

    من النقاط النقدية أن الورقة قد تفتقر إلى التوازن في تقديم وجهات النظر المختلفة وتركز بشكل أكبر على الموقف الإيراني. كما أنها قد استفادت من تقديم توصيات واضحة لتحسين التعاون الأمني في المنطقة.

rate research

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Being a hybrid, hyphenated literature, Arab-American Literature, which attempts to articulate the identity of its producer, exhibits wide ranging references to its Arabic and Islamic background. Surveying a vast corpus of Arab-American writings, t he present paper demonstrates the overwhelming presence of Arabic and Islamic culture in such writings, discussing its various textual forms and, thus, confirming the Arabic component of Arab-American identity.
This project is a Zionist-American update of those projects which have been developed and planned by the Colonial and Zionist departments, which were designed to separate the bright Arab world for western parts, by planting the Zionist entity in the heart of the Arab world, and after a series of conventions and treaties that paved the way for carrying out such as the Convention Sykes-Picot colonial in 1916 and the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Thus, what is happening in the Arab world cannot be separated from the scheme of the US-Zionist-Western European targets to penetrate the Arab region as a whole, in order to synthesize weak statelets which would be easy to control, and thus plunder the riches and capabilities of the Arabs, and to ensure the security "of Israel." In addition, it also reached the objectives of those countries working towards the fragmentation and occupation of the Arab world, as well as the elimination of governments and nationalist parties, thus ending the national project and the Arab system. One of the tools, or the colonial scenarios, posed to achieve this by the owners of the American-Zionist project is to hit the kind of gender in the Arab region, whether sectarian, ethnic or national. And thus ignite sectarian wars and civil between the components of the Arab community until you return the peoples of the region to the pre-national state, which leads to spread chaos and unrest and insecurity, leading to serious implications and repercussions of the disastrous walks of life, different cultural, political, social, economic and others. What progress allows the right climate for the division and fragmentation of the Arab states towards the character of a sectarian and nationalist and sectarian and ethnic, and thus draw a new map for the Arab region to serve the interests of the colonial powers? This climate of chaos gives justifications and arguments of the States project owners a Zionist-American intervention in the affairs of Arab countries, and the violation of their sovereignty and control over their own resources, whether oil or gas, or take advantage of its strategic location in ways to control global trade. ...
This research confirms the great importance of oil and its impact on international relations at the political and economic levels, which drives the major countries, especially the United States of America, to secure the necessary oil supplies perma nently and in any way possible. The research aims to introduce the most important pillars of US oil policy and the importance of protecting the oil security belt In general and the Gulf in particular, and the development of the means followed by the United States to control and exploit the Gulf oil as far as possible, both through the signing of the agreements of monopoly and even access to the policy of waging wars or making crises, as research refers to the political and economic history of the American exploitation of the Gulf oil despite the prevailing belief that the United States is a strategic ally of the Gulf states. The research founded many results and made some recommendations.
The present research aims at studying the impact, which the US Occupation of Iraq has left on the children's social life and violation of their rights, through a field research study of a sample of Iraqi Refugee children and their families, curren tly staying in Damascus. The study is divided into five main parts, where the first part deals with the War on Iraq, its threats to children, pointing out the number of the refugees throughout the Syrian Governorates, and explaining the demographic, health and educational conditions of those children. The second part deals with the basic patterns of the research; explaining the importance of the research, its goals, enquiries and the patterned measures adopted, while defining the original community, the research sample, and the method adopted. The third part deals with a number of Arab and Foreign studies, pointing out the position of this research in relation to these studies. As for the fourth part, it brings in an analysis of the US Occupation^ impact on the Iraqi children, who are now refugees in Syria, as the fifth part reviews the basic results reached and all enquiries related.
This paper investigates the proximate analysis of zooplankton and the jellyfish Catostylus perezi through studying the content of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (as glucose) in three different stations of Al-Khobar coastal area (Saudi Arabia) during four seasons. Physical and chemical factors of water, specific composition, abundance and biomass of zooplankton were also studied. The results indicate clear temporal and spatial differences in the content of organic matter of zooplankton. Proteins values were between 118.8 and 439.7 mg/g and lipids values were between below detection levels and 55.2 mg/g; whereas carbohydrates values ranged between 0.035 and 0.371 mg/g as dry weight. The results indicate clear differences in the content of organic matter of the jellyfish parts especially the medusa.
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