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Sarcasm is one of the main challenges for sentiment analysis systems due to using implicit indirect phrasing for expressing opinions, especially in Arabic. This paper presents the system we submitted to the Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection task of WAN LP-2021 that is capable of dealing with both two subtasks. We first perform fine-tuning on two kinds of pre-trained language models (PLMs) with different training strategies. Then an effective stacking mechanism is applied on top of the fine-tuned PLMs to obtain the final prediction. Experimental results on ArSarcasm-v2 dataset show the effectiveness of our method and we rank third and second for subtask 1 and 2.
The renewal is the nature of life, and a norm of alaah in his creatures, which is a general phenomenon in every time and place, including all aspects of existence through which the process of continuous adaptation with the developments imposed by the nature of the age.
The renewal is the nature of life, and a norm of alaah in his creatures, which is a general phenomenon in every time and place, including all aspects of existence through which the process of continuous adaptation with the developments imposed by the nature of the age.
This research aims to investigate the correlative relationship between the cognitive style (impulsivity/reflectivity) and psychological stress among college students. It aims also to investigate the differences in the cognitive style (impulsivity/reflectivity) and psychological stress according to gender and academic specialization (education/fine art). Matching Familiar Figures Test to measure the cognitive style impulsivity/reflectivity was used in this study H. Al-Fermawi). Also, a psychological stress test was prepared by the author and used in this research.
إن هذه الدراسة بموضوع الأسلوب الأدبي في القصائد العربية المتولدة في جزيرة سريلانكا (دراسة تحليلية في ديوان الشاعر الشيخ أجواد) تدرس عن اسلوب الشاعر في القصائد العربية التي ألفها علماء سريلانكا. أما الشيخ أجواد فيعتبر احد رواد الشعراء المشهورين في الج زيرة, ومن خلال هذه الرسالة يتخذ شعره نماذج للقصائد العربية المتولدة في الجزيرة على أن الشيخ أجواد تلقى قبولا حسنا في شاعريته من طرف معظم العلماء الشعراء. تقتضي هذه الدراسة الوقوف على الأسلوب الأدبي للشاعر ومعرفة مدى تناسب أسلوب الشاعر مع موضوع قضيته فالاسلوب هو الذي يتخذه الشاعر في بناء قصيدته. فهو بمثابة الجسم والتجربة بمثابة الروح.
This study aims through dealing with Al- Jahez's rhetorical style, to assure the originality of many principals of the style science in our rhetorical and critical heritage, so this research starts the study from a hypothesis that is the style is c onsidered equal and not a substitute or an inheritor of the ancient Arab rhetorical. It was necessary for the sake of the research to divide the study into two sections: the first one discuss the bases which must be offered in the literary styles to reach the rhetoric feature, and these bases are: The rightness grammatical, the commitment of the aesthetic criterions which are customary for the Arabs. the second section is represented by studying the ways which through them there is a presentation of the meanings in a rhetorical styles. The research ends to that the artistic picture with all its different arts is considered the best way to present the literary styles, because it marks the text by the artistic beauty which affects the audience sense and their aesthetic faculties, and that is what leads to succeed the aimed linguistic communication.
The displacement method of the important methods in stylistic studies and modern linguistics; it is based onDepart from the familiar and ordinary language to create beauty creative outlines a literary text by the poet and increase its luster, and its showText aesthetic statement and the possibility of the poet and his abilities shift in his words, which the recipient is a matter of contemplation and interpretation Revealed in a metaphorical sense, it stands on aesthetic and poetic .language And here it highlights the role of the imagination in the production of diverse literary images, since the poet called free rein to his imagination in the generation of meanings andInnovation, and this is done in the familiar skip weave method, and breach of the ,modest traditions between language users If the purpose of the distortion of the text is to create beauty and stylistic innovation that leaves an impact on its recipients, which confirms Position Poetic language; Art is not art until breathing shed from the standard, and even filled his intention of violating the order and ,violation of norms .That's what the beauty of D poets, literary texts semantic my style.
The displacement method of the important methods in stylistic studies and modern linguistics; it is based onDepart from the familiar and ordinary language to create beauty creative outlines a literary text by the poet and increase its luster, and i ts showText aesthetic statement and the possibility of the poet and his abilities shift in his words, which the recipient is a matter of contemplation and interpretation Revealed in a metaphorical sense, it stands on aesthetic and poetic language. And here it highlights the role of the imagination in the production of diverse literary images, since the poet called free rein to his imagination in the generation of meanings andInnovation, and this is done in the familiar skip weave method, and breach of the modest traditions between language users, If the purpose of the distortion of the text is to create beauty and stylistic innovation that leaves an impact on its recipients, which confirms Position Poetic language; Art is not art until breathing shed from the standard, and even filled his intention of violating the order and violation of norms, That's what the beauty of D poets, literary texts semantic my style.
حّقَقت (الأجوبة المسكتة) حضوراً فاعلاً، و مكانة متميزة في الحقلين الأدبي و البلاغي، فما من كتاب فيهما يخلو من شاهد على حضور هذه الأجوبة و بلاغتها، بما يؤكد أصولها الراسخة في ميدان البلاغة، و يدعم تلك الوشائج الثابتة التي تربطها ببديع القول و حسن البي ان. من هنا جاء هذا البحث ليعرف هذه الأجوبة، و يبين طبيعتها، و يظهر سماتها، ثم ليدرس نوعاً بلاغياً كان حاضراً بقوة فيها، و هو (الأسلوب الحكيم)، فتتحقق للبحث بذلك ثلاث غايات: الأولى: دراسة هذه الأجوبة التي لم أجد لها - في حدود علمي - درساً بلاغياً خاصاً بها. و الثانية: إغناء مبحث (الأسلوب الحكيم) بالأمثلة المناسبة، فقد كان عدد أمثلته في مصنفات البلاغيين، و لاسيما القدماء منهم، لا يتجاوز عدد أصابع اليد الواحدة، و هذا قد لا يفي هذا الفن الجليل حّقه وبلاغته، ولذلك حشد هذا البحث مجموعة من الأمثلة المتنوعة لتكون في متناول يد الدارس. والثالثة: رفد الجانب التحليلي في البلاغة، و هذا كان أبرز الصعوبات التي واجهت البحث، إذ لم أقع – في حدود اطلاعي – على دراسة علمية عنت بتناول الجانب الفني التطبيقي بهذا الأسلوب يمكن الاستئناس بها أو الاتكاء عليها، و كل ما جاء في هذا البحث هو جهد شخصي و عمل فردي يهدف إلى سبر أغراضه ضمن هذه الأجوبة حتى يكشف عن تلك المساحة الواسعة التي شغلها هذا الأسلوب فتبرز بذلك بلاغة المتكلم و الكلام، و تنكشف أسراره و خفاياه.
Repetition ,which abounds in literary works –whether it turns into a linguistic system that abides or evades a certain rule-emerges ,as a stylistic and distinctive sign which contributes to an appreciation of specific characteristic of the literar y style of the work under study .therefore, this concise paper seeks to approach the average of the incident of repetition which ,through the curves shown ,reveals the distinctive stylistic signs of Al-Shabbi,s poem On Life ,and endeavors to show the function of this device on the level of the linguistic construction of the text or system in question ,and the level of the text's general structure ,via this statistic and stylistic practice.

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