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This study has conducted to investigate the effect of air pollution on diagnostic elements and morphologicl characters of leaves of Neruim oleander Cultivated in roadsides in Lattakia City . Samples were collected from tow sites differ in pollution inteusity between october 2012 and september 2013 . The first site ( Al Jmhoria street in Lattakia city ) was more polluted and has more traffic activity . Whil the second site ( tishreen University park ) Was Less polluted and less traffic activity . The results have showed that the length , the weight and the colour of the leaf are negtively incieased because of traffic intensity and this , inturn , affects the shape , the size and the number of diagnostic elements which play animportant rule in differentation the species from each other .
Methyldopa, an anti-hypertensive drug having a half life of less than 2 hours, and given with a dose of 250 mg 3-4 times daily. Objective: The present study was for objective of developing a sustained release (SR) matrix tablets of methyldopa usin g hydroxypropyl methylcellulose(HPMC) as release controlling factor, and to study the effect of some formulation factors on drug release from tablets. Methods: Hydrophilic SR matrix tablets containing 250 mg of methyldopa were prepared using wet granulation method. Granules were evaluated for moisture content, loose bulk density, tapped bulk density, compressibility index and hausner’s ratio. Tablets were subjected to physiochemical studies and in vitro dissolution study. Effect of concentration and viscosity grade of HPMC, both binder and lubricant concentration on drug release from matrix tablets was evaluated . Results: All formulations showed physiochemical properties which appear to be in compliance with pharmacopeial standards. From the in vitro dissolution studies, it was clear that as the concentration or viscosity of polymer increased, the rate of drug release was found to be decreased. Higher concentration of binder (PVP K30) showed slower release of drug, while the level of lubricant(magnesium stearate and talc) appeared to insignificantly affect release rates. Drug release kinetics of about all formulations correspond best to Korsemeyer-Peppas model and drug release mechanism was found to be anomalous (non-Fickian) diffusion based on release exponent value. The formulation F6 (containing 15% HPMC K100M ) was selected as the optimized formulation as it sustained the release over 24 hrs. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the drug release from HPMC based matrix tablets using methyldopa as a drug model could be modulated by varying the polymer concentration, the polymer viscosity and the binder concentration with no significant effect of varying the lubricant concentration.
The present study aims to develop sustained release (SR) matrix tablets of methyldopa using hydrophilic hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and to study the effect of some formulation variables (HPMC concentration and viscosity grade, combination with hydrophobic Ethylcellulose (EC) in different ratio, binder and lubricants concentrations) on the properties of prepared tablets. Matrix tablets were prepared by wet granulation method, and prepared granules and tablets were subjected to suitable physiochemical studies. Drug release kinetics showed that drug release mechanism for about all formulations was found to fit best to Higuchi model and drug release mechanism was anomalous diffusion based on release exponent value. The in-vitro dissolution studies showed that formulation F6 containing 15% of HPMC K100M and formulation F11 containing EC:HPMC K4M (5%:10%) were able to sustain the release of methyldopa up to 24 hours so these two formulations were selected as suitable formulations.
Background& Objective: This research is carried out to investigate the Anti-inflammatory activity of the alcoholic extract of flower buds of Crataegus laevigata in experimentally-induced arthritis in rats. Materials & Methods: the inflammation was i nduced experimentally by Carrageenan, the standard material that causes non-immune acute inflammation. The size of edema was measured before and after the inducing the inflammation, in control group as well as in group treated by extract and by Diclofenac. The measurements persist until the 4th hour following the injection of Carrageenan. In another set of experiment, the important biomarker, TNF-α, was calibrated in inflammation-induced groups of rats that received extract or Diclofenac and compared with control. Results: The extract significantly reduced the size of edema compared with control and this effect was not less than that of Diclofenac, the standard anti-inflammatory drug. Indeed, the extract lowered the values of TNF-α. Conclusion: The Crataegus laevigata has clear anti-inflammatony effect , but it should be further investigated.
Background & Objective: Spray drying techniques are used to produce inhaled powders of enzymes and proteins without denaturation. The surface free energy data of these powders is used to reduce the time of formulation development. During storage, the surface free energy of the inhaled protein powders could change and so their performance will be affected. Many factors affect the limit of this change. Storage temperature is the critical factor. Material& methods: A spray drying method was optimized to prepare inhaled spray dried lysozyme powders. Inverse gas chromatography was utilized to measure the surface free energy of the prepared powders pre and post-storage to detect the effect of storage temperature on the surface free energy. Differential Scanning Calorimetry and biological activity tests were used to evaluate the integrity of lysozyme conformation after storage at different storage temperature. Results: Increasing the storage temperature decreased both dispersive and specific surface components of the spray-dried lysozyme powders significantly (ANOVA: P < 0.001) up to 12% and up to 31 % after storage for one year at 40 °C, respectively. The overall decrease in the polar components resulted in a reduction of the surface basicity. These decreases in the surface energetics would be due to the aggregation of denatured lysozyme molecules at the powder surface via hydrophobic regions rich with electrons. The same results were found after storage for one year at room temperature, but the extents of changes were smaller. Conclusion: It is advisable to store protein powders at 5°C to inhibit the changes in their surface free energy which is the crucial factor affecting their performance.
The aim of this study was to control the content of some commercial products containing amino acid (Arginine) available in the local market in addition to other products containing creatine and protein. Three methods were used for quantitative determ ination of amino acids Kjeldahl method depending on the total content of nitrogen, assay by the visible radiation using Spectrophotometer after ninhydrin derivatization and high performance liquid chromatography with pre-column O-phtadelaldehyde derivatization using fluorescence detector. There were no significant differences in the results obtained by the three used methods. The results revealed that dietary supplements containing creatine and protein were conform to the European pharmacopoeia specifications, regarding products containing arginine used as medication and locally manufactured, they were conform to pharmacopoeia specifications while the illegal dietary supplement containing arginine were not conform.
الإدمان هو حالة جسدية و عقلية ناتجة من التفاعل بين العضوية و المخدر. و هذا يتجلى بتعديلات في التصرفات، و التزام باستهلاك المخدر بشكل مستمر أو بين فترة و أخرى لكي يحصل على التأثيرات العقلية و يتجنب خطر الحرمان. يوصف الميتادون علاجاً بديلاً بديلة للهر وئين و ذلك في محاولة لشفاء المريض من إدمانه، و هذا يتضمن إلى جانب المعالجة الدوائية باستخدام الميتادون المتابعة النفسية و الاجتماعية للمريض. عدم التمكن من تحديد الحد الأدنى من الجرعة العلاجية المطلوبة يؤدي إلى عدم جدوى المعالجة و إلى استمرار المريض باستعمال المخدرات و ترك العلاج مما يؤدي إلى خطر الجرعة الزائدة بالحقن الوريدي. بجميع الحالات فإن الدعم النفسي – الاجتماعي يجب أن يرافق المريض من أجل وضعه في أفضل شروط للعلاج. إن التوقف عن استعمال الهيروئين يخفض من الإصابة بالأمراض الإنتانية المرتبطة بالتعاطي عن طريق الحقن الوريدي, و كذلك انخفاض نسبة الموت بجرعة زائدة. من الناحية الاجتماعية فإن معالجة الإدمان تخفض حوادث الإجرام و تعيد انخراط المريض بالمجتمع و الحياة العملية. هذه المعطيات الرقمية للبحث تظهر بشكل خاص أهمية العناية و المتابعة الطويلة ضمن برنامج محدد, و هذا مستلزم وصف الميتادون لفترة طويلة بالتوازي و الترافق مع متابعة نفسية و طبية و اجتماعية.
In this research two analytical methods were developed for the determination of Azelastin as raw material and in Nasal Spray formulation. The first method was spectrophotometric while the other used the technic of HPLC The first method based on meas uring the absorbance at λmax 284 nm . The relationship between the absorbance and the concentration is rectilinear over the range 0.001 – 0.008 g %. The proposed spectrophotometric method was successfully applied to the determination of Azelastin in nasal spray. The percentage recoveries were 99.378±1 (10 duplicate readings)1 No interference was noticed from co-formulated drugs. For the absorbance at λmax the obtained results were in good agreement with which obtained by the Pharmacopeia method. The substance gave a good separation while the retention time was 1.467 min.
Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C infections was assessed among individuals undergoing Pre-marital Tests in Pre-marital Clinic & Laboratory in Homs city – Syria. Enzyme immunoassay technique was used for detection of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs -Ag) and antibodies to hepatitis C virus (Anti-HCV). Among 20290 subjects, 288 (1.4%) were positive for HBs-Ag, and 24 (0.12%) were positive for Anti-HCV. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C was more common in male subjects (84.4% for Hepatitis B and 75% for Hepatitis C) in comparison to female (15.6% for Hepatitis B and 25% for Hepatitis C).
Stem cells have unique capability to differentiate into many cell types that can normally replace the loss in some cells of the body due to tissue injury. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) and umbilical cord (UC) are the two main sources for hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), respectively, which constitutes the basis for stem cell banks that have been established worldwide and very recently in Syria. Research in our region has mainly focused on cell storage and freezing protocols, and only few studies were conducted to prove the ability of the stored cells to differentiate into their destined lineages. This study aimed to test the potential of cryopreserved MSCs isolated from an umbilical cord taken from new delivery at Maternity University Hospital in Damascus, to differentiate into various types of cells in response to growth and induction factors specific to cell lineages.

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