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Challenges of Using Drones in Marketing for Cultural Tourism in Syria ( Survey Study at the Directorate of Tourism and the Directorate of Culture in Lattakia Governorate)

معوقات استخدام الطائرات بدون طيار في التسويق للسياحة الثقافية السورية: دراسة مسحية في مديرية السياحة ومديرية الثقافة في محافظة اللاذقية

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 Publication date 2022
  fields Low Sciences
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study aimed to identify the most important obstacles to the use of Drones in the marketing of cultural tourism, whether they are financial, legal, technical or human obstacles. The deductive approach was relied on as a general method of thinking, and on the descriptive-analytical approach to describe the concepts of research and analysis of the data collected by means of a questionnaire distributed to workers in the field of marketing in the directorates of tourism and culture in Lattakia governorate, who numbered 51 individuals, The SPSS 20 statistical program was relied on as a tool for data analysis and testing research hypotheses using arithmetic averages and the One-Sample Test. The study reached many results, the most important of which was the weak marketing activity of cultural tourism in the districts under study due to the failure of the senior management to adopt modern strategies and methods of marketing and the lack of training and qualification of human cadres to follow up on marketing developments, in addition to the lack of encouragement of management to adopt and present attractive marketing programs for cultural tourism. As well as the existence of multiple financing obstacles that negatively affect the possibility of adopting the use of drones as a modern and sophisticated means of marketing for cultural tourism, due to the lack of financial capabilities necessary to secure equipment and supplies from drones, lighting devices, cameras, computers and software necessary for its work.

References used
AlBATOTE, Saeed (2012).Tourism Marketing. Englo library, Cairo
Alhasan, Hasn(1978).Tourism is an industry and public relations. The Lebanese House and Public Relations. Beirut
ASSAF, Bader.(2016)Tourism Resources Development. Dar Al-Raya Publishing Distribution, Jordan
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يعتبر التسويق بالعلاقات من المفاهيم الجديدة والحديثة التي طرأت على علم التسويق، ويعدّ تحولاً هاماً في المفهوم التسويقي. وبتالي يهدف هذا البحث، بالدرجة الأولى، إلى معرفة الدور الذي يلعبه التسويق بالعلاقات في زيادة درجة رضا العملاء، ومحاولة معرفة أثر بعض العوامل الديموغرافية على كل من تطبيق مفهوم التسويق بالعلاقات، ودرجة الرضا عند عملاء شركات التأمين الخاصة في الساحل السوري. بالإضافة إلى معرفة واكتشاف التباين بين عناصر التسويق بالعلاقات في تأثيرها على رضا العملاء في الشركات محل الدراسة. وقد أجريت هذه الدراسة بالتطبيق على شركات التأمين الخاصة في الساحل السوري إذ بلغ عدد الشركات 11 شركة، وتمّ اختيار عيّنة عشوائية مؤلفة من 330 عميل من عملاء هذه الشركات، وتمّ الاعتماد على الاستبيان أداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات المطلوبة، وعلى المنهج الوصفي التحليلي منهجاً للدراسة. وكان من أبرز النتائج التي توصلت لها هذه الدراسة، التأكيد على أنه توجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مفهوم التسويق بالعلاقات ودرجة رضا العملاء، وأن تطبيق مفهوم التسويق بالعلاقات يلعب دوراً مهماً في زيادة درجة رضا العملاء. لا يوجد هناك أثر ذو دلالة إحصائية لكل من المتغيرات الديموغرافية التالية (الجنس، العمر، المستوى التعليمي، الدخل، صفة العمل الذي يقوم به العميل) على كل من تطبيق مفهوم التسويق بالعلاقات، و درجة رضا العملاء. وأنه توجد هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين عناصر مفهوم التسويق بالعلاقات في تأثيرها على درجة رضا العملاء.
This study aimed to investigate the role of electronic promotion in influencing on consumer attitudes toward the products offered by the economic institution. Also determine the level of the use of information and communication technologies of Algeri an society, moreover to identify the level of use of small and medium-sized local economic institutions, including the means of electronic promotion from the view of consume. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, we used the analytical description method That fit this type of studies, we used a questionnaire as a tool for data collection in the field study, which drew on a sample of the study population of the Algerian consumer user of the technology, has resulted in a combined 381 valid form for the study. After statistical processing and testing hypotheses, it was reached many results we mention the most important: - There is a statistically significant effect in the electronic promoting on the Algerian consumer behavior relationship, but this uneven impact of the way to the other. - The effect of the elements of the promotion is the combined consumer behavior appears to draw attention to the product, but they do not create a genuine desire to buy a supply of goods and services. - The website of the organization and aligned to one of the most influential elements of electronic promotion on consumer behavior, followed by online advertising and then comes the rest of the instruments and mix promo.
The research studies the current state and policy of the Joud company as an example of the resultant impact of the food industry adopting for social responsibility in marketing: packaging, physical distribution, promotion and dealing with the case of concession. The research adopts the descriptive method and develops a questionnaire for collecting the preliminary data comprising the research samples. This questionnaire has been handed to be filled by a staff of (123) employees with responsibilities covering marketing, distribution, promotion and packaging. The fully answered questionnaires count to 118 leading to a response rate of (95.93%). The most important search results are represented in: 1- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in marketing related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (78.384%). 2- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in distribution related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (77.288%). 3- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in promotion related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (69.152%). 4- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in dealing with the case of concession related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (77.458)%.
Electronic Tourism is characterized by its ability to manage the marketing based on a development and high sophisticated management to maximize profits, through the creation and strengthening the demand for tourism product, as well as increased co mpetitiveness in the global tourism market, which opens the way for tourists to compare places and prices and promotions, and allow to the organizations of tourism in order to predict and targeting the consumer` s , and as a result the sales of e-tourism achieved 27% of the world's total tourism sales in 2013. Through this research we focus on the significant role of e-tourism in the marketing of tourism services, as well as the study of the geographic distribution of sales for electronic tourism all over the world, and predict the future of e-tourism sales by the year 2018. finally , to identify the points of international tourism research trends .
The importance of consumer lies in the role that he/she is playing in the companies' and institutions' activities which offer their products and services for him/her. The successful marketing strategies depend on the deep understanding of the dimen sions of consumers' purchasing behavior by marketers. This requires a study of this behavior to know the most effective factors which vary between social, civilization-related, and cultural factors, as well as age, and referential group. For that we intended to prepare this research which aims to clarify important role of different factors in the consumers' behavior and their relation to the purchasing decision, This research has been applied on a sample of consumers in the academic level. A set of conclusions and recommendations has been reached: The importance of watching changes in individual's behavior patterns, the necessity to divide the market according to civilization-related changes and concentrating on utilities which offered by the product concerning quality, price and scientific planning of advertising.
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