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أبعاد التسويق بالعلاقات وتأثيره في تحقيق ولاء الزبون

1832   4   1   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Marketing
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study is taking a role of marketing , within the relations, describe it as an independent variable in its dimensions (measurements) as if (Trust , commentment, communication and the satisfaction), to a chive the customer’s loyalty by describing it as a "variable" depending on its figures or indicators represented by ( behaviors and situations ) as an exploration and analysis study to a certain opinions for certain , commercials and private sectors of Iraqi banks. While this study tried to give answers to all queries: like :- -what is the level of performing the marketing within the relations in the commercial and private sectors of Iraqi banks , within the study and the range of concerning to its dimensions ? -what is the level of concerning of these banks within the study of the indicators of the client loyalty? -what is the level of clients loyalty for who are dealing with private sector banks , combined with the study ? -is there any connected relation and influence between the marketing and the indicators of client’s loyalty? -This study is looking for achieving certain aims like as :- 1- Detect the range of banking performance under the study of marketing connected to relations . 2-Identiy the level of customer’s loyalty in the banks under study . 3- Test the relation between the marketing and the customers loyalty. 4-Test the affects of the contrast between the marketing and its relation with the customers loyalty . To achieve the aims of the study , hypothetical ( diagram ) . it was constructed , determined the nature of relation in between , the independent variable and dependent one, and emerge through it , some main hypothesis were tested by using flocks of statistics means of the commercial and private sector of Iraqi banks presented by ( Baghdad \ Alshimal \ Al- eqtissad \ Al-mutahed \ Al- Ahliee \ Al- Mansoor ) as a field to do the study and “exam” its hypothesis and it used the” questionnaire form” as a main tool to collect the data which is related with that field , it was contributed on a sample went to(90) from employees and clients in these banks within the study . This study reached to a certain conclusion , the mpst important of it :- -there is a connected relation and influence objected statistics indicator in between the strategy of marketing with the relations and the client loyalty for these commercial and private sector Iraqi banks within the study . The study went out with a certain recommendations first of it :- ( to do the application in marketing and the relations , requires support the top management , to publish and depend the banking culture , concentrate on the service of the customer )

References used
Eliwa , Rash Ali , " A study of customer loyalty and the Image of the fine dining restaurant " submitted to the faculty of the Graduate college of the Oklahoma state university in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of master of science 2006.
Fang, Yanay & Zhany, X Uan, "The impact of customer Relationship marketing tactics on customer loyalty: With Swedish mobile telecomm unication industry", master thesis school of business and engineering, homestead university, 2009
Ghahfarokh Akbar Dehghain, "The impact of CRM on customer retention in Malaysia national university of Malaysia (UKM) 2009.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة دور التسويق بالعلاقات بوصفه متغيراً مستقلاً بأبعاده المتمثلة بـ (الثقة، الالتزام، الاتصال، والرضا) لتحقيق ولاء الزبون بوصفه متغيراً معتمداً بمؤشراته المتمثلة بـ (السلوكية، الموقفية). أجريت الدراسة على عينة من موظفي وزبائن المصارف التجارية الأهلية العراقية. هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مدى ممارسة المصارف للتسويق بالعلاقات، التعرف على مستوى ولاء الزبون، اختبار العلاقة بين التسويق بالعلاقات وولاء الزبون، واختبار التأثير والتباين بينهما. اعتمدت الدراسة على استمارة الاستبانة كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات، وتم توزيعها على عينة بلغت (90) من موظفي وزبائن المصارف. توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود علاقة ارتباط وتأثير ذات دلالة معنوية بين متغيري الدراسة، وأوصت بضرورة دعم الإدارة العليا لتطبيق التسويق بالعلاقات ونشر ثقافة مصرفية تركز على خدمة الزبون.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: الدراسة قدمت إسهاماً مهماً في فهم تأثير التسويق بالعلاقات على ولاء الزبون في المصارف التجارية الأهلية العراقية. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، العينة المستخدمة قد تكون غير كافية لتعزيز تعميم النتائج على جميع المصارف في العراق. ثانياً، الدراسة اعتمدت بشكل كبير على الاستبيانات، والتي قد تتأثر بتحيزات الاستجابة. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن استخدام منهجيات بحثية متعددة مثل المقابلات العميقة أو دراسات الحالة لتعزيز النتائج. وأخيراً، لم تتناول الدراسة تأثير العوامل الخارجية مثل الظروف الاقتصادية والسياسية التي قد تؤثر على ولاء الزبون.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأبعاد الرئيسية للتسويق بالعلاقات التي تناولتها الدراسة؟

    الأبعاد الرئيسية للتسويق بالعلاقات التي تناولتها الدراسة هي الثقة، الالتزام، الاتصال، والرضا.

  2. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة؟

    الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة هي الكشف عن مدى ممارسة المصارف للتسويق بالعلاقات، التعرف على مستوى ولاء الزبون، اختبار العلاقة بين التسويق بالعلاقات وولاء الزبون، واختبار التأثير والتباين بينهما.

  3. ما هي الأدوات المستخدمة لجمع البيانات في الدراسة؟

    استخدمت الدراسة استمارة الاستبانة كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات.

  4. ما هي التوصيات الرئيسية التي خرجت بها الدراسة؟

    أوصت الدراسة بضرورة دعم الإدارة العليا لتطبيق التسويق بالعلاقات ونشر ثقافة مصرفية تركز على خدمة الزبون.

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This research aims to study the role of salesman within two dimensions (ethics, manners, behaviors, and skills, efficiency of selling) in achieving client loyalty. To do this, a questionnaire was developed, and interviews were done with pharmacists, researcher used descriptive approach in data collection.
The study found significant differences between the demographic variables of the research sample and the confidence of the customers' brand. There was also an effective statistical significance between the role of interactive marketing in all its dimensions and the confidence of the brand to serve customers. The research also recommended understanding the customer's behavior, the direction of the customer and the mechanism of influencing them.
This study aims at discovering the mediating role of switching costs in the relationship between adapting the three relationship marketing programs (financial programs, social programs, structural programs) and customers loyalty of Syrian private b anks in Syrian costal area. The sample of this study withdrew randomly from the population of the study. The data collected through pre-designed questionnaire which was directed to those customers. This study finds that there is a positive impact of the three relationship marketing programs (financial programs, social programs, structural programs) on both customers loyalty and switching costs, which in turn have a positive impact on customers loyalty. The perceived switching costs play a mediating role in the relationship between relationship marketing programs and customers loyalty. This study recommends Syrian private banks to build a strong relationships with their customers in a long term by adapting the three relationship marketing programs.
The research aims to identify the role of Relationship Marketing in enhancing the competitive advantage of insurance companies, through the study of the relationship between the dimensions of marketing relations, represented by: trust, interaction, commitment, communication, loyalty, and strengthen competitive advantage. Adopted Find descriptive approach, which included the research community customers who reviewed the insurance companies in Latakia province during the period of application of research, amounting to three months, with the researcher during this period distributed (185) to identify customers at random, so as to explore their views on the role of Relationship Marketing in promoting competitive advantage in the insurance companies that deal with it, and was restored (173) to identify complete and valid for statistical analysis, and response rate (93.51%). Based on simple regression analysis and show the relationship between the two variables Search reach and there is a significant moral positive correlation between each dimension of marketing dimensions of relations, and enhance the competitive advantage of companies in the study, since the marketing performance of good companies under study been able to keep existing customers, and the acquisition of new customers, and to achieve growth rates in transactions with these customers by building relationships with them based achieve satisfaction and provide goods and services of great value.
Integrity of the elections has become a feature of modern democratic systems. It measures the extent of a democratic . State: and in order to reach that desired integrity. Syria adapted a number of mechanisms to activate and devote the integrity and transparency of the elections quickly- Where it adopted the principle of judicial supervision of the electoral process . Which is intended to frame and organize the course of the electoral process so as to ensure its good mevement. As an embodiment of this principle. And in the course of the political reforms made by the leadership: latest legislator of the High Comission to oversee the elections exclusively composed of judes nominated by the high judicial conclcouncil. The legislator also changed the composition of the local electoral commissions by conferring a judicial nature. Where each electoral commissions headed by a judge.
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