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Impact of Interactive Marketing Dimensions on Brand Trust For Service Field Study on the Two Syrian Telecommunications Companies in Damascus

أثر أبعاد التسويق التفاعلي في الثقة بالعلامة التجارية للخدمة دراسة ميدانية على شركتي الاتصالات السورية في دمشق

2113   7   185   5.0 ( 1 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study found significant differences between the demographic variables of the research sample and the confidence of the customers' brand. There was also an effective statistical significance between the role of interactive marketing in all its dimensions and the confidence of the brand to serve customers. The research also recommended understanding the customer's behavior, the direction of the customer and the mechanism of influencing them.

References used
Deighton, J. A. "The Future of Interactive Marketing", Harvard Business Review 74, no. 6 (November - December 1996): 151-160
Laforet, S, 2007, British Grocers Brand Extension in Financial Services, Journal of Product and Brand Management, vol. 16, no. 2
J.E. Hobbs, April 2015, "Consumer confidence in credence attributes: The role of brand trust", Food Policy, Volume 52, Pages 1- 114
rate research

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Growing importance of social networking sites in the science of services steadily as a concept that includes a number of important implications dimensions in the process of client assessment of the product and the organization together, especially in light of the great similarity of the services provided, so that they increase the organization profits and support their competitiveness and reduce the need for promotion condenser and a barrier to other organizations, preventing them from entering the market, and can open up new markets when the organization growth depends on penetrating new markets, and ensure the organization and its continuity and improved survival at the end of the mental image. The research aims to shed light on the social networking sites, and drew attention to the communications organizations need to focus on their role in influencing the mental image. The search results indicate that social networking sites have a positive impact on .improving the mental image of the organizations communications.
The research aims to identify the extent to which the two cellular communication (MTN-SYRIATE) dimensions of the learning organization, and the role of these dimensions identified by the researcher (b scientific method of problem solving, continuous learning, work teams, empowerment, memory organization) in improving the performance of employees. To achieve the objective of the study questionnaire was designed to collect information from the research sample, where sample consisted of (60) employees working in companies of cellular communication in the city of Damascus. And data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach which is based on the study of the phenomenon also exists in reality. After a process of analysis of the study data and assumptions, the study found out that my company owns cellular communication dimensions of the learning organization (the scientific method to solve problems, continuous learning, work teams, enabling the organization's memory) highly. And the existence of a correlation statistically significant differences between the dimensions of the learning organization and improve the performance of employees. And the existence of significant differences between the views of managers and employees about the role of the dimensions of the learning organization in terms of performance improvement managers gave the highest degree of support staff
هدفت الد ا رسة إلى معرفة الآتي: -1 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو العملاء في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -2 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو المنافسين في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -3 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو الإبداع في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -4 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو التك نولوجيا في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -5 واقع صنع القرارات في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -6 أثر أبعاد التوجه الاستراتيجي على صناعة القرارات في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟ -7 دلالة الفروق في أبعاد التوجه الاستراتيجي وفق متغير المستوى الإداري . -8 دلالة الفروق في عملية صناعة القرارات وفق متغير المستوى الإداري .
The study aimed to study the relationship between the use of the Syrian mobile telecommunications companies' customers for social media (Facebook) for marketing purposes, and their ability to influence customers at each stage of the purchase proces s, which includes:: the generation phase of the need, the stage of the search for alternatives, the stage of evaluating the alternatives, the stage of making the purchase decision, and the post-purchase phase. In order to achieve this, a main hypothesis was formulated with five sub-hypotheses. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important being the one-sample T. test and the Pearson Correlation test. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which is: There is a strong positive correlation between the use of the Syrian mobile telecommunications companies' customers for social media (Facebook) for marketing purposes and all stages of the purchase process.
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