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تأثير أندول حمض البيوتريك IBA وبيئات ومواعيد الزراعة في تحذير عقل الزيتون نصف المتخشبة في ظروف دير الزور

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
نصر فيليب (2006) شجرة الزيتون وأهمية منتجاتها نشرة زراعية أكساد
rate research

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Semi-wooden cuttings of two - jujuba cultivars were vegetitirely propagated under greenhouse conditions, by using different concentrations of Indole butyric acid (IBA), at Hanadi Research Station, Lattakia. The rooting percentage reached 71.3% aft er two months for the Ziziphus jujube mill, and 83.3% for the Ziziphus jujube tayan tsizao, when they were treated with 4000 mg/L of (IBA) for five seconds while the rooting percentage was zero for the non-treated cuttings (Control) .
The study showed that IAA treated cuttings were rooted earlier and bud development was delayed. On the other hand, IAA treatment increased rooting percentage and reduced the percentage of bud development. Increasing NaCl salinity to ٠,١ M decrease d the rooting ability in cuttings, while the use of IAA could mitigate the adverse effect of salinity. The best results of rooting were obtained in treatment of (٠,٠٥ M).
Studying of using of semi-hardwood cuttings that were got from different ages for Magnolia gradiflora L. trees: Young trees that are 15 years old, middle-aged trees that are 30 years old, and only one old giant tree which is 110 years old were per formed by treating the cuttings with Indole Butric Acid Rooting Hormone 2000 P.P.M. which was used during three periods of time: 10, 20 ,and 30 seconds under green house conditions.
This study was conducted at glasshouse of Citrus and Tropical Research Department in Tartus governorate, and Olive Nursery in Latakia governorate, during 2015 to determine the influence of Indol-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) doses on hardwood and softwood top cuttings of three types of M. alba L. (B-1, B-5, KH-8) and three types of M. nigra L. (M-4, KH-9, KH-1) and one fruitless type (B-3), which spreads in different locations in Tartus, Syria. Hardwood cuttings were prepared during February from one-year-old shoots, and the softwood top cuttings were prepared during August in 2015. The cuttings were treated with different doses of IBA (1000, 2000 and 4000 ppm) in addition to the control application 0 ppm. The cuttings were planted in the glasshouses in order to root.
نفذ البحث في مركز الابحاث التابع لجامعة الفرات بمحافظة دير الزور للموسم الزراعي 2011- 2012 على نبات القرنبيط البلدي

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