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تأثير المعاملات السمادية ومعاملات ما بعد الحصاد في القدرة الإنتاجية والتخزينية لصنف الجزر ( Nantes)

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
حسن أحمد عبد المنعم (1993) تربية محاصيل الخضر الدار العربية للنشر والتوزيع ص 799
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The experience was carried out at Abi-Jarash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University during the 2012 - 2013 growing season. During plant growth, three fertilization treatments were applied (mineral, T1 organic, T2 and a combined of miner al and organic fertilizers, T3). At harvesting, roots were packed in three different ways (box, perforated polyethylene bags and non-perforated polyethylene bags) and stored in 4-5˚C and RH 90% for 94 days.
هدف هذا البحث إل دراسة تاثير بعض معاملات ما بعد القطاف في القدرة التخزينية وجودة ثمار البرتقال صنف فالنسيا في ظروف التخزين المبرد.
دراسة بعض التغيرات في الصفات الإنتاجية والنوعية لصنفين من الشوندر السكري (Beta vulgaris L) ما بعد الحصاد في العروة الصيفية مقارنة بالعروة الخريفية في دير الزور
The aim of this investigation is studying effect of heat treatment and polyethylene packaging method in storability and quality of lemon fruits' Monachello and Enterdonato'. The experience was carried out in cold store of agriculture college in /Dama scus university/, lemon fruits were stored at 10°c and 85% humidity for 180 days. laboratory experiences was carried out in laboratory of department of horticultural science in the same college during 2010-2011&2011-2012. Part of fruits were packaged in polyethylene bags with 30 microns, the other part of fruits dipped with hot water (62°c for 3 seconds)+ fungicide then were packed in polyethylene packs in addition to the control which untreated and unpacked. The obtained results indicated the significant effect of dipping and packaging in perforated and unperforated bags treatments in maintain fruits quality of 'Monachello and Enterdonato' until the end of storage. maintaining of (32.89 and 39.06%( juice rate of Monachello respectively, and(11.05 and10.01%) of Enterdonato respectively. (35.27 and 36.57 mg/100ml (vitamin C of Monachello and (18 and11.07mg/100 ml( of Enterdonato, respectively. On the other hand, the present investigation showed the positive effect of packaging treatment with 30 microns packs by reducing the weight loss for two sorts which was (51.94 and 68.83%) in dipping and packaging in perforated bags treatment respectively, and the important role to stop fruit decadence, and conserve their marketing specification until end of storage.
This investigation was done to study the effect of spray for two times with CaCl2 0.5% and 1%, high potassium fertilizer and dipping with 2% CaCl2, in addition to packaging with polyethylene films on the storability of pear fruits "Coscia C.V". Th e results showed the significant superiority of high potassium fertilizer treatment on the other treatments concerning total and single sugars after harvesting time, while there weren't significant differences between the other treatments concerning the remaining indicators. After four months of storage, the packaging treatments were able to the significantly reduction of weight loss, in addition to preserving the firmness and total soluble solids in the comparison with unpackaged ones, the average of weight loss in unpackaged treatments was 15% and 0.65% in packaging treatments, which led to stop the storage of unpackaged treatments and continue packaging treatments until 7 months. After 7 months, the results showed that the dipping with 2% CaCl2 revealed the high weight loss, while was the least with high potassium fertilizer treatment, on the other hand there were no significant differences between treatments for firmness, total soluble solids and tetra table acidity, while total and single sugars showed significant differences between treatments. Moreover, the sensory tests assured the importance of packaging with CaCl2 treatments to improve storability and quality of pear fruits, which CaCl2 1% packaging treatment got the highest values for most of sensory tests.

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