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دراسة بعض التغيرات في الصفات الإنتاجية والنوعية لصنفين من الشوندر السكري (Beta vulgaris L) ما بعد الحصاد في العروة الصيفية مقارنة بالعروة الخريفية في دير الزور

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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الباقوني محمد رياض وصادق , شريف . ( 2005) تقانة السكر ( الجزء النظري) جامعة البعث
rate research

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The research was carried out at Agricultural Scientific Research Center of Hama in tow season 2010/2011. Aiming to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization and planting date on some Productive and Technological characters of sugar beet Mono g erm(Simper cultivar) and Multi germ (HM10 cultivar). Results showed an effect of fertilization on productive and technological characters of sugar beet. Increasing the rate of nitrogen fertilizer to 250kg N.ha¹ caused a significant increase in root yield and actual sugar yield (12.88 , 12.15 ton . ha¹) respectively, but it badly affected the sugar content in the roots, juice polarity and juice purity (14.68, 15.95, 80.45%) respectively. Mono germ Simper was found significantly superior compared to Multi germ HM10 in root yield, Brix, root sugar content and juice polarity. Results showed that planting date 1/11 was found significantly superior compared to dates 1/10, 15/10 for root yield, Brix, juice purity, actual sugar yield. In conclusion, Simper (Mono germ) was suitable in planting date 1/11 at nitrogen level of (200-250kg N.ha¹).
The field experiment was conducted Al Raqqa research station, the General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research (GCSAR),. during the 2011/2012- growng season to compare quality traits of four monogerm fodder beet varieties, i.e. Jamon, Sp lendids, Starmon and Vermon. The experiment was run in Autumn during November and in Winter during January. Experiment was carried out in accordance with the split plot design with three replications. The results of the comparison test T-Test preference fodder beet cultivation in the autumn compared with winter, but by a small percentage in most of the quality traits. The results also showed that the monogerm variety Vermon was the best in most of the quality traits as compared with the other varieties, followed by Starmon. It was recomended to cultivate fodder beet in both autumn and winter under Al Raqqa conditions, but after conducting a complementary researches concerns the other agricultural treatments as, lifting time, plant spacing, fertilization …etc, and to test more monogerm and multigerm varieties from different sources.

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1015  - 0  - - was published in field (Agricultural Engineering)
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