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فاعلية العلاج بالمعنى فى تحسين جودة الحياة لدى عينة من الشباب الجامعى

1042   1   2   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Psychology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
 منصور، رشدي (2000): علم النفس العلاجي والوقائي، رحيق السنين"، القاهرة، مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية
 منسى، عبدالحليم ، كاظم، مهدي (2006): مقياس جودة الحياة لطلبة الجامعة سلطنة عمان، جامعة السلطان قابوس، ندوة علم النفس وجودة الحياة، 17-19ديسمبر، 63-78.
 معوض ،محمد، محمد ، سيد (2013): العلاج بالمعنى، النظرية الفنيات التطبيق، القاهرة، دار الفكر العربي.
 مخيمر ، صلاح (1979): العلاج النفسي عن طريق الكف بالنقيض، القاهرة، الأنجلو المصرية.
 محمود ، هويدة ، الجمالى ، فوزية (2010): فعالية الذات المدركة ومدى تأثيرها على جودة الحياة لدى طلبة الجامعة المتفوقين والمتعثرين دراسيا ، اماراباك ، مجلة الأكاديمية الأمريكية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا ، المجلد الأول ،العدد الأول ، 61-115 .
 محمد، هانم (2009): تحسين جودة حياة الطالب باستخدام برنامج إرشادي قائم على نظرية الاختيار، مجلة كلية التربية بالإسماعيلية العدد (14)،157-196.
 كتلو كامل، عبدالله تيسير (2011): نوعية الحياة وعلاقتها بالصحة النفسية، مجلة علم النفس، العددان (98/ 99) يناير – يونيه 2011، السنة الرابعة والعشرون، القاهرة، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب
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discovering the difference of self efficacy among students with learning disabilities according to the difference of gender , the relation between self efficacy & both of academic achievement & anxiety , & discovering the difference of self efficacy , academic achievement ,& anxiety of experimental sample according to the difference of test (pre& post test).
The current study aims to identify the level of psychological hardiness and the meaning of life among the Syrian Arab army wounded. As well as to investigate the relationship between the psychological hardiness and the meaning of life among them. As well as to detect whether there are differences in the level of psychological hardiness can be due to certain demographic variables such as handicapped(permanent/temporary)and kinds of services( compulsory/volunteer ).The researcher used the descriptive method and sample formed of (122) of Syrian Arab army's woundedand used to achieve the objectives of the study two scales, psychological hardiness, the meaning of life. The study found the following results: -The relative weight of psychological hardiness of Syrian Arab army's wounded(75%) also reached the relative weight of meaning of life (73,46) and there is a positive correlation between the level of psychological hardiness to the Syrian Arab army's wounded and there are not significant differences in the level of psychological hardiness ,meaning of life due to the variables used in it.
The current study aimed at finding out The effectiveness of Training program which based on sharing photos system to improvement some daily living skills among a sample of girls whom affected of an autism disorder (Rett Syndrome). The sample cons isted of six girls, and divided into two groups: experimental group and control group, each ones has consisted of three girls.
This research aims to reveal the extent of the manifestationspsychological alienation among university youth, and the effect of gender, marital status and accommodation on the level of psychological alienation phenomenon. This research was applied on (110) university students from Tishreen University. To achieve this goal the following tool was used: psychological alienation scale by the researcher after reviewing the previous studies, the scale includes (Normlessness, Powerlessness, Aimlessness, Meaninglessness) dimensions. The results showed thatThe most prevalent manifestations of psychological alienation was normlessness, followed by powerlessness, then aimlessness, and finally meaninglessness. the prevalence of psychological alienation phenomenon among university students is by (57.27%). The results didn't show statistically significant differences between the study sample in the level of psychological alienation phenomenon according to gender, marital status, and accommodation variables.
The Study is directed to reveal how effective the behavioral-cognitive therapy in reducing the symptoms of obsession through a program applied on individuals with compulsive behavior and/or obsessive thinking involved in the study. The study uses co gnitive therapy techniques and the (intense) exposure and response prevention technique (ERP) that has proved to be efficient in many researches and clinical studies so as to know whether the statistically significant. Differences between the averages of the means of the sample to be studied on a scale for measuring the obsession symptoms before and after applying the therapeutically program on the individuals involved in the sample are attributed to the effect of the program designed. In this study, the sample involves individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder according to Yale Brown Scale, and it includes 12 patients (3) males and (9) females aging (20-25) who were supervised by psychiatrists. The researcher uses the one-group system; i.e., premeasurement – therapy or intervention – post-measurement.
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