هدفت الدارسة لمعرفة الوضع الحالي للتربیة الصحیة في المدارس بمرحلة التعلیم الأساسي، ووضع مقترحات لبعض الصعوبات التى تواجه المدرسة في نشر الثقافة الصحیة في مصر بالاستفادة من خبرة الولایات المتحدة الأمریکیة. تناولت الدراسة التربیة الصحیة في کل من مصر والولایات المتحدة الأمریكیة، وعرض لبعض الصعوبات التى تواجه المدارس في نشر الثقافة الصحیة بمصر. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أهمیة توفیر الدعم المادى اللازم، والاهتمام بعمل محاضرات توعیة صحیة للمعلمین والطلاب للتعامل مع المشكلات الصحیة المختلفة، وتوفیر زائرة صحیة مقیمة داخل المدارس، منح المدارس المزید من الاستقلالیة للقضاء على الروتین والبیروقراطیة، وتوسیع الشراكة بین المدارس والمراکز البحثیة والجامعات والمستشفیات للتعاون ولتوفیر بیئة مدرسیة صحیة آمنة وداعمة للعملیة التعلیمیة.
The study aimed to know the current state of health education in schools at the basic education stage and to formulate suggestions for some difficulties facing the school in spreading the health culture in Egypt using the experience of the United States of America. The study dealt with health education in Egypt and the USA. Facing schools in spreading health culture in Egypt. The study found the importance of providing the necessary financial support, and the importance of providing health awareness lectures for teachers and students to deal with various health problems, providing a nurse who is residing in schools, granting schools more independence to eliminate routine and bureaucracy, and expanding the partnership between schools, research centers, universities and hospitals. To make a healthy, safe and supportive school environment for the educational process.
The first settlement operations occurred in North America more than 20,000 years ago, when the Mongolian Mughal tribes crossed the Bering Straits from northeast Asia to the Americas from the far north. The Eskimos settled on the frozen coast and were
This research aims at achieving the following main aim: "to
Identifying the status of school climate in the second cycle schools
of basic education in Damascus city in the light of the supportive
positive school climate standards to educate citize
This study aimed to assessing the role of school administration in health education in basic education schools in Lattakia city. The researcher used analytical descriptive method. The questionnaire was used to collect the study data from 30 principal
The aim of the research was to investigate the level of environmental awareness among
sixth graders’ students in light of the gender variables and the cultural level of the mother.
In order to achieve this goal, the descriptive approach was used, a
This research aims at knowing the reality of School Theatre in Damascus city schools from the point of view of second stage teachers' of basic education. In addition, it aims at researching some suggestions that help in activating the use of School T