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أثر تطبيق نظم المعلومات في تحسين الأداء المصرفي دراسة ميدانية في المصارف الخاصة السورية

2057   2   75   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The information systems was very important in any organization, where the information systems management had to holds the process for searching the information and understand it, The importance of information systems was in ability to bring a lot of benefits for organizations such as flexibility, speed in achieving the goals, reduce the costs and provide useful information in a right time and place for decision-makers.

References used
PORTER, ME, 2003- Ccompetitive strategy and competitors, new York, 268P
ROBERSTON, J,2005- Intranets and Knowledge Sharing new York, 124P
STEVEN, ALTER, ,2004- Information systems: A management Perspective , 4th Ed, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company ,Inc. 421 P
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Banking information systems are essential necessities imposed by economic, social and technical developments which taking place in the banking market world, where these systems and techniques have an impact obviously on the banks because it depends on the digital technology to deliver the banking services to their applicants , which has led to increase the quality and effectiveness the performance of services , processes and marketing banking mix and make it more efficient and effective which will be increasing and improving customer satisfaction for banking services applying. Thus information systems play major role among private banks in Syria, through their ability to improve the marketing performance of the bank and provide services and products of high quality and low costs by redesigning operational banking, customer contact quickly and provide significant data and information for customers consumption patterns efficiently and effectively, which enabled the bank managers to take advantage of this information in develop of plans and programs for improvement the quality of the banking services performance provided, and increase the degree of satisfaction and loyalty among customers by focusing on the efficiency and skill of banking services staff, in this case we can facilitate the process of delivering the service to customers in the right way.
The aim of the research is to determine the role of the characteristics of banking information systems in improving banking performance in real estate bank branches in the Syrian coast. The researcher followed the descriptive and analytical approach in his study, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary data, and primary through a questionnaire that was developed through the researcher's access to the published literature, and the research community consisted of workers at the upper and middle management levels in the real estate bank branches, and then the SPSS program was relied upon as a tool for analysis Available data. The study found that the real estate bank does not achieve an increase in the size of the market share, and the bank’s management is not keen to provide information to workers that help them in their work at the time they need. The study recommended that the bank should achieve an increase in the size of the market share, by increasing interest in marketing information systems, and the bank’s management must be keen to provide information that helps workers in their work at the time they need, because it improves their performance and this is reflected in the performance The bank in general.
Customer Retention Management (CRM) provides a strong competitive advantage for the organization to stay in the market. It helps management to track customer interactions with the organization and allows employees access to all customer,s previous information; CRM gains its importance by creating a strategic vision to achieve the organization's goals of maintaining customers and reaching loyalty through integration with marketing policies and product development To increase the sales of the organization and to make offers that attract the target customer and interact with him in a way that ensures its preservation. The aim of the study is to define the reality of the application of CRM during the crisis period )8402-8400( in the Syrian private banks in Lattakia, and study the dimensions of customer relationship management in these banks, and then study the impact of these dimensions on the performance indicators that were measured through indicators of profitability, customer complaints, strong relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In order to achieve this, two main hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were the one-sample t. test, and the Pearson Correlation test. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which is: a good evaluation of the availability of CRM dimensions in the studied banks, and there is a positive relationship between these dimensions and performance.
The study aimed to identify the impact of the application of IT governance in banks, according to the Syrian COBIT framework on the quality of the financial reports provided to its customers, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the emp loyees of administrative levels (managers, internal auditor, Head of the Department, Head of the Department). The sample consisted of (198) are valid for a single analysis, and distributed among the (133) single for workers in the public banks, and (65) Single for workers in the private banks. Among the most important findings of the study: the presence of statistically significant effect of the application of IT governance in Syrian banks, according to a framework COBIT dimensions of the four on the quality of financial reports prepared by those banks, where it was found a positive relationship strong between the dimensions of governance of information technology-based framework COBIT and the characteristics of quality in the financial reports prepared by the Syrian banks.
The study aimed to know the effect of the governance of technological activities in the banks under study on the quality of loan portfolios provided to their clients and to achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire was designed and distribut ed to workers in the private Syrian banks from administrative levels (managers, internal auditor, head of department, head of department) . The study sample consisted of (180) valid observations for the analysis, and using the appropriate statistical methods to transmit the data, the study reached the following: The presence of an impact of information technology governance at the level applied in the Syrian banks under study in accordance with the COBIT framework in its four fields combined, and individually, on the quality of the loans portfolios of those banks.
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