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The study aimed to know the role of golden marketing in improving the financial performance of private commercial banks in the Syrian coast, where the study community was among those working in these banks. The study used the deductive approach as a general approach to research, descriptive approach, and the questionnaire as a tool to collect data from a soft sample, where (184) questionnaires were distributed and (155) questionnaires valid for analysis were retrieved.The study adopted the appropriate methods of analysis using the statistical package spss, which were represented in: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage. Arithmetic test (t test) (for one sample). Honesty and consistency tests. The study reached results indicating that the mental image and its stabilization, customer satisfaction with the bank, and customer loyalty to the bank, affect improving the financial performance of the studied commercial banks.
Growing importance of social networking sites in the science of services steadily as a concept that includes a number of important implications dimensions in the process of client assessment of the product and the organization together, especially in light of the great similarity of the services provided, so that they increase the organization profits and support their competitiveness and reduce the need for promotion condenser and a barrier to other organizations, preventing them from entering the market, and can open up new markets when the organization growth depends on penetrating new markets, and ensure the organization and its continuity and improved survival at the end of the mental image. The research aims to shed light on the social networking sites, and drew attention to the communications organizations need to focus on their role in influencing the mental image. The search results indicate that social networking sites have a positive impact on .improving the mental image of the organizations communications.

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