أجريت هذه الدراسة لتحديد مستوى المعادن الثقيلة ( الرصاص، الكادميو، النيكل،
الكوبالت، النحاس، الحديد، المنغنيز، الزنك) في التوابل الآتية: جوزة الطيب، الكرك،
القرفة، الزنجبيل، حب الهال، حبة البركة، الفلفل الأسود، الكمون، الكزبرة، الكاري،
البهارات المشكلة.
This study has been conducted to identify the levels of heavy
metals (lead, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, and
zinc) in the following spices: Nutmeg, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger,
cardamom, nigella sativa, black pepper, cumin, coriander, curry,
and mixed spices.
References used
Dmello, J.P.F.(2003). Food Safety: Contaminants and Toxins. GABI publishing, Wallingford, Oxan, UK, Cambridge , MA, P 480
Zaidi, M.I.; Asrar, A.; Mansoor, A.;and Faroogui,M.(2005).The Heavy Metalconcentrations Along Roadside Trees Of Quetta And It Is Effects On Public Health. J. Apple .Sci, 5(4): 708- 711
Sathawara, N.G.; Parikh,D.J.; and Agarwal, y.k.(2004). Essential Heavy Metals in Environmental Samples from Western India .J. Bull. Environ. Conta.Toxicol. 73:756- 761
This study was conducted to identify the levels of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, copper, iron, zinc) in the following processed local and imported meat: Sardine (canned full), Tuna (canned chunks), Hammour (frozen full), Euphrates Fis
This study was conducted to determine some heavy minerals in different types of
canned meat sold in the domestic market. Most of those cans were imported and processed
in different countries and they have different brands. The chosen samples after
Spices are becoming increasingly important world-wide due to their effectiveness as natural antibiotics, the thing that makes the world nowadays tend to use spices instead of chemical drugs. However, this doesn’t mean they are free of some dangerous
The samples of bee pollen were collected from inside and outside
the honey beehives of apiaries situated in five different locations of
Latakia; Al-Qardahah, Al-Haffeh, Jableh, Latakia city and Eastern
Entryway to Latakia during the autumn in 2014
A comparison was made between Papaver and Malva plants in Aljaouba area between the grown plants on the roadside (0-3 m) , and also50 m far nearly exposure to the pollution . The study in volves a comparison analyses for the concentrations of some he