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The effect of design elements in the atmosphere of Shop motivate consumer buying ى A field study on consumers in retail stores

أثر عناصر تصميم مناخ المتجر في تحفيز المستهلك على الشراء دراسة ميدانية على المستهلكين في متاجر التجزئة

1534   0   223   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to highlight the design elements of the climate of the store, and drew attention to the need for attention to shops climate design commensurate with the event and occasion. According to the search results that the variables in the design of the climate of the store, such as music, colors, lighting, has a positive impact on the consumer to stimulate the purchase (impulsive consumer purchase), but the design of the climate of stores in the city of Damascus are not according to accurate study of the suggestions and desires of consumers and characteristics of the consumer, and looking consumer Syrian marketing for an enjoyable experience, especially on special occasions, and this experience circulating among consumers during the event period.

References used
Alpert, J. I., & Alpert, M. I. (1986). The Effects Of Music In Advertising On Mood And Purchase Intentions, Department Of Marketing Administration, College Of Business Administration, University Of Texas, Austin
Areni, C. S., & Kim, D. (1994). The Influence Of In-Store Lighting On Consumers Examination Of Merchandise In A Wine Store. International Journal Of Research In Marketing
Anant Jyotibadgaiyan, Does Urge To Buy Impulsively Differ From Impulsive Buying Behavior? Assessing The Impact Of Situational Factors , Journal Of Retailing And Consumer Services, 2015
rate research

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This study aims to evaluate the consumer purchasing behavior who buys in order to benefit from personal to him and members of his family in the economic crisis behavior and to identify the choices and decisions of purchasing related to consumer goo ds, , and all this in order to identify new patterns Syrian consumer in crisis for actions economic experienced by the local market about five years ago. This was done using a descriptive approach by designing and distributing a questionnaire to a random sample of consumers in the Syrian coast, and the data were analyzed using spss statistical program, the researcher found that the economic crisis in the local market have worked to change the Syrian consumer behavior. The study also showed that this crisis has generated new patterns of behavior purchasing whether to delay and postpone purchases of durable goods, or the emergence of rational behavior of the rationalization of consumer spending and demand for buying used products and products with low quality as a result of reduced purchasing power among Syrian consumers.
Appeared movements defending the rights of the consumer as a result of negligence and shortcomings in for consumer rights, which include protecting consumers from fraudulent practices and deception marketing and exploitation of its need for goods and services, and the damage and the risk of physical, moral, suffered by the consumer paid to the emergence of movements of consumer protection, came the movement to protect consumer to act as consumer awareness and protection from fraud and deception and neglect catalog. And represents a consumer protection associations social action organized by the consumer, in order to embody the right to listen to these consumers, and ensure the recovery of their rights that have been damage by the other parties (producers, marketers, distributors) in the process of exchange, causing them to lack of satisfaction to their needs and desires. Was reached by searching mainly to the existence of fundamental differences with significant between the demographic variables of the sample and the process of creating awareness among consumers. As to reach a significant influence statistically significant between the role of consumer protection association and the process of creating awareness among consumers.
This research consists of two parts. The first part depends on the previous researches and literature dealing with the subject research "comparative advertising". This research aims through the first part to analysis 'comparative advertising' phenom enon, advertisers use "comparative advertising" to persuade consumer to buy the brand through information and facts. This research Through field study aims to measure effect of comparative advertising form(one way advertisement VS. two way advertisement) on consumer attitude toward advertising and consumer attitude toward brand and consumer intention to purchase the brand . Through field study the research shows that there is a significant effect of two way comparative advertising on consumer attitude toward advertising and consumer attitude toward brand and consumer intention to purchase the brand, but there is no significant effect of one way comparative advertising on consumer attitude toward advertising and consumer attitude toward brand and consumer intention to purchase the brand.
This research aims to study the impact of the website lyrical design (site songs sm3na) in achieving behavioral response to customers. The researcher has distributed 180 questionnaires to a group of attendees of the location of the students of the Faculty of Literature at the University of Damascus, was recovered (164) questionnaire was valid for analysis which accounted for 91% of the total covered by the research.
The current research addresses the impact of the impact of the elements of promotional mix (Public Relations, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion) to increase the competitive ability of the service organizations by conducting a field stu dy on private hospitals which works in the Syrian coast , and to achieve the objectives of the research, A questionnaire was built and this questionnaire has applied on managers administrators in those hospitals, marketing Specialist, if any, or are responsible of advertising, where the researcher used the method of comprehensive inventory which concerns with collection the information on the hospitals studied, and the number of distributed questionnaires (61) questionnaire , recovered them (57) questionnaire , and the response rate (93.44 %), after study and analysis of the study found the following results: 1 - There is a significant correlation between the of the public relations method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 2 - There is a significant correlation between the types of advertising used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 3 - There is a significant correlation between the of personal selling method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 4 - There is a significant correlation between the of the sales promotion method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market.
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