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حماية المستهلك و دورها في رفع مستوى الوعي الاستهلاكي لدى المواطن السوري

1026   2   55   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 1999
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Steuart Brit, & Harper Boyd, Marketing Management and Administrative Action, New York, McGrow-Hill-1983 P27-30
Gordan Oliver. Marketing to day Engle wood cliffs. 1980. P314
Consumer-Forth Editio, Leone G Schiff man and lesile Lazar Kanok U.S.A 1991 P.180
rate research

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Appeared movements defending the rights of the consumer as a result of negligence and shortcomings in for consumer rights, which include protecting consumers from fraudulent practices and deception marketing and exploitation of its need for goods and services, and the damage and the risk of physical, moral, suffered by the consumer paid to the emergence of movements of consumer protection, came the movement to protect consumer to act as consumer awareness and protection from fraud and deception and neglect catalog. And represents a consumer protection associations social action organized by the consumer, in order to embody the right to listen to these consumers, and ensure the recovery of their rights that have been damage by the other parties (producers, marketers, distributors) in the process of exchange, causing them to lack of satisfaction to their needs and desires. Was reached by searching mainly to the existence of fundamental differences with significant between the demographic variables of the sample and the process of creating awareness among consumers. As to reach a significant influence statistically significant between the role of consumer protection association and the process of creating awareness among consumers.
This study aimed to evaluate the training programs that implemented by ministry of Administrative Development in Syria, and their relation with competencies levels through the study of trainee’s points of views. this study was conducted using the fou r components of training program (trainer, trainee, environment and place of training, material of training) and the relation with the levels of competencies (knowledge, experience, skills, behavioral style). The study also included the relation of sex, age, the years of experience and educational qualification categories with training program.
إنَّ الأساليب الترويجية المتبعة في الواقع، ليست كلها نظيفة، و قد يقع المستهلك نتيجة ذلك، ضحية الإعلان المضلل و تجاوزت البائع، كالخداع في السلعة أو الخدمة، أو عدم الالتزام بأصول البيع أو بضمان ما بعد البيع. لذلك فإنّ المستهلك، باعتباره الطرف الأضعف في المعادلة التي تربطه بالسوق، هو بحاجة ملحة إلى الحماية، من نفسه، و من الآخرين، و من ثم تقع مسؤولية هذه الحماية عليه هو نفسه، و على الآخرين، و خاصة على الدولة. و في سورية تتولى الدولة مهمة حماية المستهلكين بوصفهم مواطنين من خلال أجهزتها التشريعية و التنفيذية و الرقابية، و لكنها لا تعطي المستهلك أي دور لحماية نفسه بنفسه. فالمستهلك لديه القدرة أن يساعد الأجهزة الحكومية بشكل فعال، في تطبيق و تنفيذ إجراءات و سياسات حمايته.
The study aimed to determine the level of awareness of consumer rights with individual consumers in the province of Homs، the detection of differences in the level of consumer awareness of their rights، according to the variables of sex، academic qualification، age، monthly income. Where the study sample size was "104" consumers، male and female، were chosen destination sample of some markets in the city of Homs in a way، as they dish consumer awareness of consumer rights of scale prepared by the researcher، after verifying of validity and reliability.
The study aimed to identify the environmental awareness among the kindergarten children (high, middle, low) in Lattakia city. In order to achieve this objective, the sample of the research of kindergarten children was selected from public and priva te kindergartens. The number of the sample reached (180) children of the age (5-6) years. This sample was chosen stratified randomly. The researcher used the descriptive method to achieve the objectives of the study. The research tool consisted of a non-verbal environmental awareness scale, which was developed by the researcher to suit the developmental characteristics of the kindergarten child in The Syrian Environment. The study found that the level of the environmental awareness of kindergarten children in Lattakia was high. The results also showed that there were no differences between kindergarten children in their environmental awareness according to gender and kindergarten's own.
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