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Detection of Olive Oil Adulteration with Vegetable Oils Using Spectroscopy Technique in Ultra Violet Range

كشف غش زيت الزيتون الممزوج بالزيوت النباتية باستخدام تقنية التحليل الطيفي في المجال فوق البنفسجي

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 Publication date 2006
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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A set of 72 samples were formalized by mixing pure olive oil with vegetable oils: Corn, Soya bean, Sunflower, cotton by percentages of 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 percet respectively. Specific extinction at wavelengths 232nm, 266nm, 270nm and 274nm were measured for three replicates of each sample by using Spectroscopy technique in ultra violet range, ΔK value (alterative of variation of the specific extinction at the wavelength of maximum absorption near 270 nm) and R value (EB270nm / EB232nm) were calculated. The results showed the possibility of using ΔK value to detect the adulteration of Olive oil up to 6.5 ±0.004%, 4.4 ±0.004 %, 0.8 ±0.006% and 0.08±0.005% for Soya bean, Corn, Sunflower and cotton oil, respectively. While these values at 270 nm were 5±0.048%, 5.8 ±0.048%, 1.1±0.077% and 2.6±0.053% in the same arrangement. The absorption value at wavelength 232nm did not show any sign in detecting the adulteration. According to R value, the minimum detected percentages of adulteration were 20 and 10 for Corn and Soya been oil, Cotton and Sunflower oil subsequently . We recommend to use ΔK to detect the adulteration of Olive oil mixed with low percentages of vegetable oil.

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Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون بزيوت نباتية أخرى باستخدام تقنية التحليل الطيفي في نطاق الأشعة فوق البنفسجية. تم تحضير 72 عينة بخلط زيت الزيتون النقي مع زيوت نباتية مثل زيت الذرة، زيت فول الصويا، زيت عباد الشمس، وزيت القطن بنسب 5%، 10%، 20%، 30%، و40% على التوالي. تم قياس الامتصاصية عند الأطوال الموجية 232 نانومتر، 266 نانومتر، 270 نانومتر، و274 نانومتر لكل عينة باستخدام تقنية التحليل الطيفي في نطاق الأشعة فوق البنفسجية. تم حساب قيمة AK (التغير البديل للامتصاصية عند الطول الموجي الأقصى بالقرب من 270 نانومتر) وقيمة R (E270nm / E232nm). أظهرت النتائج إمكانية استخدام قيمة AK للكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون حتى نسب 6.5 ±0.004%، 4.4 ±0.004%، 0.8 ±0.006%، و0.08 ±0.005% لزيوت فول الصويا، الذرة، عباد الشمس، والقطن على التوالي. بينما كانت هذه القيم عند الطول الموجي 270 نانومتر 5 ±0.048%، 5.8 ±0.048%، 1.1 ±0.077%، و2.6 ±0.053% بنفس الترتيب. لم تظهر قيمة الامتصاصية عند الطول الموجي 232 نانومتر أي دلالة على الكشف عن الغش. وفقًا لقيمة R، كانت أدنى نسب للكشف عن الغش هي 20% و10% لزيوت الذرة وفول الصويا، وزيوت القطن وعباد الشمس على التوالي. توصي الدراسة باستخدام قيمة AK للكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون المخلوط بنسب منخفضة من الزيوت النباتية.
Critical review
تعد هذه الدراسة مهمة جدًا في مجال الكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون، حيث تقدم طريقة فعالة وسريعة باستخدام التحليل الطيفي في نطاق الأشعة فوق البنفسجية. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين مجموعة أوسع من الزيوت النباتية الأخرى التي قد تُستخدم في الغش. ثانيًا، ينبغي إجراء المزيد من الدراسات للتحقق من فعالية هذه الطريقة في ظروف مختلفة مثل درجات الحرارة المتباينة أو التخزين الطويل الأمد. أخيرًا، كان من الممكن تقديم تحليل اقتصادي لتكلفة استخدام هذه التقنية مقارنة بالطرق التقليدية الأخرى.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الزيوت النباتية التي تم استخدامها في هذه الدراسة للكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون؟

    تم استخدام زيوت الذرة، فول الصويا، عباد الشمس، والقطن في هذه الدراسة.

  2. ما هي الأطوال الموجية التي تم قياس الامتصاصية عندها في هذه الدراسة؟

    تم قياس الامتصاصية عند الأطوال الموجية 232 نانومتر، 266 نانومتر، 270 نانومتر، و274 نانومتر.

  3. ما هي أدنى نسب للكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون باستخدام قيمة AK؟

    أدنى نسب للكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون باستخدام قيمة AK هي 6.5 ±0.004%، 4.4 ±0.004%، 0.8 ±0.006%، و0.08 ±0.005% لزيوت فول الصويا، الذرة، عباد الشمس، والقطن على التوالي.

  4. ما هي التوصية الرئيسية التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    توصي الدراسة باستخدام قيمة AK للكشف عن غش زيت الزيتون المخلوط بنسب منخفضة من الزيوت النباتية.

References used
Aparicio, R. (2000). Handbook of Olive Oil, Analysis and Properties. Authentication. In: Warwood, J. and Aparico, R. eds. erties. Aspen publisher, Inc. pp 491-513
Aparicio, R. and Aparicio-ruiz, R. (2000). Authentication of Vegetable Oils by Chromatographic Techniques. J. Chromatography A, 881(0021-9673), 93- 104
Brenes, M., Hidalog, F. J., Garcia, A., Rios, J. J., Garcia, P., Zamora, R. and Garrido, A. (2000). Pinoresinol and 1-acetoxypinoresinol, Tow New Phenolic Compounds Identified in Olive Oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 77(1370- 6233), 715-720
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The study was conducted on randomized samples of virgin olive oils collected from Hama, Aleppo, Daraa, Latakia, Homs and Idleb to investigate the relationship between the quality indices of oil purity (peroxide value, the figure iodine, coefficien t of acidity, the absorption coefficient qualitative Xultraviolet K270 and distributed fatty acids) and related volatile flavor components compared with what is published in the literature. The results also showed that the quality indices of Hama and Lattakia، s samples in terms of extra virgin olive oil and the first class of virgin olive oil were not compatible with the Syrian Standards and metrology (2000/182) while the concentrations of fatty acids for samples of Idleb, Homs, Latakia, Deraa and Aleppo were within the scope of Syrian standard. However, their distribution in Hama samples did not comply with the ratios set forth in the Syrian specifications. Forty three volatile compounds were isolated and they correspond with what is published. The samples of research showed somewhat of similarity to a large extent with the exception of a sample of Hama, where a decline was observed in the content of volatile flavored materials. It was noticed that the essential composition of volatile compounds of the samples was aldehydes followed by ester of fatty acids and then hydrocarbons. The study showed that the technique used in this research was fast and efficient in extraction and identification of volatile compounds.
In this research, the concentration of thiocyanate ion in serum has been investigated, thiocyanate has negative effects on human body when it increasses higher than specific limit, this ion is produced by the metabolism of cyanide which exist in ci garette smoke. Spectrophotometric method has been used in the visible range at λ=460 nm, the formation of the complex between thiocyanate and reagent Ferric chloride (FeCl3) have been made in an ideal parameters such as temperature 25 ºC, time=15 min, pH=4.4, volume of citrate buffer=0.75 ml, volume of reagent (FeCl3) =1 ml and concentration of reagent = 0.02 mg/ml. The selected method showed good accuracy and precision, the accuracy of the method has been validated with R=99.3%, and the precision of relative standard deviation was (RSD<=1.149 % . The concentration of thiocyanate has been studied in a sample of 240 non-smokers’ and in a sample of 240 smokers’, these samples have been divided into different age groups. The maximum concentration of thiocyanate was 89.49 μmol/L in the fourth group (>50 years) of the non-smokers’, and the maximum concentration of thiocyanate was 190.27 μmol/L in the fourth group (>50 years) of the smokers’. The maximum concentration of thiocyanate was 91.647 μmol/L in the non-smokers’ males and 86.623 μmol/L for the nonsmokers’ females, whereas the concentration of thiocyanate was 204.53 μmol/L in the male smokers’ and 167.33 μmol/L in the female smokers’.
The objective of this research was to identify the potentials of Syrian olive oil exports through studying the current situation of the Syrian olive oil in the world and local markets and the most important factors effecting its competitiveness ca pabilities in the world markets. This study was built on analyzing the primary data obtained from the delivered questionnaires, searches lists and personal interviews with the exporting and manufacturing companies (30 companies) of Syrian olive oil. Some of the economic indicators were calculated to determine the competiveness status in the import markets. Results indicated that the Syrian olive oil exports had suffered from low competitiveness indicators of production which was 0.12 in the most important import markets for the studied period. In addition, the increased pricing levels compared with other competitors in the same markets had reached an average of 3083.98 dollars per ton representing 106% of world export price, high production costs, the reduction of the market penetration rate related to Syrian olive oil exports in the most important markets amounted to about 0.245 during the second period of the study. The low value of the dependence on export indicator compared with the competitive countries where Syria occupied the seventh place .This means that Syria doesn’t have a good export efficiency, lack of marketing researches on the foreign markets, the absence of promotional programs the restrictions applied by the European Union on the exports of Syrian olive oil, lack of access to all distribution outlets due to the dependence of the exported companies on the exclusive agents in the process of distribution and marketing. The results had recommended that the establishment of a comprehensive database and accurate studies is very necessary for the Syrian exported products, in addition to detailed studies about the major and promising markets to Syrian olive oil exports, iImproving the Syrian business environment to encourage the foreign direct investment to support the competitiveness of Syrian olive oil exports.
نفذت هذه الرسالة خلال موسم قطاف الزيتون 2009/2010 على صنف الزيتون الصوراني المزروع في ادلب وتم اختيار موقع واحد يصم 120 شجرة متجانسة لعمر حوالي 35 سنة .
Total Polyphenol was studied in olive leaves collected from Lattakia area (AlQurdaha zone), where Phenolic compounds were extracted from dry Olive leaves by using two extraction methods: maceration and Ultrasonic Device. By the both two methods a study was carried out on the extraction solvent concentration effect where the extraction was done by using the mixture of Ethanol-Water with different percentages (60,70,80 %). As well, The extraction temperature effect was studied at the both methods at (20,30, 40°C); in addition to the study of the extraction time effect. At the method of Maceration Extraction, the total polyphenols amount was studied in dry olive leaves after extraction during different times (24,48,72 h). While at the Ultrasonic Extraction the times were (10,20,30 min). The study showed that the highest amount of phenolic compounds were existed in dry olive leaves which were extracted by Ultrasonic Waves with the concentration of the solvent ethanol-water 80%, temperature of 40°C, and with an extraction time of 20min.
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