يهدف البحث إلى دراسة أثر كل من التقسية الملحية لبذور الذرة الصفراء (صنف غوطة 82) و أثر نوعية مياه الري في إنتاجية النباتات و محتوى أنسجتها من عناصر Cl, Na, K، فنقعت مجموعة من بذور الذرة الصفراء في مياه نهر الفرات العذبة ((EC:1.03 dS.m-1، و مجموعة أخرى في مياه صرف زراعي (EC: 5.89 dS.m-1) لمدة (12) ساعة، ثم جففت بذور المجموعتين وزرعت في قطع تجريبية مساحتها (15م2) لكل مكرر، و رويت النباتات خلال فصل النمو بأربع أنواع مختلفة من مياه الري (100% مياه فرات، 50% مياه فرات + 50% مياه صرف ، 33% مياه فرات + 67 مياه صرف، 100% مياه صرف). قدرت العناصرCl, Na, K في النبات و وزن الـ (1000) حبة و الإنتاج الصافي من الحبوب لكل مكرر و كل معاملة بالكغ.هـ.-1.
أظهرت النتائج أنه يمكن الوصول إلى إنتاج حوالي (3) طن من الحبوب للهكتار، باستعمال مياه صرف زراعي فقط في الري الذي يمكن اعتباره مقبولاً في ظروف المناطق الجافة. كما إن التقسية الملحية للبذور ساهمت في زيادة الإنتاج الصافي من الحبوب بنسبة (32.80%)، و هذه النسبة تعدُّ مرضية تحت ظروف منطقة التجربة.
In order to study the effect of prime treatment (salt hardening) on maize seeds
(variety Ghouta 82) and type of irrigation water on the plant response to salt stress through
the effect on the productivity and the plant tissue contents Cl, Na and K. Maize seeds were
soaked in Euphrates fresh water (EC:1.03 dS.m-1), or in agricultural drainage water (EC:
5.89 dS.m-1) for (12) hours, the seeds therefore were dried and planted in plots of (15 m2)
for each replicate and then irrigated with four different types of water; (100 % Euphrates
water, 50% Euph. water + 50% agri. drain. water, 33 % Euph. water + 67 % agri. drain.
water, and 100% agri. drain. water) during the growing season. K, Na, and Cl in plants
were determinated, 1000 grains weight, and grain yield production were estimated in kg.h-1
for each replicate and treatment.
The results showed that, it is possible to have 3 tons of grain / hectare by irrigation
with agricultural drainage water, which is acceptable, under semi-arid conditions. Salt
hardening of maize seeds increased seed yield by (32.80%), which is considered
satisfactory under the experimental conditions.
References used
Amjad Javid, M; G, Yasin, Nabi, and A, Rauf. : Evaluation of germination and growth of cotton by pre-sowing treatment under salt- stressed conditions. Pakistan journal of agricultural research : Abstracts , April- june, 2002
Amzallage G.N., Lernez H.R., & Poljakoff-Mayber A: Induction increased salt tolerance in Sorghum bicolor L. by NaCl pretreatment. J. exp. Bot.,41: (1990),29-34
Ashraf. M. & H. Rauf.: Inducing salt tolerance in maize (Zea maize L.) through seed priming with chloride salts: growth and transport at early growth stages. Acta Physiol. Plant. 23 ,( 2001): 407-414
This investigation is a mimesis to what usually happens in nature, where the
plants are normally exposed to sublethal environmental stresses before their
exposure to the lethal level of stresses.
The gradual increase of environmental stress, gives
A pot exrpriment was conducted in a greenhouse in Tishreen University. The
experiment included three soils differ in their chemical properties: 1) heavy clay red soil
rich in iron oxides; 2) a silty loam basiltic soil; 3) a heavet clay red soil ric
Despite being one of the reasons of production decline, salinity is still a tool
to improve production quality in some hybrids. this research was conducted at
the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Damascus during 2012 season. A salt
stress was
This study was carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus
University, and ACSAD during the year 2001 – 2002 in order to assess the
genetic variability of twenty wheat genotypes for osmotic stress tolerance by
using PEG-6000 as a water str
In this study, the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride
(NaCl) (0, 50, 100, 150 mM) on some physiological characteristics and some
growth indicators of SO4 grape rootstock propagated in vitro was studied at the
laboratories of Gen