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مشروع قانون حقوق الطفل في سورية دراسة تحليلية نقدية في ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Sharia
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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ابن عابدين، محمد أمين: حاشية رد المختار على الدر المختار، دار الفكر، بيروت، 1421 ه
ابن نجيم: البحر الرائق، دار المعرفة، بيروت، الطبعة الثانية.
الأزهري،صالح: الثمر الداني، المكتبة الثقافية، بيروت.
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In the past years, I have been actively promoting the civil marriage project This promotion was dominated by the (non-scientific) propaganda method, which aims to polish and market the idea of ​​civil marriage. Until the matter became confusing for many people, including those who possessed their faith belief, and practiced their religious commitment in the practical side. Perhaps the reason for this confusion is - in addition to what we have mentioned of the promotional and propaganda method - the failure of these people to pay attention to the fact that the drafts of the Civil Marriage Law - and those laws in force in many countries - are in clear and equal violation of what is stated in the Noble Qur’an, and the Sunnah of the Prophet (p. ) and his capacity (peace be upon them), and that it depends on a set of justifications and compelling reasons that involve more than weakness, so that it does not withstand the Criticism and analysis. Hence, it was useful to initiate a comparative study between the sources of legislation in Islam (the Qur’an and the Sunnah..) in their relevant texts.
No doubt, rights of the family members, have been regulated by Islam, but some scholars discussed the topic from different view point to the inherents of Islamic teachings that led him to odd results. So we discussed here two of the important topi cs, that is, maintenance and guardianship within the following points: Who is responsible, the legal reasoning that reflects the need instincts of human being. we also made some references to secular laws, decisions of conferences held for woman, and the status of the family in western countries.
جاءت الشريعة الإسلامية للاهتمام بالإنسان في مراحل حياته كّلها، و لاسيما حينما يكون طفلا فشرعت من الأحكام و الأنظمة ما يحميه و يرعاه. و الطفل اللقيط له أحكام كثيرة في ثنايا الفقه الإسلامي، تبين أهميته و ضرورة حفظه و تربيته؛ ليغدو فردًا سويًا في مجتمعه و أمته.
The study aims to analyze the developmental role of Islamic banks operating in Syria. To achieve this goal has been set of financial indicators relating to Islamic banking under study account (Sham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank, Al Baraka Bank) relating to the ability of these banks to attract savings, employment of resources, creating value, and its ability to create jobs.
يهدف البحث الحالي إلى تحليل مضمون الأغنية الموجهة إلى الأطفال، و بيان درجة تشبعها بمفاهيم حقوق الطفل، لما للأغنية من تأثير كبير في تعزيز القيم و الاتجاهات في شخصية الطفل. يعتمد البحث على تحليل هذه القيم في سياق القيم الاجتماعية و الثقافية الأخرى.

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