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قيم حقوق الطفل في أغاني الأطفال إذاعة دمشق نموذج

1220   0   9   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
  fields Literature
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
إسماعيل، محمود حسن: دور الثقافة والإعلام في تشكيل الوعي الثقافي للطفل، مجلة الطفولة والتنمية، العدد الصفري، المجلس العربي للطفولة والتنمية، . القاهرة، 1999
دغيمات، عبد الكريم: الأناشيد والأغاني المدرسية وأغنية الطفل، وزارة الثقافة، . الأردن، 2000
زغلول، نفيسة : دور الموسيقا في تربية الطفل، رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة، . كلية التربية الموسيقية ، جامعة حلوان، القاهرة، 1971
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The present research aims at studying the impact, which the US Occupation of Iraq has left on the children's social life and violation of their rights, through a field research study of a sample of Iraqi Refugee children and their families, curren tly staying in Damascus. The study is divided into five main parts, where the first part deals with the War on Iraq, its threats to children, pointing out the number of the refugees throughout the Syrian Governorates, and explaining the demographic, health and educational conditions of those children. The second part deals with the basic patterns of the research; explaining the importance of the research, its goals, enquiries and the patterned measures adopted, while defining the original community, the research sample, and the method adopted. The third part deals with a number of Arab and Foreign studies, pointing out the position of this research in relation to these studies. As for the fourth part, it brings in an analysis of the US Occupation^ impact on the Iraqi children, who are now refugees in Syria, as the fifth part reviews the basic results reached and all enquiries related.
يتناول البحث مشروع قانون حقوق الطفل الذي صدرت مسودته في شهر تشرين الأول عام 2006 م، مع تعديلاته اللاحقة، و يدرسه من ناحية انسجامه مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية، و قبل عرض مواده القانونية التي لا تنسجم و أحكام الشريعة سيتناول بالدراسة الأمور الآتية: مقد مات المشروع و ديباجته. ولادة المشروع. لجان الصياغة و المراجعة. الأسباب الموجبة للمشروع. المذكرة الإيضاحية للمشروع. موجبات عرض الرؤية الإسلامية. ثم بعد ذلك يقدم البحث الدراسة التطبيقية لمواد المشروع، و أخيراً يتبع ذلك بالخاتمة و نتائج البحث. يحاول البحث أن يسهم في دراسة المشروع و إغنائه قبل أن يصبح قانوناً؛ حرصاً على تقديم الرؤية الإسلامية لأمر يهتم به المجتمع بأسره، فضلاً عن كون الشريعة المرجعية الأولى التي يحتكم إليها المسلمون، و أهم المصادر التشريعية التي نص عليها الدستور السوري. و حرصاً على موضوعية البحث و دقته فقد اتبع البحث الاستقراء أساساً لمعرفة آراء الفقهاء، كما اتبع المنهج التحليلي في دراسة المواد القانونية، و شفع ذلك بالمقارنة مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية.
This paper views folk literature as one of acceptability and of rejection at the same time. It is also concerned with the dramatic dimension of the art of lullaby in classical Arabic literature because choreography was associated with the art of si nging all along, and lullabies are considered an example of their combination, because they were arranged in accordance with a choreographic effect. And, since movement is the basis of drama, there follows the relation between lullabies and drama. This paper examines this subject in terms of the following mechanism: -Identifying the terms which will form the pivot of this paper. - The dramatic content of these lullabies - The characteristics of dramatic discourse This study stems from the idea that every discourse has a counter- discourse, and that every thought has its counter–thought. Thus, what is the relation between voice and thought on the one hand, and what are the dramatic discursive interactions in these lullabies on the other?
Children are the most damaged group affected by crimes of terrorism, suffering numerous forms of aggression. Due to the terrorism which has violently disrupted Syria previously, the phenomenon of recruiting children into combat and related actions mo tivated the law to release the Legal Decree n. /11/ for the year 2013 which criminalizes the recruitment and employment of children in combat. The publication of this law has developed a new contradictory situation where it has made the recruited child both a victim and a criminal at the same time. Therefore, the child is considered a victim in the recruitment and deployment of combat which aims to polytheism them in the fighting actions, while at the same time the child is also considered as being responsible for the crimes that he ventured to do during his recruitment period. This presents an unacceptable contrast within the law. The subject of this study is to identify the children which have been recruited by the armed terrorist groups, and to show the features displayed which distinguish such children from other children who are involved in criminal activity with the aim of defining the legal position for these recruited children and their responsibility towards the crimes that they have committed during their recruitment period.
The Bible forms an abundant reference to the poets of poetic modernism, Particularly the psalms that imitated their inclinations towards salvation that had an impact in their poetry.Among these poets We mention the Egyptian poetess ( Amal Danqal ) , the palestinian poet (Mahmoud Darwish ) and the poet of our research, Adonis,of whose songs the psalm forms the initial structure or building block at the beginning of each poetical collection to combine the psalms forming the body of Adonis poetics that Adonis includes all rituals of his neglect and the surpass. This surpass that he shows in the accumulation of behavioral perceptions of human being where the psalm is the expression of an evolutionary vision of man as a whole ( Belief and behavior).
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