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تقييم جودة خدمات الرعاية الصحية في مستشفيات التعليم العالي في سورية من وجهة نظر المرضى: نموذج لقياس رضا المرضى

1528   4   145   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Annemieke B., Nathalie V., Johan H., Birte P., 2005, patient Compliance: A Determinant of patient Satisfaction?, Angle or thodontist; 75(4): 462 – 467
Carmel S. Satisfaction with hospitalization: a comparative analysis of three types of services. Soc Sci Med 1985; 21:1243-49
Carr-Hill RA. The measurement of patient satisfaction. J Pub Health Med 1992,3: 236-49
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على أثر الابتكار التسويقي (الابتكار على مستوى الأفراد, الابتكار على مستوى الإجراءات, الابتكار على مستوى التكنولوجيا) على جودة الخدمات الصحية بأبعادها (الاعتمادية, الملموسية, الاستجابة, الأمان, التعاطف) في مشفى الباسل بطرطو س. تم جمع البيانات الأولية للبحث من خلال استبيان تم توزيعه على عينة ملائمة من مجتمع البحث, و تم تحليل هذه البيانات من خلال برنامج الـ SPSS الإحصائي. و لاختبار فرضيات الدراسة تم استخدام تحليل الانحدار البسيط و الانحدار المتعدد.
هدف البحث لبيان واقع التعليم العالي غير النظامي من وجهة نظر الدارسين فيه، و ذلك في برنامج التعليم المفتوح في كلية التربية بجامعة دمشق، و دبلوم التأهيل التربوي في الجامعة الافتراضية السورية. تم تصميم استبانة لتحديد أهم المشكلات التي يعانيها هذا الش كل من التعليم العالي من وجهة نظر الطلبة، تتألف من ( 35 ) بنداً، تتوزع على عدة محاور.
The aim of the research is to identify the level of patient satisfaction with the health services provided by the governmental hospitals in the Syrian coast, whether with respect to the doctors treating them, the nursing staff, or the level of serv ice and organization. The research was based on the descriptive approach and the survey method. The questionnaire was used as the main source of data and information. The research community consisted of patients residing in government hospitals in Latakia and Tartous, where 425 questionnaires were distributed to patients, 400 of which were complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of 94.12%. The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: *Satisfaction of patients with doctors treated in public hospitals in the Syrian coast is good, with a relative importance (64.684%). *The satisfaction of patients with nursing staff in general in public hospitals in the Syrian coast was of medium level, with a relative importance (64.556%). *Patients' satisfaction with service and organization in general in the public hospitals in the Syrian coast was of medium level, with relative importance (63.51%). *Patients' satisfaction with the quality of treatment provided in public hospitals in the Syrian coast was of medium level and relative importance (65.9%). *Patients' satisfaction with the quality of services provided in public hospitals in the Syrian coast was of medium level and relative importance (65.6%).
This study aimed to identify the level of quality of health services provided in health centers in the province of Lattakia (supervision area of al-Shamia). It also determined the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries on health services provided in these centers. The study community consisted of families who went repeatedly to the health centers in the area. The researcher has used the descriptive analytical method to measure the satisfaction of the beneficiaries with the quality of health services provided in the centers. A questionnaire has been designed and distributed among the beneficiaries families in order to measure the quality level of health services in the centers. Data has been also studied and analyzed by using the SPSS program. After analysis of the data, there was clearly lack of quality of health services provided in health centers al-Shamia ​​supervision area, according to the dimensions of quality of health services (tangibility, reliability, power of responsiveness, empathy, trust and safety) from the viewpoint of the beneficiaries of the services provided
Objective: Multiple sclerosis progress in different patterns. It is divided to relapsing remitting, secondary progressive, primary progressive and progressive with relapses types. Our study concentrates on studying these different patterns in our area.

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