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Alienation in Ghassan Kanafani's Novels

الحس الاغترابي في أعمال روائية لغسان كنفاني

1141   2   27   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study tries to reveal the deep secret of one of the phenomena which emerged in literature as a product of an effective human activity, represented in the "alienation feeling" which characterizes a lot of international and Arab novel works . The consequences of this feeling are demonstrated in different pictures and forms. This study investigated this phenomenon by examining a model of such works by a leading person of modern Arab Palestinian literature who suffered from alienation and its harmful effects and his suffering was demonstrated in his literary work, in his novels in particular, through his awareness of this concept and its demonstrations, indicating political and economic factors represented in poverty, freedom, restrictions and dominating powers. All this is confronted by a firm individual awareness which reshapes real occurrence in an effective confrontation, represented in the different pictures of the characters of novels.

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة موضوع 'الحس الاغترابي' في الأدب العربي الحديث من خلال أعمال الروائي الفلسطيني غسان كنفاني. تستعرض الدراسة مفهوم الاغتراب وأبعاده المختلفة، سواء كانت اقتصادية، سياسية، اجتماعية، أو نفسية، وتربطها بتجارب شخصيات كنفاني الروائية. تتناول الدراسة روايات 'رجال في الشمس'، 'ما تبقى لكم'، 'أم سعد'، و'الأعمى والأطرش'، وتستعرض كيف يعكس كنفاني من خلال هذه الأعمال معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني من الاغتراب القسري عن الوطن، والفقر، والقهر السياسي. كما تبرز الدراسة كيف تتجلى مظاهر الاغتراب في الشخصيات الروائية، سواء من خلال الاغتراب الديني، القيمي الاجتماعي، النفسي، أو المكاني. وتخلص الدراسة إلى أن كنفاني نجح في تحويل حالة الاغتراب من محمولاتها السلبية إلى حالة إيجابية تدفع باتجاه الفعل الثوري والتضحية من أجل القضايا الوطنية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم الدراسة تحليلاً شاملاً ومعمقاً لموضوع الاغتراب في أعمال غسان كنفاني، وتستعرض بشكل جيد كيف أن هذا الموضوع يعكس معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول أن الدراسة قد تكون استفاضت في بعض الجوانب النظرية على حساب التحليل الأدبي التفصيلي لبعض النصوص. كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر توازناً بين الجانب النظري والتطبيقي، وأن تقدم أمثلة نصية أكثر توضيحاً للظواهر الاغترابية التي تناولتها. كما أن الدراسة قد استفادت من توسيع نطاق المقارنة مع أعمال أدبية أخرى تعالج نفس الموضوع، سواء في الأدب العربي أو العالمي، لتعزيز الفهم النقدي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأبعاد المختلفة لمفهوم الاغتراب التي تناولتها الدراسة؟

    تناولت الدراسة الأبعاد الاقتصادية، السياسية، الاجتماعية، والنفسية لمفهوم الاغتراب، وربطتها بتجارب شخصيات غسان كنفاني الروائية.

  2. ما هي الروايات التي تم تحليلها في الدراسة؟

    تم تحليل روايات 'رجال في الشمس'، 'ما تبقى لكم'، 'أم سعد'، و'الأعمى والأطرش'.

  3. كيف يعكس غسان كنفاني معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني من الاغتراب؟

    يعكس كنفاني معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني من الاغتراب من خلال تصوير الشخصيات الروائية التي تعاني من الفقر، القهر السياسي، والاغتراب القسري عن الوطن.

  4. ما هي النقطة النقدية الرئيسية التي يمكن توجيهها للدراسة؟

    النقطة النقدية الرئيسية هي أن الدراسة قد استفاضت في بعض الجوانب النظرية على حساب التحليل الأدبي التفصيلي لبعض النصوص، وكان من الممكن أن تكون أكثر توازناً بين الجانب النظري والتطبيقي.

References used
إبراهيم، عبد الله، البناء الفني لرواية الحرب في العراق، بغداد، دار الشؤون الثقافية العامة، 1988
إبراهيم، فتحي، معجم المصطلحات الأدبية، تونس، التعاضدية العمالية، 1986
حبيب، نجمة، النموذج الإنساني في أدب غسان كنفاني، بيروت، مؤسسة غسان كنفاني، 1999
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The setting in novels has captured the novelists' attention in the contemporary literary world. It was considered the link between elements of the novel. It is، after all، the setting of the events، the substantial scope in which characters move and where all conflicts take place. Thus، the setting، with its different types، has preoccupied modern studies which examined the relation between the setting and the narrative elements، especially the character. Studies have preserved to reflect the relation between setting and character and the effect this relation has on forming the setting and giving it specific characteristics depending upon the case and the reality of the Palestinian movement. This relation between setting and character has acquired much importance due to the mutual relation between the two، to the extent that setting، in some novels، has become a basis for the events، a purpose for forming characters، and a conformation for their identity and existence. This research sheds light on setting in SaharKhalife's novels، its role in personifying the Palestinian reality، and studying its importance in the life of the Palestinian character، in addition to showing the role of description in projecting its indicative features and dimensions.
The prominence of the subjective aspect in Prince Manjak's poetry has made him by far one of the most renowned poets of the Ottoman Period. This aspect is well and fully exemplified by his poetry of alienation. His alienation manifests itself in t hree dimensions: 1. Conscious alienation that penetrates deep into the personal obsessions vis-à-vis the suffering of staying and itinerancy, the bitterness of deprivation and failure; 2. Temporal (Time) alienation, incorporated in the absence of spiritual, social and moral communication with others, following his consciousness of departure from his period deepens; and 3. Spatial (Place) alienation, as a result of his life turning into a muddle of anxiety, confusion and instability. However, the poet then strives to overcome his alienation and compensate for his estrangement and deprivation through recalling the past, celebrating himself, evoking legacy, and sticking to faith. To achieve that end, he uses, as a vehicle, his distinctive language that speaks out his emotional experience and individual ability to pick up the exact, most felicitous term. Therefore, his poetry is seen to be rich in everlasting artistic portraits –portraits expressive of a conscious self that transcends reality to embrace the contradictions of existence, and subsequently looks forward to a new world, alive with all that is pleasant, fair and noble.
The contemporary interest has increased with the titles, so that some researchers considered the titles as mini texts which contribute in forming a primary opinion that motivate the reader and guide him to some meaning that the authors referring to , and other researchers considered the titles just a hypothesis for reading, not prejudice, because it might lead the reader towards the meaning directly, and it might deceive and mislead him as well, which make the creative texts poetically bigger and richer, and in both cases the title remains the first textual episode that the reader’s awareness meet with the creative text, regardless the type of the titles: realistic, equivocation, symbolism and others. My choice has fallen into this research because of the variety that Ghassan Wannous text stories’ have shown, which indicates the awareness of the writer about the importance of the titles, and the role it might perform in serving the textual meaning, and this is what this research aspires to approach and highlights.
This research attempts to show what has been said, through discussing the principle of alienation as in language and in term, then as it to Al-Ma'ri. It concentrates on the aspects of alienation in himself such as blindness, travelling and the iso lation of society, and clarify that in his poetry, then it discusses the objective alienation in poetry as political, intellectual, cultural, religious, national and social alienation joining it with place and time.
The body is one of the basic themes that Feminist literature texts revolve around. And its interest degree varies from one text to another and from one novelist to another. Like Gadda AL Samman which clebrated the flesh in her novels, and was engage d in drawing up the details, mystries and desires of body that contribute in the ambivalence. AL Samman was bold to highlight the surgeons.This research is considerd as aread of balanced body between desire and social mores imposed. The literature try to make akind of harmony between self and outside world through taking the social values and integrate them with the personal will.
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