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الرقابة على دستورية القوانين

3180   7   94   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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أ.د. أحمد كمال أبو المجد الرقابة على دستورية القوانين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والإقليم المصري رسالة دكتوراه مقدمة لجامعة القاهرة مكتبة النهضة المصرية طبعة . عام 1960
أ.د. أمين عاطف صليبيا دور القضاء الدستوري في إرساء دولة القانون المؤسسة الحديثة . للكتاب بيروت طبعة عام 2002
أ.د. جابر جاد نصار الأداء التشريعي لمجلس الشعب والرقابة على دستورية القوانين في . مصر القاهرة دار النهضة العربية الطبعة الأولى 1999
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The power is correlated to the life cycle of every political group, since the membership in any community involves subordination to its authority, i.e. to the power that define a framework for all members of society for their behavior and activitie s, this framework serves planned social objectives; thus Individuals respect this framework in order to maintain the social association and to prevent it from dissociation and dissolution.The current trend in constitutional jurisprudence is to restrict the power of polity and put suitable limits of it to ensure no arbitrariness from its side, and to prevent it from infringement and prejudice to the rights and freedom of individuals. The concept of sovereignty as it was described by traditional jurisprudence does not mean that power has no limits, since the release of sovereignty is relative.Thus, the power of polity is restricted by the Goal of its existence, which is to protect the natural rights and freedom of individuals. Polity non-interference in these rights and freedom is not enough, as there should be a positive commitment from the polity to protect such rights and freedom within the limits that permitted to all to practicing it.
Citizenship is identified in terms of a constellation of rights intermingled with social and political duties including the right to vote, enjoying the public liberties related to political practice, and occupying general posts, etc. Such contribut ion is based on the principle of equality, and acknowledging the full membership of the individual within his community. The citizen, however, is obsessed by elevating the civilization of his homeland, and continuing its history of progress and modernity. Authority is a political and economic concept the existence of which requires the status of human conglomeration. Hypothetically, it should be elected democratically. Its function is to avail multifaceted services in order to guarantee the continuity of society and government, thus, the citizen and the state. Henceforward, authority types basically spring from the variety of services that are supposed to provide to society and citizens. The practical applicability of the principle of citizenship is likely to ensure the strength of states and the availability of the elements of its independent existence, the sovereignty of its authority, its citizens' monitoring of its treasures and wealth, its officials' keenness to keep it progressed and elevated, and their dedication to keep it upright. Accordingly, what is the relationship between rights and duties? What is the relationship of each of them to citizenship and authority?
تضمن كتاب السياسة عند أرسطو معظم أفكاره السياسية , فقد بنى فكره و تحليليه على النطاق المحدد لدولة المدينة . و قد وصف المواطن فيها مؤكداً ضرورة إيجاد توازن بين الحرية و السلطة في المدينة الدولة ، و عالج فكرة السيادة في الدولة و اقترب من مبدأ فصل السل طات مع تحليله الواقعي للحكومات القائمة, و توضيحه للقوانين التي تحكم الظواهر السياسية، و تعرضه للثورات كظاهرة عامة يمكن أن تتحقق في أيّ مجتمع و في أيّ نظام سياسي مع ضرورة التفرقة بين الثورة و المشاكل السياسية الصغيرة و الانتفاضات السياسية البسيطة التي تمرّ عَرضاً، و إعطائه مُرشداً لكيفية التغلب على إمكانية قيامها, مع تناوله لاتجاهات الحكومات المختلفة . و تجدر الإشارة إلى أن السياسة النظرية التي صاغتها عبقرية أرسطو مازالت إلى يومنا هذا تعاني من المشكلات نفسها التي عانتها من أول دورٍ من أدوارها.
The control on the constitutionality of laws, one of the most important guarantees that reinforce the principle of the Constitution as the source highess the ultimate and the highest for all legal activities in the state. highess the Constitution a s it becomes the principle of illusory if there is no body in the state holds control over the Compatibility with the legislative acts of brokerage Constitution In order to achieve this purpose, the Constitution of 1973 established the Supreme Constitutional Court and entrusted with the presidency of the exercise of the job, which was keen to adopt the Constitution of 2012, with his quest to expand the role of the court in the exercise of this power will try this research highlight the role of this Court through a comparative study between the constitutions of 1973 and 2012 by analysing of constitutional provisions governing the control exercised by the Supreme Constitutional Court in the Syrian Arab Republic. ...
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